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What if there was no Kashmir dispute?

If there was no Kashmir dispute, then expect very good relation between two countries. Hate, wars ,started due to Kashmir issue . I wish that we resolve this Kashmir issue. This dispute can even invite nuclear war. :(:( :(
if there was no kashmir issue then some other issue..
you did not have leaders that believe in democracy from beginning (jinnah included)... and I think democracy is essential for lasting peace.
Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.
kashmir issue was created by west to work as a buffer zone b/w two Asian Giants ie u and us.

If there was no kashmir there would have been no East Pak debacle also or no east pak at all.
Would India and Pakistan have been at peace? or there could be something else? Like East Bengal?
I think in 1962 war, Pakistan offered to help.

If Kashmir issue would not have been there, I feel Indo-Pak relations would have been on a better footing, and Pakistan would have been free of terrorism and prosperous, and certainly Bangladesh would not have been formed.
Then they would have found some other thing to crib about.
In the end a country's whose sole identity was defined on being 'not India' had to develop a healthy hate for India to survive.

Why do you think so many Pakistani's have such an Arab colonized and obsessed mind..That so many think themselves as descendents of Arabs and identify with Arabs more than their own land..its because it was a way to remove their Indic past.

So net net..nothing much.

Please quote me anyone in this forum,Who think Pakistanis are arabs?

Pakistani may not be Indians and infact never were,But they are also not arab

Punjabis and sindhi's are the historic people of IVC,Pashtuns are of afghanistan and Baloch i believe has some iranian roots.
Please quote me anyone in this forum,Who think Pakistanis are arabs?

Pakistani may not be Indians and infact never were,But they are also not arab

Punjabis and sindhi's are the historic people of IVC,Pashtuns are of afghanistan and Baloch i believe has some iranian roots.
Since when did Punjabi and Sindhi's not become Indians? Muhammad bin Qasim?
Oh yeah. We called it Bharat before. Then Hindustan. Now Bharat again.

Well Punjab and Sindh were merged with the rest of Bharat by foriegn invaders but most of time they were independent as IVC or under Raja Ranjit singh.

They might be hindustani once as they were the people of IVC once or under the Raja ranjeet singh once.Today they are pakistanis.
Well India is a country of "kuffar".."kaafir"..blah blah...and all kuffar needs to die. So whether Kashmir or no Kashmir as long as there are Mullahs are preaching their version of Islam.....the Jihad would have continued....the quest for Ghazwa-e-hind by the Mard-e-momin (lal topee) would still be on...
They are the people of IVC,they are not indians.India is relatively a new term

And how relatively new term is Pakistan compared to India.End of the day son can get his grandfathers wealth only through his father,you cannt disown your father and claim grandfathers wealth.
Well Punjab and Sindh were merged with the rest of Bharat by foriegn invaders but most of time they were independent as IVC or under Raja Ranjit singh.

They might be hindustani once as they were the people of IVC once or under the Raja ranjeet singh once.Today they are pakistanis.
Right so for most of known history in which Punjab and Sindh were ruled from what is modern day India is just..random right?
Then they would have found some other thing to crib about.
In the end a country's whose sole identity was defined on being 'not India' had to develop a healthy hate for India to survive.

Why do you think so many Pakistani's have such an Arab colonized and obsessed mind..That so many think themselves as descendents of Arabs and identify with Arabs more than their own land..its because it was a way to remove their Indic past.

So net net..nothing much.

Oh please thats crock of baloney !

if one was to watch an Indian movie you will see young girls wearing mini skirts and dating i take it thats indians way of saying we are not India.
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