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What if Germany had won the WW II?

@ topic...

i would have surely joined SS HAHAHHA:devil:
we will all be speaking German by now, if the 6th army wasnt destroyed Wehrmacht would have marched to Iran & then finally India(i read tht book Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor)
and u know Japanese were already knocking at the doors of sub continent meaning sub continent was doomed from both ends, and after tht we would have seen the third Reich ruling & only Aryan race would have survived as the only Human race on Planet :lol:

any ways i believe tht Nazis were bad people, no doubt, but because they have lost war they have been extra demonized (just a thought)
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If Nazis won the war , Asia would have been awarded to the Japs and all of you would be eating with chopsticks and bowing as you greet
If Germany had won the war Japan would have 'liberated' The British Indian Empire' and occupied it. We would most likely be speaking in German or Japanese as our official language. The new occupying power would most likely have trusted Bose to rule India under supervision. al leading leaders of the freedom movement would have been executed or would have fled. There would have been no chinese nation as it is today. America, Germany, Japan would have been the super powers of today. Russia would have been a slave nation and The European Unio would not have existed. There would be no Isreal and the Ottoman Empire would still survive but under influence of Germany all of British Empire except Australia and New Zealand would be under German control and the Nazis would be killing off the 'inferior' races through execution and slavery. There would be no Isreal. In other worlds it would have been hell on earth.
If Germany had won the war Japan would have 'liberated' The British Indian Empire' and occupied it. We would most likely be speaking in German or Japanese as our official language. The new occupying power would most likely have trusted Bose to rule India under supervision. al leading leaders of the freedom movement would have been executed or would have fled. There would have been no chinese nation as it is today. America, Germany, Japan would have been the super powers of today. Russia would have been a slave nation and The European Unio would not have existed. There would be no Isreal and the Ottoman Empire would still survive but under influence of Germany all of British Empire except Australia and New Zealand would be under German control and the Nazis would be killing off the 'inferior' races through execution and slavery. There would be no Isreal. In other worlds it would have been hell on earth.

We are talking about world war 2. Ottomon Empire was finished in World War 1.
I would really love to go into depth of this topic, but I just don't want too lol..So I'll just list some major flaws of Nazi Germany Downfall...

1) Attacking Russia in 1941 after they signed the 1939 Military pact, and BTW (Stalin hated Hitler, but he would not attacked Germany because Russia was too weak, but they had at least Ummm 13 million troops I believe)Hitler basically diverted well over 3 million troops of his (5 million Troops) to the Eastern front, only having 1.8 million troops at France most of them at Pais De Calle, the initial D-Day Invasion zone..

2) Letting go well over 380,000 allied troops at the Surrender at Port Dunkirk, believing his fellow Anglo Saxon brothers will join the Reich..

3) Taking the British too lightly and not actually going through with the invasion of Britain..

4) Not having any of his troops in Italy, *where Italians can't fight* lol, because the Allied forces from the U.S :D, came through North African, through Sicily and than Italy where German couldn't divert any of their forces to Italy because they were to bent on losing the Eastern Front and focusing where will the Allies invade France from..

5) There is a story and it was confirmed on the initial D-Day Invasion Hitler had a private army of 350 TigerTanks there were 1250 in total, 1 TigerTank > 7 Sherman Tanks..and a private SS army going to be Deployed to the Normandy Beaches but he took some sleeping medications, that made him sleep through the whole day so none of his high-ranking officers wanted to bother him..

-So If a couple of these main points did not happen, we would be speaking German right now.. Well most people in Europe/Middle East/Asia...Except here in the U.S :P...
umairp yes you may be right but the WW2 was the result of WW1 and the Ottomans made the fatal mistake of backing Germany. Their successor nation turkey still have a very good relationship with Germany.
I would really love to go into depth of this topic, but I just don't want too lol..So I'll just list some major flaws of Nazi Germany Downfall...
K^se :wave:
Even i would really love to go into depth of this topic, but I just don't want to So I'll just list some flaws in your comments.
1) Attacking Russia in 1941 after they signed the 1939 Military pact, and BTW (Stalin hated Hitler, but he would not attacked Germany because Russia was too weak, but they had at least Ummm 13 million troops I believe)Hitler basically diverted well over 3 million troops of his (5 million Troops) to the Eastern front, only having 1.8 million troops at France most of them at Pais De Calle, the initial D-Day Invasion zone..
Hitler controlled Western Europe, Central Europe, Scandinavia and most of Eastern Europe. After witnessing its continental allies fall one by one, England was fighting for mere survival, never mind taking the fight to the enemy. This left Germany with only two major threats, the United States and the Soviet Union. The former was neutral and wanted nothing to do with what it saw as a purely European conflict, but the latter was just across the border and fielded the biggest army in the world. it is obvious that Russia was not only the greatest threat to Nazi Germany, but also the last major obstacle to German domination of Europe.the only reason Stalin never attacked Germany was because of the pathetic state of the Red Army at the time. some historians have alleged that Stalin was bent on attacking Germany during the summer of 1941 and insists this is why so much of the Red Army was massed near the border during the time of the German invasion. Either way, given certain strategic, economic and ideological considerations, there is little doubt that war between the two powers was inevitable.The German industry was showing signs of strain and running low on precious resources, especially oil. Though Germany was getting substantial oil from Russia and the Ploesti Oilfields in Romania, it was not enough.

Given her lack of oil, and the potential threat of fighting on two fronts, Germany had to make a choice of whether to finish off England, or attack the Russia. This left the Germans with two strategic options:
1)To overrun Egypt, the Suez Canal and finally the Oil Rich countries of the Middle East.
2)An all-out attack on Russia.
Both options offered a solution to the oil problem
Between, Russia and Britain, there can be no doubt that the Russians were the bigger threat to Germany. The Russian army alone had the manpower and resources to challenge the German army. Even if Britain was backed by a powerful American army she would have little chance of defeating Germany.
It is a sound strategic principle that when it comes to war, the strongest enemy should be dealt with first.

2) Letting go well over 380,000 allied troops at the Surrender at Port Dunkirk, believing his fellow Anglo Saxon brothers will join the Reich..
The evacuation from Dunkirk was made possible by a combination of German mistakes and brave decisions made by Lord Gort, the commander of the BEF. The whole purpose of the German “sickle cut” strategy in 1940 was to cut the Allied armies in half by breaking through the French lines in the Ardennes and then dashing for the Somme estuary. The Germans expected the Allies to help them by advancing into Belgium at the start of their offensive, exposing more Allied troops to capture but the plan failed.
One of the most controversial aspects of the fighting around Dunkirk was the Hitler’s “halt order”, issued on 24 May 1941. After the war the surviving German generals did their best to shift the blame for this order on to Hitler. Even Rundstedt, on whose advice the order had been issued, would later claim that it had been Hitler’s idea, and that the intention had been to spare the British a humiliating defeat. Hitler was known to have expressed some admiration for the British Empire, and to have said that he wanted to arrange a division of the world with the British, but his pre-war admiration for Britain seems to have evaporated rather quickly once the war began.
3) Taking the British too lightly and not actually going through with the invasion of Britain..
Again It is a sound strategic principle that when it comes to war, the strongest enemy should be dealt with first.

4) Not having any of his troops in Italy, *where Italians can't fight* lol, because the Allied forces from the U.S :D, came through North African, through Sicily and than Italy where German couldn't divert any of their forces to Italy because they were to bent on losing the Eastern Front and focusing where will the Allies invade France from..
two-front war :hang2:

5) he took some sleeping medications, that made him sleep through the whole day so none of his high-ranking officers wanted to bother him..
that is true

-So If a couple of these main points did not happen, we would be speaking German right now.. Well most people in Europe/Middle East/Asia...
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How about what if Germany had lost the WW II? We all would have more to talk about, wouldn't we?
May i remind you that the so called nazi ss fantaic muslim unit was only made up of white bosinaks and half breed turks. Hitler was a fanatic and if he controlled india then he would only recurit pasthun people as they have white greek and white jewish blood , they have blond hair and blue eyes and if the pashtuns had germany in charge they could have massacred brown punjabis. Note hindus and sikhs also fought for that fanatic mixed race hitler. My gran fought in ww2 against the axis in 1940-41 north africa and the japs in 1942-43 burma- thailand 44 captured escaped 45 retired 46. And to have germany in charge would be insult to him and me.
Note pak users the yankees have helpd pak to be modern army forgot nixon? :angry::angry::angry::pakistan: :china: :usflag:
May i remind you that the so called nazi ss fantaic muslim unit was only made up of white bosinaks and half breed turks. Hitler was a fanatic and if he controlled india then he would only recurit pasthun people as they have white greek and white jewish blood , they have blond hair and blue eyes and if the pashtuns had germany in charge they could have massacred brown punjabis. Note hindus and sikhs also fought for that fanatic mixed race hitler. My gran fought in ww2 against the axis in 1940-41 north africa and the japs in 1942-43 burma- thailand 44 captured escaped 45 retired 46. And to have germany in charge would be insult to him and me.
Note pak users the yankees have helpd pak to be modern army forgot nixon? :angry::angry::angry::pakistan: :china: :usflag:

It was called Azad Hind Fauj or Indian natioinal Army. From every religion, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc., came to fight for this army. This army was created to fight British in India with Japanese assistance. Mohan Singh from Punjab regiment first created this but soon he realized that Japanese were just going to treat them as second tier soldiers. He tried to dismental it but got caught or killed. Bose took over from him, he was great admirer of Communism. Even asked help from Germany but was very disapointed when Nazis invaded Russia.


1. Are we to assume here that America too would be crushed by the Third Reich?
2. Would Germany and Japan satisfy their hunger for more territory?

Well, the capital of the world would be Germania, full of the hideous architecture Hitler designed.
People would be divided into Aryans, half breeds and all others would be slaves or be exterminated (Jews, blacks, people Hitler didn't fancy for some weird reason).
Half breeds being people with some ancestry to the Aryan race, but could live but only marry other half breeds. The others, (including us Pakistanis) would be basically f****d.
India would probably be given to Japan. Brutal rape, torture, blind obedience to the Japanese emperor would be expected.
There would be hundreds of resistances around the globe, mostly relying on guerrilla tactics.

I think things turned out better with the death of such megalomaniacs.
Well those evil racist Nazis still need to cross the ocean and by then, we've got the nuke courtesy of our joo scientists and we'd make the WHOLE DAMNED PLANET GLOW...

...except, of course, us (and the western hemisphere).:cool:

That would work while we waited for the rest of you to cool off and then, finally, PAX AMERICANA in its full unfettered red, white, and blue glory.:angel:



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Germany should have won the WWII.Its just an immense badluck moulded with the negligence of Hitler in fastening the development of nuclear weapons.

Finally world has seen the poor japs being nuked by US.Which can be only amortized with a due retaliatory strike in future.
Every coin has two heads right? After the night is over Day has to come.
"Finally world has seen the poor japs being nuked by US..."

Are those the poor "japs":angry: whom murdered and raped their way through Nanking to the tune of 20,000 or are they the ones who most estimated would leave 1,000,000 allied men wounded or killed during the invasion of Japan?

Did you know more Japanese died in one night of fire-bombings in Tokyo than either nuke?

Best thing we ever did. Ended the war and kept the Soviets out of Japan.
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