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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

Mostly pakistani rajpout who us title Ranaa are the ones who migrated from India and mostly bhatti and chauhan rajpout use it

Rana, rao and raja mean same thing prince lol so called prince i would say :D

Pakistani use prince as surname and Indians son of prince. Does it mean Pakistani rajputs are fathers of Indian rajputs?

Pakistani use prince as surname and Indians son of prince. Does it mean Pakistani rajputs are fathers of Indian rajputs?

lol you are inviting trolls now :D

These are pakistani rajpouts who won nishan e haidar





How old are you sher malang? Lol You are not understanding the difference between nationality and race/ethnicity

Let me explain you in simple word. We see many afghans came in uk and claimed asylum and then got british passport. They also dont speak pashtu/FARSI with white and dont wear turban and long salwar kameez, drink wine and are living with their eastern European gfs. Would they not remain pashtun/Afghans and will become white race just by doing these things and just by li ving in UK for generation after generation ? :D change in nationality/clothes/lifestyle dont bring change in ethnicity/race

You aren't trying to understand what I said is they aren't Pashtuns by ethnicity but as Afghan citizens they choose to live like Pashtuns among the rest of ethnicities in Afghanistan; got it?
You aren't trying to understand what I said is they aren't Pashtuns by ethnicity but as Afghan citizens they choose to live like Pashtuns among the rest of ethnicities in Afghanistan; got it?
Got it . You mean they live like pashtuns afghan not like tajik/hazara/uzbek afghans :D but I was saying same thing that they may live like paahtuns but it would not make them pashtuns

Btw can you tell us total numbers of Afghan hindus or sikhs?
How did Afghans became Buddhist/Zoroastrianism before Islam if not because of rulers and people of these religion who inhabited/ruled this region and were settled there.
Pashtoon ( Pukhtoon) dont have religion other than islam. Whervr there are Pukhtoon they will b muslims.
Got it . You mean they live like pashtuns afghan not like tajik/hazara/uzbek afghans :D but I was saying same thing that they may live like paahtuns but it would not make them pashtuns

Btw can you tell us total numbers of Afghan hindus or sikhs?

They are between 200k ~ 300k in total and majority of them lives in east and south east Afghanistan.
Pashtoon ( Pukhtoon) dont have religion other than islam. Whervr there are Pukhtoon they will b muslims.
Manzoor khan sahob I agree but we know Islam started 7th century so Pashtuns did not exist before 7th century ? We were not talking about present generation
lol you are inviting trolls now
These are pakistani rajpouts who won nishan e haidar

Pakistani use prince as surname and Indians son of prince. Does it mean Pakistani rajputs are fathers of Indian rajputs?

Muslim rajputs are fake. They just do it to prove themselves superior to the other lower class mainly punjabi converts.

You cannot be a Muslim and a Rajput at the same time. Theres a reason Rajsathan was the only region unable to be converted by Islam when all the surrounding regions(Punjab, Kashkir, UP, Gujarat, Sindh) were majority or substantially underwent conversions.

Rajputana and Islam are incompatible, those claiming oterwise are either faking it or are half-breds, in any case cannot be considered as Rajputs.
Muslim rajputs are fake. They just do it to prove themselves superior to the other lower class mainly punjabi converts.

You cannot be a Muslim and a Rajput at the same time. Theres a reason Rajsathan was the only region unable to be converted by Islam when all the surrounding regions(Punjab, Kashkir, UP, Gujarat, Sindh) were majority or substantially underwent conversions.

Rajputana and Islam are incompatible, those claiming oterwise are either faking it or are half-breds, in any case cannot be considered as Rajputs.
Its very much compatible one is tribal identity and one is religious. Its like saying ethnicity is not compatible with Islam. Islam recognize the fact that Muslims come from different cultures, tribes, ethnicity , races, languages , colours etc . I was waiting for it. You Indians never happy either way. Make fun of those Pakistani who claim to have Arabs/Persian origin and make fun of those Pakistani who claim to have origin of local native tribes. Funny part is you call them confuse when actually its you who never get peace either way. Your opinions don't matter to me anyways. We are fake ones and you are real ones . Whatever soothes to your soul :D
Its very much compatible one is tribal identity and one is religious. Its like saying ethnicity is not compatible with Islam. Islam recognize the fact that Muslims come from different cultures, tribes, ethnicity , races, languages , colours etc . I was waiting for it. You Indians never happy either way. Make fun of those Pakistani who claim to have Arabs/Persian origin and make fun of those Pakistani who claim to have origin of local native tribes. Funny part is you call them confuse when actually its you who never get peace either way. Your opinions don't matter to me anyways. We are fake ones and you are real ones . Whatever soothes to your soul :D

Maybe compatible in islam, i aint disputing that.

Its just not compatible with rajputs, different things.
Maybe compatible in islam, i aint disputing that.

Its just not compatible with rajputs, different things.
Many Pakistani Muslim including myself give preferences to Islam over all others things and then give preference to country/ethnicity our caste/tribal identity There is difference in how we and you look at it..Read below to understand it

Muslim Rajputs believe that being a Rajput is a matter of lineal heritage and martial upbringing which is not exclusive to Hinduism. Islam's ideal of a Mujahid replaces the Hindu Kshatriya ideal. Although proud of their ancestry, they do not overly romanticize their ancestry which is forbidden in Islam. They also renounced the Varna, Indian caste system.

Change of name A custom during these conversions was to adopt a new name to reflect their change of faith. Many Rajput kings changed their names, but also retained their ancestral/lineal titles such as Raja, Maharaja and Rai as well as tribal names such as Bhatti, Janjua, Minhas, Naru, Kokhar etc. This sense of identity has never been lost and Islam did in fact support and recognize tribal identity.

Many ...Muslim Rajputs believe that being a Rajput is a matter of lineal heritage and martial upbringing which is not exclusive to Hinduism. Islam's ideal of a Mujahid replaces the Hindu Kshatriya ideal. Although proud of their ancestry, they do not overly romanticize their ancestry which is forbidden in Islam. They also renounced the Varna, Indian caste system.


They also believed that a guy in arabia was gods messenger under fear of persecution and gave up their faith in cowardly fashion.

Let them beleive what they want, doesnt make them Rajputs. In the Rajput heartl;and of Rajasthan, converts are looked down with contempt for giving up to invaders.
They also believed that a guy in arabia was gods messenger under fear of persecution and gave up their faith in cowardly fashion.

Let them beleive what they want, doesnt make them Rajputs. In the Rajput heartl;and of Rajasthan, converts are looked down with contempt for giving up to invaders.
I dont want to hurt others hindus otherwise i have a tight reply in response of your first sentence. I will also not get sleepless over what Rajastani think about me or pakistani Muslims and you should stop proving yourself idiot and should take exist peacefully or better join like minded people on defense forum india who spend day and night to prove that Pakistani have identity crisis while at the same time calling their identity whether religious or tribal fake ..good luck bandit queen
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