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Wakhi people in Chinese Wakhan corridor, China not recognize their ethnicity


Nov 4, 2011
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Wakhi people in Chinese Wakhan corridor, China not recognize their ethnicity​

Wakhi people in Chinese Wakhan corridor, China doesn't recognize their ethnicity. The kids tell the traveler that they are not Tajiks, they are Wakhis, the traveler asks them the difference, the kids say they and Tajiks are different people and speak completely different languages.They also tell the traveler that they are Chinese Wakhis and Chinese Wakhis speak their own distinct language different from Afghan and Pakistani Wakhis, they can't understand each other.Chinese government doesn't recognize their ethnicity and groups them into Tajiks.
Pretty impressed that in this remotest corner bordering Afghanistan, children all can speak perfect Mandarin Chinese, I may think they are from Beijing if just listening to them.
They are indeed Tajiks and I think they are likely Shiah Muslim, similar like the same people in Northern Pakistan. If they are Shiah, so basically it is actually the same group as Tajiks in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I predict they follow Shiah Ismailiyah, the same like Tajik people in Hunza, Northern Pakistan.

If they are Sunni Muslim then it will be interesting to know their history, but I think they are Shiah Muslim thus has similarity with the same group of people living in Afghan and Pakistan. They have higher degree of Caucasian, could be the source of Aryan who created Hindu and caste system before they embrace Islam.

Modern India has better climate for agriculture, so Tajiks people will likely migrate to current India. So it is why the population in areas around Afghanistan the population is not that high compared to India. The same like in Indonesia, Java has the most fertile land, so it makes people living there grow much larger than other areas in Indonesia.
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Wakhi and Tajik not only speak different languages, they are also not genetically same.

Here's a model I came up with that shows their differences:
Pretty impressed that in this remotest corner bordering Afghanistan, children all can speak perfect Mandarin Chinese, I may think they are from Beijing if just listening to them.

This is because of education provided by China government. Not really that impressive actually for country such as China that can reach their entire territory. Even in Indonesia we can see Papuan or Timores ( NTT Province bordering East Timor) or Dayak living in remote areas can also speak Indonesian language well.

Check the Han Chinese only speak to the new generation of that Tajik/Wakhi people. You should be impressed if the older generation can speak Mandarin...
They're Tajiks.
There are no Wakhis in China.
They speak a form of Iranic and they are not mutually intelligible with modern Farsi
They speak a form of Iranic and they are not mutually intelligible with modern Farsi

There are Wakhis in Afghanistan and Pakistan too, and their Wakhis language is not the same as the language of these people.

So these people are not Wakhis. Their language is closer to the Tajik language, and their religion and cultural dress are closer to the Tajiks.

The Chinese govt has rigorous agencies to identify their ethnicity. There is no reason why, just because they like it, they can create an ethnic group that does not exist within China.
There are Wakhis in Afghanistan and Pakistan too, and their Wakhis language is not the same as the language of these people.

So these people are not Wakhais. Their language is closer to the Tajik language, and their religion and cultural dress are closer to the Tajiks.

Please make sure you read more before making comments.

The only quite mutually intelligible Iranic langauges is Farsi and Dali.

There are Wakhis in Afghanistan and Pakistan too, and their Wakhis language is not the same as the language of these people.

So these people are not Wakhis. Their language is closer to the Tajik language, and their religion and cultural dress are closer to the Tajiks.

The Chinese govt has rigorous agencies to identify their ethnicity. There is no reason why, just because they like it, they can create an ethnic group that does not exist within China.
There are severl ethnic groups in China are outside officially recognized 56 groups in China, like 登人, 廓尔喀人, but it doesn't matter, they don't seem to care much.
Uyghur was a late comer. Before Uyghur entire Xinjiang was Aryan and likely Iranic. The Chinese Tajiks are the vestige of Xinjiang Aryan not being wiped out by Uyghur. Even Chinese came earlier in Xinjiang than Uyghurs.

Chinese Tajik are Muslims but they are not in good terms with Uyghurs, becuase they are -- Shia.

If Uyghur have their ways, Chinese Tajik will face genocide.

The Turks genocide everyone on their way, latest in Northern Syria, making all the Christians sex slave.

Chinese is protector of minorities,

There are severl ethnic groups in China are outside officially recognized 56 groups in China, like 登人, 廓尔喀人, but it doesn't matter, they don't seem to care much.

廓尔喀人 Gurkas are low land Tibetan, now totally unintelligible with Lasa. They no longer see themselves as Tibetan. But Nepali Sherpas still see themselves as Tibetnan. Hence Nepal and white man invented "Sherpa" race. There is no such thing as Sherpa race. All Sino Tibetan are make low caste by Nepal Brahmins.

FK Hindus, everywhere they go they impose caste system.
Uyghur was a late comer. Before Uyghur entire Xinjiang was Aryan and likely Iranic. The Chinese Tajiks are the vestige of Xinjiang Aryan not being wiped out by Uyghur. Even Chinese came earlier in Xinjiang than Uyghurs.

Chinese Tajik are Muslims but they are not in good terms with Uyghurs, becuase they are -- Shia.

If Uyghur have their ways, Chinese Tajik will face genocide.

The Turks genocide everyone on their way, latest in Northern Syria, making all the Christians sex slave.

Chinese is protector of minorities,
True, Tajik Chinese used to be a slave race before PRC. Chinese Tajiks being called " The Most Patriotic people" for a reason. After PRC , Tajik Chinese for the first time live without fear in their whole history.

"The Chinese Tajiks were labelled "Rafidites" by the Sunnis, who did not consider them Muslims as enslaving fellow Muslims is contrary to Sharia law.[12]

There were hundreds of slaves sold by Chinese Tajiks. Most foreign slaves in Xinjiang were Chinese Tajiks; they were referred to by Sunni Turkic Muslims as "Ghalcha".[13] Chinese Tajiks made up the majority of slave trafficked and sold in Xinjiang to the Sunni Muslim Turkic inhabitants and they were seen as foreigners and strangers. Serfs were treated in a "wretched" manner."

During the Ili Rebellion from 1944 to 1949, Uyghur forces butchered the livestock of the Chinese Tajiks as they advanced south.[20] Uyghur rebels who were backed by the Soviets destroyed Chinese Tajik crops and acted violently against Chinese Tajiks and Kyrgyz.[21]

shhhhhh ...

There is a reason why Pakistan likes Turkey. Their elites still remember their forefathers came from Anatolia or Azerbaijan.

Actually most of them not from Anatolia but rather Iranian Azerbaijan.
shhhhhh ...

There is a reason why Pakistan likes Turkey. Their elites still remember their forefathers came from Anatolia or Azerbaijan.

Actually most of them not from Anatolia but rather Iranian Azerbaijan.

Their forefathers came from Central Asia during the Bronze Age and mixed with the aborigines of the Indus Valley.
Their forefathers came from Central Asia during the Bronze Age and mixed with the aborigines of the Indus Valley.
What I mean is Pakistani elites....

They are the generals and princes of South Continent Turko-Iranian muslims dynasty

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