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What happens militarily if China, Russia and Pakistan go to war with India?

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I find it very silly when people in this forum imagine what OP threads talk about. Grown up will not have these fantasy.

I find it very silly when people in this forum imagine what OP threads talk about. Grown up will not have these fantasy.

India has been talking about S-400 and Choppers for more than 1/2 a decade now.

India will not buy anything from Russia because Modi is pro-US/West.
India has been talking about S-400 and Choppers for more than 1/2 a decade now.

India will not buy anything from Russia because Modi is pro-US/West.

Do read the article. India has already paid. Delivery 2021.
Such fanciful thoughts, Russia helped us to get rid of your one half incase you folk have forgotten :lol: and we still get much of our weaponary from them, such naivety only from the Pak gang :lol:
One has to be moron of unique quality to think russia will fight india alongside pakistan.
May be moron forgot what russia did in 1971.
Do read the article. India has already paid. Delivery 2021.

Biden-Kamala will impose CAATSA sanctions on India. They are not like Trump to go soft.

India paid for FGFA too but the deal was cancelled. S-400 will go the same way.

Modi will cancel S-400 and go with US THAAD+F-35

Kamov chopper and AK-203 deals will not be signed.
India has been talking about S-400 and Choppers for more than 1/2 a decade now.

India will not buy anything from Russia because Modi is pro-US/West.

See this is what happen when you are semi literate.
Russians are talking about speeding the delivery of S-400 on request. And you are saying that india will not buy.
See this is what happen when you are semi literate.
Russians are talking about speeding the delivery of S-400 on request. And you are saying that india will not buy.

Biden-Kamala will impose CAATSA sanctions on India. They are not like Trump to go soft.

India paid for FGFA too but the deal was cancelled. S-400 will go the same way.

Modi will cancel S-400 and go with US THAAD+F-35

Kamov chopper and AK-203 deals will not be signed.
Such fanciful thoughts, Russia helped us to get rid of your one half incase you folk have forgotten :lol: and we still get much of our weaponary from them, such naivety only from the Pak gang :lol:

Indira was Pro-USSR.

Modi is Pro-US/West.
One has to be moron of unique quality to think russia will fight india alongside pakistan.
May be moron forgot what russia did in 1971.

Indira was Pro-USSR.

Modi is Pro-US/West.
Russia has pretty much thrown India under the bus as they detest hypocrites and India remains an American boot licker which Russians really hate.

Russia hasn't thrown india under the bus, it is india that's done this to themselves. With india gravitating toward america, britain, Israel and france (the West). The signs for Russia were clear to see and Russia has made it a point to respond in a measured tempo, to how other countries behave toward Russia.

As for war, it is only india who is dumb enough to start one.
Biden-Kamala will impose CAATSA sanctions on India. They are not like Trump to go soft.

India paid for FGFA too but the deal was cancelled. S-400 will go the same way.

Modi will cancel S-400 and go with US THAAD+F-35

Kamov chopper and AK-203 deals will not be signed.

Indira was Pro-USSR.

Modi is Pro-US/West.

Indira was Pro-USSR.

Modi is Pro-US/West.
We are pro our own interests! India knows how to play its cards thank you, we have been in this game for a long time, Russia knows this it will never risk its business with us, both usa and russia try to woo us for sales, we are not Pakistan to go begging to world powers
it is always easier defeating a nations military & Government. it is another thing to try and hold and conquer a nation. Neither China, India or Pakistan combined could hold India for long. and the cost in both money, soldiers and huge numbers of civilians lost will not be worth it.

a war and invasion of india would help the USA. as it would cost China a lot of soldiers in non conventional warfare and funds to pay for it. it would take the whole Chinese military to be station there. and it still wouldn't be enough. if just 0.5% of the country population is part of a non conventional armed resistance that more then 600,000 people. if 20% of the population support these fighters. that a recruiting base of more then 26 million ppl.

the smart move by china would be that defeat the india military. then get Pakistan and other groups inside of india to do the dirty work of trying to hold and destabilize india. that way Pakistan is wasting it soldiers and indians grow to hate them even more. also by using other groups of ppl inside of india to weaken it from with in. once again this keeps india itself focus on it own internal fighting and fighting Pakistan.

that more of China style. use internal proxies and Pakistan.
No way. Russia will never choose China over India. You have to remember that China is a much bigger threat to Russia than India will always be ... plus there is still plenty of money to be made in the Russian arms industry from India versus zero from China. The Sino-Russian alliance is really just a marriage of convenience.

Exactly. The hardest part of fighting India is how to deal with all the POWs ... I think millions of Indian prisoners would burden even PLA logistics. And China cannot construct large POW camps in Tibet due to the harsh climate either. I would suggest they ship the Indian prisoners off to Xinjiang or something.
Nonsense. Russia can only defeat US thru Chinese partnership. Russia economy would have long collapse if without China USD 400 billion oil deal to stable their market. India is useless to Russia beside selling a few billion military deal.

Russia will choose China over India to counter US especially India is more pro US nowadays.
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Nonsense. Russia can only defeat US thru Chinese partnership. Russia economy would have long collapse if without China USD 400 billion oil deal to stable their market. India is useless to Russia beside selling a few billion military deal.

Russia will choose China over India to counter India especially US is more pro US nowadays.

400 billion USD. OMG :sick:

China can use that money to invest in renewable energy, solar power, or space mining programs.
400 billion USD. OMG :sick:

China can use that money to invest in renewable energy, solar power, or space mining programs.
This is a well worth spend money. How many combustion cars on road? Fossil fuel still has a demand.
how would china provide logistics deep into India. not only would they have to cross the mountains. but once they got into india it self. it would mean long supply routes. with a lot of support logistical bases. that them self would need security and QRFs 24/7. those long long routes in india would be ripe for attack by non conventional forces. China would have to use most of it forces just for security of those bases.

China/Pakistan/Russia would need millions and millions of soldiers station in India to hold it. it a big country.
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