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What if Imran and TUQ belonged to Sindh or Baluchistan?

When mama qadeer was marching from Balochistan to Islamabad on foot, he was tortured one way or another by the hidden hands. All he asked was to properly prosecute the missing baloch youth. But he was not only given a cold shoulder but also was forced to go back empty handed. He never attacked the parliament, nor he charged on the PM house or PTV. But his demands were simple against the "National Interest".
This needs to end now. We can't live anymore with double standards.

Saahib, Mama qadeer own son ( or a nephew) is a commander in BLA or BRA and he is political face of those groups. Though I do agree wholeheartedly, this missing person drama has damaged Agencies repute but it was need of hour.
When mama qadeer was marching from Balochistan to Islamabad on foot, he was tortured one way or another by the hidden hands. All he asked was to properly prosecute the missing baloch youth. But he was not only given a cold shoulder but also was forced to go back empty handed. He never attacked the parliament, nor he charged on the PM house or PTV. But his demands were simple against the "National Interest".
This needs to end now. We can't live anymore with double standards.

That BS was busted by Javed Chaudhry when he interviewed that Marri residing in England who claimed the same thing !
Does Tuq and IK fight is against the government or State? Do these two thugs ever raised slogans of separating Punjab from rest of Pakistan ?

Show one Balochi or sindhi long marches, rallies or protests which were pro-pakistan and were not about separating X Y Z from Pakistan?

Even those who believed in the constitution and the framework of Pakistan weren't shown such type of tolerance by the establishment like they showing for the present nonsense by IK and TUQ. Bhutto is one such example. Bizenjo is another example. Even Bugti is an example of establishment's attitude with Baloch or Sindhi leaders.
Does Tuq and IK fight is against the government or State? Do these two thugs ever raised slogans of separating Punjab from rest of Pakistan ?

Show one Balochi or sindhi long marches, rallies or protests which were pro-pakistan and were not about separating X Y Z from Pakistan?
Even Bengalis never raised any slogans until they were utterly cornered and their political right was denied. Balochs haven't taken up arms for nothing. From Sui to Rikodik, they have been systemically robbed off their resources, economic and political right. Kh Asif applauded the people of FATA for still being loyal to Pakistan after what has been happening to them for almost a half century now. Its about recognizing the reason not the reaction.
Also elaborate why was he hanged, by Judiciary. Bhutto had private militia and remember Bhutto killed somebody, and the same FIR thing.

It was a judicial murder. Everyone knows that. The whole judicial process was flawed and bogus.
Even those who believed in the constitution and the framework of Pakistan weren't shown such type of tolerance by the establishment like they showing for the present govt. Bhutto is one such example. Bizenjo is another example. Even Bugti is an example of establishment's attitude with Baloch or Sindhi leaders.

Areesh yar, by the same yard stick, even Mader e Millat was not spared. Those were military dictator times. Give one example of military dictator era where Punjabi (PML-N) Sindhi, Balochis, or Urdu speakers were ever spared from dictators wrath?

And you so conveniently forgot what Bhutto FSF did with political opponents. Did you forgot what bhutto did with balochis? and what a Punjabi dictator Zia did with balochis ?
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So since police officers or the workers of the opposing party weren't found in a bory so Imran has the right to do a jail break type of stunt?

So him freeing his workers equates to the Establishment having a soft-spot for him & being Anti-other Provinces - Gimme a break !
That BS was busted by Javed Chaudhry when he interviewed that Marri residing in England who claimed the same thing !
There is a hell of a difference between Murri and Mama Qadeer. Mama qadeer never took up arms, yet was manhandled. The problem with the media is that despite having 51+ 24/7 channels, you will only know of the truth when its no longer relevant because truth never sells. If TuQ and IK are being negotiated with and being tolerated, how lesser is the citizenship of Mama Qadeer and his just demands?

Saahib, Mama qadeer own son ( or a nephew) is a commander in BLA or BRA and he is political face of those groups. Though I do agree wholeheartedly, this missing person drama has damaged Agencies repute but it was need of hour.
Just like invading East Pakistan was the need of the hour, so was deceiving the baloch militant leaders and hanging them when arrested being deceived and so was creating and mentoring of Taliban.....such collection of "need of the hour" has left us where we stand today in a security state.
Even Bengalis never raised any slogans until they were utterly cornered and their political right was denied. Balochs haven't taken up arms for nothing. From Sui to Rikodik, they have been systemically robbed off their resources, economic and political right. Kh Asif applauded the people of FATA for still being loyal to Pakistan after what has been happening to them for almost a half century now. Its about recognizing the reason not the reaction.

It's a half truth. It was initially a Sardar Vs Musharraf fight, when musharraf stopped paying royalties to them and thought that These are State resources not some sardar resources which was then turned in to Baloch Vs whole Pakistan

Btw you and @Areesh both need to read Orya maqbool jan articles, when was deputy commissioner in balochistan. How sardar used to fight against the development projects and how did they deprive their own people from such basic necessities.

I bet, if we revert back to old system where State deals with only Sardars of Bugti, Marri, Mengals and for every resources excavated from Balochistan and royalty of those resources goes in to those sardar coffers, this whole mess would end next month.
So him freeing his workers equates to the Establishment having a soft-spot for him & being Anti-other Provinces - Gimme a break !

Establishment has a soft corner for him. Can you really deny that? I was reading a statement of DG ISPR an hour ago. He said we won't take sides in this conflict between govt and IK. Like seriously? You can't take sides? You can't support an elected govt in front of a bunch of anarchists and miscreatns?

And then you say establishment has no special soft corner for IK.
There is a hell of a difference between Murri and Mama Qadeer. Mama qadeer never took up arms, yet was manhandled. The problem with the media is that despite having 51+ 24/7 channels, you will only know of the truth when its no longer relevant because truth never sells. If TuQ and IK are being negotiated with and being tolerated, how lesser is the citizenship of Mama Qadeer and his just demands?

Just like invading East Pakistan was....such collection of "need of the hour" has left us where we stand today in a security state.

Did you know before operation search light, Mukti bahini were attacking, looting plundering and were raping the Biharis ?
There is a hell of a difference between Murri and Mama Qadeer. Mama qadeer never took up arms, yet was manhandled. The problem with the media is that despite having 51+ 24/7 channels, you will only know of the truth when its no longer relevant because truth never sells. If TuQ and IK are being negotiated with and being tolerated, how lesser is the citizenship of Mama Qadeer and his just demands?

I was talking about the Marri making the same allegation of what was happening to Mama Qadeer & that allegation in turn being busted by Javed Chaudhry ! :crazy:

The difference between TuQ, IK & Mama Qadeer is that one is championing the cause of those who've either gone onto to Afghanistan to train to fight against the State or have been killed by the State in clandestine operations for raising arms against the State - Only an Idiot could compare a Politician's shenanegans with Terrorism !

Besides nothing happened to Mama Qadeer - if the so-called Establishment needed to do something to him......a few hundred miles is more than enough distance to find an opportunity to take him out in a manner that doesn't lay any blame on their footsteps !
It's a half truth. It was initially a Sardar Vs Musharraf fight, when musharraf stopped paying royalties to them and thought that These are State resources not some sardar resources which was then turned in to Baloch Vs whole Pakistan
Probably just go and check who controlled the mari gas and the security agency manning sui-gas field. And what was the royalty rate of gas from Sui vis-a-vis commercially operated gas fields in Sindh and elsewhere. You will get a fair answer of "Sardar Vs Musharraf " fight.
Establishment has a soft corner for him. Can you really deny that? I was reading a statement of DG ISPR an hour ago. He said we won't take sides in this conflict between govt and IK. Like seriously? You can't take sides? You can't support an elected govt in front of a bunch of anarchists and miscreatns?

And then you say establishment has no special soft corner for IK.

The Establishment said the same thing during the Zardari Era that they support Democracy & everything & despite being provided ample opportunities including the Memogate Scandal they didn't tell the Elected Government to go home - Was it the Establishment's soft corner for the Sindhis or are we making a needless Provincial Issue out of something which has nothing to do with Provincialism !
Probably just go and check who controlled the mari gas and the security agency manning sui-gas field. And what was the royalty rate of gas from Sui vis-a-vis commercially operated gas fields in Sindh and elsewhere. You will get a fair answer of "Sardar Vs Musharraf " fight.

Marri jumped in to fight after 2006 Bugti fiasco. they were on the edge during 2004-06. I blame musharraf and his MI DG criminal behaviour of making a mess out of such a mole hill.
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