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What If India Attacks Pakistan?

92208, shamelessly surrendered. during kargil they didn't accepted the dead bodies of their soldiers. US bombs them day and night. they get humiliated right left centre.

LoL the indian people have been conquered and abused for a thousand years, even my Jatt tribe received hundreds of indian women as tribute from our Mughal and Afghan allies.
Even your top General at the time Manakshaw said that Bangladesh was impossible for us to defend, it was a thousand km away from the mainland. But india is a weak civilization about that, there is no doubt.
a common pakistani mistake.
just because a country hates violence does not make it 'weak'
india hates war even though its really good at it
lol, don't disown your ancestors wannabe arabi.

LoL I am proud to be a Pakistani, I am proud of my Punjabi culture, I am proud of my Jatt Warrior heritage, so no wannabe in any case.
LoL I am proud to be a Pakistani, I am proud of my Punjabi culture, I am proud of my Jatt Warrior heritage, so no wannabe in any case.

Jhelum area is full of warriors from times of ancient. These Indians are just getting sensitive. :enjoy:
LoL I am proud to be a Pakistani, I am proud of my Punjabi culture, I am proud of my Jatt Warrior heritage, so no wannabe in any case.

we all know about pakistanis. they are treated like third class citizens in arabi land. you people do have a lowest self esteem in the world.

ISI chief quoted a U.S. intelligence officer as saying “you are so cheap … we can buy you with a visa,” and said himself that systemic failures showed Pakistan was a “failing state.”

Source: Pakistan,US have 'political understanding' on Drones, says Pasha

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare| Reuters
Jhelum area is full of warriors from times of ancient. These Indians are just getting sensitive. :enjoy:

Yes brother, my ancestor was in Porus's Army, he was called Manga and was a cavalry commander.

we all know about pakistanis. they are treated like third class citizens in arabi land. you people do have a lowest self esteem in the world.

ISI chief quoted a U.S. intelligence officer as saying “you are so cheap … we can buy you with a visa,” and said himself that systemic failures showed Pakistan was a “failing state.”

Source: Pakistan,US have 'political understanding' on Drones, says Pasha

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare| Reuters

indians are the weakest people in the world, I have even stepped in, to stop little indians being beaten up by street toughs. It is in the nature of indians to be dominated by others, you have a meekness that allows you to be inslaved.
Yes brother, my ancestor was in Porus Army, he was called Manga and was a cavalry commander.
dont fool yourself. descendents of porus and his men are rajputs, not punjabis. in fact punjabis surrendered to alexander without a fight
dont fool yourself. descendents of porus and his men are rajputs, not punjabis. in fact punjabis surrendered to alexander without a fight

LoL it is little indians like yourself that proved to the world, what a weak and meek race you are.
LoL it is little indians like yourself that proved to the world, what a weak and meek race you are.
i know :(
30,000 indian troops surrendered to 3000 pakistani troops in 1971. we are so weak, its shameful :cry:

‘Hindustan is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks; of social intercourse, paying and receiving visits there is none; of genius and capacity none; of manners none; in handicraft and work there is no form or symmetry, method or quality; there are no good horses, no good dogs, no grapes, muskmelons or first-rate fruits, no ice or cold water, no good bread or cooked food in the bazaars, no hot-baths, no colleges, no candles, torches or candlesticks.

Babur - the Conquerer of bharat.

i know :(
30,000 indian troops surrendered to 3000 pakistani troops in 1971. we are so weak, its shameful :cry:

LoL - and the only achievement for a thousand years, even now Bangalis are coming through the back door. :yahoo:
‘Hindustan is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks; of social intercourse, paying and receiving visits there is none; of genius and capacity none; of manners none; in handicraft and work there is no form or symmetry, method or quality; there are no good horses, no good dogs, no grapes, muskmelons or first-rate fruits, no ice or cold water, no good bread or cooked food in the bazaars, no hot-baths, no colleges, no candles, torches or candlesticks.

Babur - the Conquerer of bharat.

LoL - and the only achievement for a thousand years, even now Bangalis are coming through the back door. :yahoo:

Only Muslims could somewhat culture the Indians, otherwise there are no qualities to refine. From food to music, poetry and art, there is very little Indian culture in India.
I return to my contention that india as a civilization is one of the weakest and meek, in the history of mankind, she has been brutally violated, many many times, because her people lack courage.
I return to my contention that india as a civilization is one of the weakest and meek, in the history of mankind, she has been brutally violated, many many times, because her people lack courage.

It is a virtue that can never be bought.
You can't win a war against Pakisan with Navy. Hell, you can;t even do an effective blockade with it.

Here's how MIT's Christopher Clary discusses in his doctoral thesis the Indian Navy's ability to repeat a blockade of Pakistan again:

"Most analyses do not account adequately for how difficult it would be for the (Indian) navy to have a substantial impact in a short period of time. Establishing even a partial blockade takes time, and it takes even more time for that blockade to cause shortages on land that are noticeable. As the British strategist Julian Corbett noted in 1911, "it is almost impossible that a war can be decided by naval action alone. Unaided, naval pressure can only work by a process of exhaustion. Its effects must always be slow…. ". Meanwhile, over the last decade, Pakistan has increased its ability to resist a blockade. In addition to the main commercial port of Karachi, Pakistan has opened up new ports further west in Ormara and Gwadar and built road infrastructure to distribute goods from those ports to Pakistan's heartland. To close off these ports to neutral shipping could prove particularly difficult since Gwadar and the edge of Pakistani waters are very close to the Gulf of Oman, host to the international shipping lanes for vessels exiting the Persian Gulf. A loose blockade far from shore would minimize risks from Pakistan's land-based countermeasures but also increase risks of creating a political incident with neutral vessels."

Nowhere in your above quoted article states that the Indian Navy cannot effectively carry out a blockade against Pakistan navy. The only Idea I can infer from your article is that you have a Gwadar and karachi port and the Indian Navy if intends to blockade has to do it for both your ports to make the most out of it. Which is difficult but not un achievable with our current naval Armada..
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