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What if Russian Project 23000E can be base for future Indian nuclear AC.

Energy requirements are a different matter.


Talwars--> 20% price increase and delivered >1 year late
Vikramditya---> >150% price increase and delivered 5 years late
FGFA---> nowhere to be seen after Russia had assured India they would get their first prototype in 2014
MRTA---> The customer (IAF) asks for FADEC engines, for years the Russians ignore this request and now have all but killed it (as far as India is concerned).
AN-32RE---> Upgrade deal sabotaged after Russia's aggression in Crimea leading to >30% of the fleet being grounded today.
T-90---> delivered late and without the critical ToT the Russians had promised

This is hardly the foundation of a strategic partnership.

India and Russia can remain close but the days when India relied on the Russians is long gone.
Talwars--> 20% price increase and delivered >1 year late

How about Scorpion submarine and the delays.

Vikramditya---> >150% price increase and delivered 5 years late
Which other COUNTRY was selling us A/C Carrier ? and which other will sell?

FGFA---> nowhere to be seen after Russia had assured India they would get their first prototype in 2014

Do we have any other option other than this when it comes to Fifth Gen A/cs .Please dont say AMCA
MRTA---> The customer (IAF) asks for FADEC engines, for years the Russians ignore this request and now have all but killed it (as far as India is concerned).
Bad apple for sure !

AN-32RE---> Upgrade deal sabotaged after Russia's aggression in Crimea leading to >30% of the fleet being grounded today.

well u dont expect rusisa to part away with Crimea for sake of AN-32s .. right ? the fauklty party here is Ukraine.
T-90---> delivered late and without the critical ToT the Russians had promised

I would blame Indian negotiators and MOD.
These graphics show the crucial differences between the world's 3 types of aircraft carrier

By Jeremy Bender 4 hours ago
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$13 billion price tag.

Still, despite the cost, a number of countries have succeeded in building or acquiring a carrier. Although the US has the largest number of carriers with the most advanced technology and the largest flight decks, a variety of carriers of various sizes and sophistication are in use around the world.

The following graphics, created by US Naval Institute member Jeff Head at World-Wide Aircraft Carriers, breaks down the various carrier classes in use around the world today. The first class, Catapult Assisted Take-Off, Barrier Assisted Recovery (CATOBAR), are the largest and most complex carriers in use today.

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(Jeff Head/World-Wide Aircraft Carriers)
The catapult-based launch system [URL='http://www.businessinsider.com/us-may-supply-india-with-aircraft-carrier-technology-2015-4']allows
the carriers to fly a greater variety of heavy and lightweight planes and at a greater takeoff rate and velocity, compared to non-catapult systems. The majority of CATOBAR carriers are nuclear-powered.

Short Take-Off, Barrier Assisted Recovery (STOBAR) carriers differ from CATOBARs in more than just their launch technology. The carriers are equipped with "ski-jump" ramps that allow for aircraft to take off from the carriers. They are technologically simpler and thus easier to operate than CATOBAR carriers, although aircraft must be lighter to successfully take off from their decks.

STOBARs, like CATOBARs, still use assisted-recovery methods such as trap wires that help aircraft land and decelerate on a dangerously short runway.

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(Jeff Head/World-Wide Aircraft Carriers)
Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) carriers are the [URL='http://www.jeffhead.com/worldwideaircraftcarriers/carriers.htm']cheapest type
to build. Like STOBARs, they run off of conventional rather than nuclear power. Although the carriers sometimes feature a ski-jump to assist with takeoffs, the vessels do not feature any recovery systems to help aircraft land.

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(Jeff Head/World-Wide Aircraft Carriers)
[url="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/graphics-show-crucial-differences-between-191737745.html"]These graphics show the crucial differences between the world's 3 types of aircraft carrier - Yahoo Finance

You think Russia gets nothing from this? Pawning off their rusting assets to a friendly nation at a hefty premium is just sound business.

Stop getting lost in nostalgia and hung up on the past. 2016's Russia needs 2016's India much more than the reverse.

+ India can't actually buy a SSN from anyone- that's why the "leasing" arrangment was created that is ownership by another name.

To a certain extent, I agree with @jatt

There is a LOT of input of Russia in the Arihant class. And there is going to be a lot of input in the next line also.
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