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What if COVID-19 is USA's bioweapon?

u.s are good at falseflag killing,when they killed their own 3000 people by doing 911 falseflag attacks they can use corona virus to kill their own people for sake of changing mind of their own public like they promoted Islamophobia by carrying out 911 attacks
If COVID -19 is indeed a manufactured bio-weapon, what is preventing one from presenting the evidence in a press conference ? Why so afraid ? People of the world will support such courageous act of any government if one comes forward.

Who knows? It might come out down the line.

If it is a bioweapon, there are a lot of reasons why it would be kept a secret at this time. For example, even if China knows for a fact it was a US bioweapon, for them to announce it publicly now would put them in a corner to react to this. This would be an act of war. This is not a light accusation. China would have to retaliate in like kind if they were to make such an announcement. Are they ready to declare war on the US?

Honestly, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Anything anyone says here is just pure speculation. I know for a fact that what we know is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Russian biologist Igor Nikulin, who was presented as a former member of the U.N. Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, said in a February 27, 2020 interview on Russia Today's Arabic-language channel that he believes it is no coincidence that the coronavirus has had the effect it has in China, Iran, and certain European countries. He said that coronavirus was carefully selected to affect countries that rival the United States and that it is a conspiracy by the "global government," which he said consists of 200 families that control over $400 trillion, that own the media outlets and Hollywood, that control the minds of humanity, and that want to decrease the world's population by 90%. He suggested that it may be possible that coronavirus is a targeted biological weapon, like he said Ebola and the bird flu were, that infects some people and not others, and he said that the U.S. government may be testing a pathogenic agent it began developing in 1999. Nikulin also said that this is a warning to the non-English-speaking world that it must submit to the laws that are imposed upon it.
Who knows? It might come out down the line.

If it is a bioweapon, there are a lot of reasons why it would be kept a secret at this time. For example, even if China knows for a fact it was a US bioweapon, for them to announce it publicly now would put them in a corner to react to this. This would be an act of war. This is not a light accusation. China would have to retaliate in like kind if they were to make such an announcement. Are they ready to declare war on the US?

Honestly, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Anything anyone says here is just pure speculation. I know for a fact that what we know is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Still , a courageous whistleblower must exist somewhere. If PRC knows something, they should leak it somehow without being direct.
Neither will I. The wet markets are alive again.

First off, most wet markets pre-corona did not trade in exotic wildlife. Secondly, the wildlife trade is banned. Whether it is strictly enforced, that's another question.

But let's see if another virus hits with a high R0 figure that also happens to infect a large number of Iran's leadership as well as coincidentally hitting a central city in China. Lightning doesn't strike twice my friend.

We'll see how this all works out. There are too many fishy circumstances going on simultaneously however.

Still , a courageous whistleblower must exist somewhere. If PRC knows something, they should leak it somehow without being direct.

Someone somewhere definitely knows more. Pretty sure quite a number of people know more. Perhaps the truth will be leaked. However, there have been many cases where the truth has been buried or obscured as well, so we will see.

Russian biologist Igor Nikulin, who was presented as a former member of the U.N. Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, said in a February 27, 2020 interview on Russia Today's Arabic-language channel that he believes it is no coincidence that the coronavirus has had the effect it has in China, Iran, and certain European countries. He said that coronavirus was carefully selected to affect countries that rival the United States and that it is a conspiracy by the "global government," which he said consists of 200 families that control over $400 trillion, that own the media outlets and Hollywood, that control the minds of humanity, and that want to decrease the world's population by 90%. He suggested that it may be possible that coronavirus is a targeted biological weapon, like he said Ebola and the bird flu were, that infects some people and not others, and he said that the U.S. government may be testing a pathogenic agent it began developing in 1999. Nikulin also said that this is a warning to the non-English-speaking world that it must submit to the laws that are imposed upon it.

Yeah, they are called the "globalist financier class".

They are parasites to every society they inhabit. Currently they are feeding off the US and have been driving this country to the ground for decades while conveniently redirecting domestic anger towards foreign nations.

This is a perfect storm for them to reorganize society and seize more wealth. They are already plundering the US government by taking the lion's share of the stimulus package with perhaps even more trillions to come this year. Lobbyists are already flocking to Washington like vultures.
Only insiders who were closely working on it at the lab could be whistleblowers like Edward Snowden who was a contractor. By coming out they would be jeopardizing their own safety like Snowden, that is why he fled US before revealing the truth.
By creating a global recession it also hurts the interest of Rothschild why go to this extreme move?
Although I am not for the theory presented here I think at every juncture in history the likes of the Rothschilds have made money from calamity.
We live in a post-truth world my friend. The rarest coin in the market is called 'truth'.


Although I am not for the theory presented here I think at every juncture in history the likes of the Rothschilds have made money from calamity.

It is well documented that financiers have profited off nearly every major war. In many cases they instigated wars in order to profit off of it. Yet every time a great calamity happens, those who connect the dots are labeled as "lunatics". LMAO

Man, **** this world.
What if COVID-19 is USA's bioweapon? Next, what if CIA have more deadly virus?

Upon the emergency of China as world supreme power, the Anglo-Jew control of world economy will be over forever. Unlike the French, German and Russian, the Anglo-Jew may be willing to unleash maximum damage to humanity to preserve their hegemony.

Time is running out fast. Now is the final window for Anglo-Jew to stop China.

The above is worth doing some hypothesis and discussion online.
Lemme guess, US made a virus to destroy China BUT :-

1. Its first type ever was NOT even much prevalent among Chinese (Type A).
2. ONLY after mutations Type A became Type B which infected most of Wuhan.
3. The original Type A was more suited to spread in US population.

US made a virus which targetted China except it does not work well in Chinese population and needed a mutation (which cannot be controlled in field) AND which infects US population much easily?
Yeah, right! Folks, US deep state is not "Made in China" :lol:
Lemme guess, US made a virus to destroy China BUT :-

1. Its first type ever was NOT even much prevalent among Chinese (Type A).
2. ONLY after mutations Type A became Type B which infected most of Wuhan.
3. The original Type A was more suited to spread in US population.

US made a virus which targetted China except it does not work well in Chinese population and needed a mutation (which cannot be controlled in field) AND which infects US population much easily?
Yeah, right! Folks, US deep state is not "Made in China" :lol:

Honestly, we don't know.

But if it is the case that the original strain was from the US and the mutated strain was what hit Wuhan, then it might be the case that the CDC failed to identify this novel coronavirus and it simply accidentally sprang up in China and was identified there.

The information campaign since then has definitely been orchestrated though.

Bill Gates has invested $10 billion in vaccines over the past decade. He was interviewed and wanted every individual to have a vaccine certification before they could even leave the house. Over 70% of the $2 trillion stimulus package was swallowed by Wall Street while Shelter In Place restrictions are impoverishing the economy allowing assets to be ripe for the picking. Connect the dots dude. The US govt is run by a bunch of fucking parasites. Wake up.
This is my guess.

There is a type A contamination. US cover it up as flu or vape.

Then type B unleashed in China. Type C in Europe.

China identify the pathogen. Then Anglo zionist media on full steroid accusing China as origin of covid19.
But if it is the case that the original strain was from the US and the mutated strain was what hit Wuhan
Except we know that Wuhan virus is most closely related to coronavirus found endemic in Bats in China.
Except we know that Wuhan virus is most closely related to coronavirus found endemic in Bats in China.

You said it has 98% similarity. You understand that the human and chimp genome share 98% similarity right? Coronaviruses in general are traced to bats but the vehicle animal could come from anywhere, they could also be manufactured in a lab. So that statistic really provides nothing conclusive.
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