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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

I thought i have seen it all on PDF then comes Saffron-Soldier . "New Recruits" like you are jaan of PDF and because of you guys PDF is exciting .
They are a small mixed group of Punjabis,Sindhis,Hindkuwals(althoug most of them are pashtunized so it is hard to tell) and some are Pashtuns as well
Thank you! :) There doesn't seem too be much information about them. Are there any famous Afghan Hindus?

Nope, most of Afghans were bhudists. Hindu shahis were mostly punjabis who were thrown back in to Punjab after hindu Shahi rule was over in Afghanistan thanks to muslim invasion. :)
Thank you! :) There doesn't seem too be much information about them. Are there any famous Afghan Hindus?
At current no,since most have migrated elsewhere(the community now numbers 1000-2000) but historically there were Hindu/buddhist generals,poets,monks etc in previous Afghan kingdoms after the Islamic conquests and before that hinduism/buddhism were pretty dominant.
So from what era are you asking about?
At current no,since most have migrated elsewhere(the community now numbers 1000-2000) but historically there were Hindu/buddhist generals,poets,monks etc in previous Afghan kingdoms after the Islamic conquests and before that hinduism/buddhism were pretty dominant.
So from what era are you asking about?
Not an exact time period but just the ones that had a impact on Afghan society. I'm not expecting very many to be honest.
Not an exact time period but just the ones that had a impact on Afghan society. I'm not expecting very many to be honest.
I had searched this topic a while ago myself while i was reading Pakhtun history.I did come across some generals,resistance fighters etc from the middle ages.However before the islamic conquests there were hindu kings of afghan priceps that did have an effect on the afghan culture(i am talking about the afghan culture before the taliban came)

Te Pukhtoon Yee ? :what:
aw ji wale tasu am ye sa?
I had searched this topic a while ago myself while i was reading Pakhtun history.I did come across some generals,resistance fighters etc from the middle ages.However before the islamic conquests there were hindu kings of afghan priceps that did have an effect on the afghan culture(i am talking about the afghan culture before the taliban came)

aw ji wale tasu am ye sa?

Can you elaborate on that further ??
I dunno what you just asked me ! :oops:

I only know 2-3 phrases in Pashto because of my Pukhtoon friends & some family members - Nothing more ! :ashamed:
Haha i asked if you were Pakhtun as well XD,
Can you elaborate on that further ??
Umm i am talking about the afghan culture before the taliban came in and enforced their extreme version of Islam,their attempts to completely destroy Pakhtun culture and history,the culture that was enjoyed by the pakhtuns before the soviet invasions and subsequent events.
Haha i asked if you were Pakhtun as well XD,

Umm i am talking about the afghan culture before the taliban came in and enforced their extreme version of Islam,their attempts to completely destroy Pakhtun culture and history,the culture that was enjoyed by the pakhtuns before the soviet invasions and subsequent events.

Ahh ok my bad i was equaling Pashtun culture with Taliban since majority of talibaboons like in Pashtun areas .
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