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What if All parties join hands for the sake to make Pakistan better?

For that do you think this problem will ever solve alone by pti?
Hafiz can arrest Imran Khan under military law for being a fifth columnist Qadiani and foreign agent and causing financial corruption while in government and damage to the internal security and army installations as well as disrupting the army chain of command.
can someone close this thread for stupidity.
I am and have always been a supporter of collective wisdom and unity. Unfortunately, both sides are not thinking logically, there is only going to be one winner, and none are willing to tolerate the other.

The good news is all will unfold within a few weeks.
Hafiz can arrest Imran Khan under military law for being a fifth columnist Qadiani and foreign agent and causing financial corruption while in government and damage to the internal security and army installations as well as disrupting the army chain of command.
But Hafiz himself is the fifth columnist qadiani who is corrupt and working under the direction of Nawaz and maryam…

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