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What has LCA Tejas given to India?


If LCA demonstrated every tech needed for a modern combat then why still IAF not inducted tejas :-D you are contradiction your own statement mate. If iaf is so strict and don't compromise in quality then how can they not indicting tejas as you claimed lca tejas has every thing which a modern aircraft has samjh nahin arahe :-D :-D :-D

There is a set of operational requirements the LCA must fulfill,and Tejas is being modified to meet these requirements .Every aircraft development passes through this stage.LCA has already realized IOC II,and IAF's ASTE is flying it.
The major contribution of LCA (MK1) programme is that they are ready to go ahead to Mk2, without scrapping the programme at all. There is follow up for this very initiative and more than 30% of the part which will be used in LCA-Mk2 is already under production due to commonality with Mk1.
We should look at the situation from another perspective

If we had NOT started LCA programme at all ; our last indigenous plane
was HF 24 Marut a ; 2nd generation plane

From 2nd generation to 4+ generation LCA is quite a leap of faith

Also LCA has to go through so many problems
like lack of resources; non availability of manpower ; US sanctions
knowledge gaps because of 25 years of NON activity in this field

The salaries till 2007 -08 in DRDO were not attractive

Eight years from NOW in 2022 ; when MK 2 is fully operational
we will be glad that we stuck to the task inspite of ALL criticisms and jokes
Whilst the Mk 1 gets a lot of crap, surely it's the Mk 2 that we should all be looking for? It's the aircraft the IAF want and want in large numbers, no?

So with that in mind, I have one question, the Mk2, is there scope for it to be a very, very good fighter? Obviously not F22/PAK FA but very, very good for its role?
Multifunction Rotary Switch From BEL


The Multifunctional Rotary Switch, situated in the instrument panel of LCA, performs two main functions.
  1. Modification of parameters
  2. Display of time

  • The unit has a twelve position rotary switch to select the parameter and a concentric optical encoder to modify that parameter.
  • The stopwatch display is controlled by a toggle switch.
  • A display ON/OFF switch controls the display on HUD. The unit receives inputs from the Video Switching Unit (VSU), the display processors and Multifunction keyboard.




Head Up Display displays flight information of several selectable modes in collimated form so that a pilot can view this information superimposed on his view of the outside world without having to change his line of sight or visual accommodation. The pilot is thus able to fly the aircraft 'Head-up' thereby reducing workload and enhancing his weapon aiming capability.

  • High reliability (MTBF of 3400 Hrs)
  • Wide field of view (25°)
  • Full readability in ambient light of 10,000 fL
  • Automatic brightness control
  • Compact in size
  • Customer tailored Up-Front Control Panel
  • Practically no sun reflection
  • Specifically designed for Light Combat Aircraft
  • Extensive Built-in-Test
  • Camera with automatic iris adjustment for brightness level from 10 to 10,000 fL



  • DFCC is an on board computer used for the flight control functions of the Aircraft
  • The on board computer has quadraplex construction. Each channel has got Multi layer Board which employ SMD components. All the PCBs are interconnected through the mother board, which is of polyamide material.

  • Processes the various transducer signals and discrete related to flight control in the Aircraft
  • Provides the basic hardware interface, which controls the Computer
  • Converts the 28V dc input from the Aircraft into regulated voltage for use by internal PCBs
  • All the hardware interfaces of analog, digital and power supply cards are accessed by software to a valid address



The Stores Interface Box (weapon computer) is front-end weapon management computer based on open architecture concept. It is part of weapon control system of the aircraft and controls Pylon Interface Boxes. It controls Pylon Interface Boxes based on high level commands received from open architecture computer over 1553B bus.
This is an attempt to compile the facilities and technologies gained as a part of the LCA Tejas program

Good work, very informative and it shows what the LCA "project" was meant for in the first place, setting up the basics for Indian aviation R&D!
If you look at the project separately from the fighter itself, you can see several success stories and achievements over the years. The problem is only, if that project was only meant to be a Tech Demonstrator project, without operational requirements and timelines, one could look beyond the fighter and it's problems. Same goes for the Kaveri engine, which as a "project" was meant to provide the first indigenous fighter engine, for a specific platform and even if we gained know how over the time, it simply wasn't a Tech Demonstrator project and therefor must be seen as a failure.
LCA as a project is still running and if we finally get it through FOC and into mass production, it still can show it's worth for India and the aviation industry and any future fighter or aircraft project can benefit from what was gained so far, but we need to finish it according to the requirements and not just be happy with whatever baby step was done. Only the final product counts, even if the way to it was important too.
Good work, very informative and it shows what the LCA "project" was meant for in the first place, setting up the basics for Indian aviation R&D!
If you look at the project separately from the fighter itself, you can see several success stories and achievements over the years. The problem is only, if that project was only meant to be a Tech Demonstrator project, without operational requirements and timelines, one could look beyond the fighter and it's problems. Same goes for the Kaveri engine, which as a "project" was meant to provide the first indigenous fighter engine, for a specific platform and even if we gained know how over the time, it simply wasn't a Tech Demonstrator project and therefor must be seen as a failure.
LCA as a project is still running and if we finally get it through FOC and into mass production, it still can show it's worth for India and the aviation industry and any future fighter or aircraft project can benefit from what was gained so far, but we need to finish it according to the requirements and not just be happy with whatever baby step was done. Only the final product counts, even if the way to it was important too.

R&D cant be a monopoly of a single company, multiple companies start to jump into market. Otherwise HAL every time ruins the party.
you doubt, it won't?

No, eventhough I'm an alleged hater of indigenous developments and Indian companies, there is nothing that I would like to see more than LCA finally getting ready and I have no doubt that if DRDO gets it's act together they can finish it. So I have no doubt that it can be done, just how much longer it takes and some more doubts on the MK2.

R&D cant be a monopoly of a single company, multiple companies start to jump into market. Otherwise HAL every time ruins the party.

Ideally we should have at least 2 options, but the fact is, that most privat companies only are aiming on license productions and not on proper R&D and long term projects. So all we can do is, to keep inviting the privat companies for more commitment, while making our PSUs more effective and accountable for their work. Only then we will see improvements for the future, not by sidelining the one in favour for the other. It's just as with our prefered import partners! For years we went with Russians, because they offered us their best, while US and Europeans were hesitant to commit themselfs fully. Today things have changed, the US and Europeans are offering more, which gives us the chance to not give Russia monopoly at the Indian market, but to force them to more efficiency, better quality..., through competition.
LCA's biggest contribution is the creation of ecosystem on which India can build its own proper fighter jet capable of taking on the imported birds which we have been buying for decades. Its far from perfect and it should be like that only. I do not see it being perfect and this imperfection only will see it evolved into newer versions (MK2, MK3, Naval ones etc).

@acetophenol - Thanks a lot for this awesome thread and plethora of information. Indeed LCA program contribution is immense. i hope our country can reap benefits out of this hardwork
Multifunction Rotary Switch From BEL


The Multifunctional Rotary Switch, situated in the instrument panel of LCA, performs two main functions.
  1. Modification of parameters
  2. Display of time

  • The unit has a twelve position rotary switch to select the parameter and a concentric optical encoder to modify that parameter.
  • The stopwatch display is controlled by a toggle switch.
  • A display ON/OFF switch controls the display on HUD. The unit receives inputs from the Video Switching Unit (VSU), the display processors and Multifunction keyboard.




Head Up Display displays flight information of several selectable modes in collimated form so that a pilot can view this information superimposed on his view of the outside world without having to change his line of sight or visual accommodation. The pilot is thus able to fly the aircraft 'Head-up' thereby reducing workload and enhancing his weapon aiming capability.

  • High reliability (MTBF of 3400 Hrs)
  • Wide field of view (25°)
  • Full readability in ambient light of 10,000 fL
  • Automatic brightness control
  • Compact in size
  • Customer tailored Up-Front Control Panel
  • Practically no sun reflection
  • Specifically designed for Light Combat Aircraft
  • Extensive Built-in-Test
  • Camera with automatic iris adjustment for brightness level from 10 to 10,000 fL



  • DFCC is an on board computer used for the flight control functions of the Aircraft
  • The on board computer has quadraplex construction. Each channel has got Multi layer Board which employ SMD components. All the PCBs are interconnected through the mother board, which is of polyamide material.

  • Processes the various transducer signals and discrete related to flight control in the Aircraft
  • Provides the basic hardware interface, which controls the Computer
  • Converts the 28V dc input from the Aircraft into regulated voltage for use by internal PCBs
  • All the hardware interfaces of analog, digital and power supply cards are accessed by software to a valid address



The Stores Interface Box (weapon computer) is front-end weapon management computer based on open architecture concept. It is part of weapon control system of the aircraft and controls Pylon Interface Boxes. It controls Pylon Interface Boxes based on high level commands received from open architecture computer over 1553B bus.

Thx for this awesome thread man
On topic Hope now that a eco system has been created for Aircraft Development things will become faster in this area
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