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What has LCA Tejas given to India?

Shear Sensitive Liquid Crystal & surface oil flow visualization @ EAD,NAL


Nice Thread.
Thanks bro.

Optimization of supersonic inlets @EAD,NAL

Technologies developed and Spin offs...

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Like not being able to develop something like this,which we made 50 years before...


Tejas is in serial production and incorporate many capabilities like IFR probe which JF 17 would only have in blk 2,mean while so called JF 17 is a Cheap Chinese fighter that is hardly 3.5 gen.
A serious butt hurt detected. :-D:-D :-D what ever you called Jf-17 but mate its flying full stop :-D. :-D:-D
Look bro, LCA Tejas is capable of doing everything a modern aircraft needs to do. It has completed 1000s of flights in the most diverse and challenging environments without any accidents, has delivered modern muntions (LGBs, Air to Air Missiles), has all critical cutting edge technologies (FBW,HMDS) etc. Tejas is not yet in the service because of the strict non compromising high demands of IAF.

LCA was not just a project to make an aircraft, but to grow an entire aviation ecosystem in the country, in which it was a success. The some of the fruits of the LCA program is what you see in this thread.

You just can't compare the development of Jf-17 with LCA, one is a JV and other is a own venture. However I request you to launch a separate thread highlighting Pakistan's contributions to the project.
a sensible reply by Indian poster

Gas Turbine Starter Unit (GTSU-110):

When LCA programme was conceived in mid 80s, EDB proposed to design and develop the gas turbine starter for starting the engine. GTSU is a small gas turbine engine of 110 KW capacity. The experience of PTAE-7 was useful in cutting short the development time considerably. The successful starting of GE 404 engine in the test bed was done in 1998 and the first flight of LCA with GTSU-110 took place on 4th Jan 2001. All the flights of LCA so far have taken place with GTSU –110 as the engine starter. The unit has been successfully productionised to meet all the future requirements of LCA.



Aircraft-Mounted Accessory Gear Box For LCA


DRDO has designed and developed an Aircraft-Mounted Accessory Gear Box (AMAGB) for Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). AMAGB is a lightweight, single input, multi-output gear box, which takes its input drive from LCA engine through a power take off shaft at a rated speed of 16,810 rpm. AMAGB has a high power-to-weight (185 kW:43 kg) ratio and a generator and one starter unit. Together, these cater to a major part of hydraulic and electrical power requirements of the aircraft and hence forms a crucial part of its secondary power system.
that's why 10 squadron of tejas are guarding indian territory :-D u don't embarrass your self mate even you own IAF had not add tejas in their inventory :-D :-D

Again, IAF is an air force that rejected even the latest variants of F-16,Grippens,MiGs and F/A-18 Super Hornets. IAF has one of the most strictest and demanding requirements, in which there are no compromises. LCA has demonstrated every tech needed for a modern combat aircraft of its class. Jf-17 too wouldn't be in service had it been with IAF.

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