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What if there was no Kashmir dispute?


Aug 17, 2013
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Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.
I think having some trust on each other would help with Water. Several states are fighting for Water share in India. There would be more national/international problems due to water in future.
I understand your intention.

However you cannot ask this question without addressing the historical basis of Kashmir as they connect to the rest of the region,.
Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.
Then they would have found some other thing to crib about.
In the end a country's whose sole identity was defined on being 'not India' had to develop a healthy hate for India to survive.

Why do you think so many Pakistani's have such an Arab colonized and obsessed mind..That so many think themselves as descendents of Arabs and identify with Arabs more than their own land..its because it was a way to remove their Indic past.

So net net..nothing much.
Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.
There can never be peace between India and pakistan. We are divided by ideology! In the end, only one of us will be standing. It's either them or us.
Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.

Kashmir was just one of the incident for getting as many princely states and Pakistan was eyeing lot many Hindu majority princely states, so there wasn't going to be any peace between India and Pakistan.
Yet another good thread

being turned into the usual $hit shoveling.

Perhaps that happens to be family business of the repeat shovelers,. :D

if I understood correctly, OP's intention was that

Indian posters should have talked about India

And India only. Their views about not having a constant headache.

But no!

$hit shovelers jump in and start doing their maggotty-faggoty job

Well, maybe there is still time to rectify it! Pakistanis stop worrying about kashmir and get your army onto more priority things instead.
You guys lost East pakistan as you were not willing to see the ground reality.Same thing will happen if you guys keep harping about Kashmir, history repeats itself!
If there was no Kashmir dispute, then expect very good relation between two countries. Hate, wars ,started due to Kashmir issue . I wish that we resolve this Kashmir issue. This dispute can even invite nuclear war. :(:( :(
If there was no Kashmir dispute, then expect very good relation between two countries. Hate, wars ,started due to Kashmir issue . I wish that we resolve this Kashmir issue. This dispute can even invite nuclear war. :(:( :(

What is with the Kashmir that it has been equalled to the very existence of Pakistan? I never got a convincing answer from any Pakistani since I joined almost 4 years ago.
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