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What does the Egyptian President’s China Visit Signify?

i wish it was not a visit to say hi or take some photos i want more trade and close relations with china
The Egyptian civilization died with the Arabic conquest. Present day Egyptians are a mix with Arabs, Africans, Arab-washed locals and other immigrant groups.

Present day Egyptians are not the descendents of slaves who built the Giza.
a candian talking about civilization ???? your are son of some murders and soldiers who bulit their land on the bodys of the natives just like the US
The Egyptian civilization died with the Arabic conquest. Present day Egyptians are a mix with Arabs, Africans, Arab-washed locals and other immigrant groups.

Present day Egyptians are not the descendents of slaves who built the Giza.

The Egyptian civilization did not die. Pyramids, Sphinx and the mummies are ample proof of what they achieved in the past. Crushing the Mongol invaders at the Battle of Ayn Jalut when whole of Europe had been trembling, and regions to the east of Egypt had been conquered by the Mongols, are also achievements treasured by all Muslims, and I think, Egyptians are no exception.

You can name any civilization you like, all of them have been invaded, or conquered, or changed, or absorbed foreign elements. Interestingly, Western Europe or North America has no ancient civilization to show for themselves.
The Egyptian civilization did not die. Pyramids, Sphinx and the mummies are ample proof of what they achieved in the past. Crushing the Mongol invaders at the Battle of Ayn Jalut when whole of Europe had been trembling, and regions to the east of Egypt had been conquered by the Mongols, are also achievements treasured by all Muslims, and I think, Egyptians are no exception.

You can name any civilization you like, all of them have been invaded, or conquered, or changed, or absorbed foreign elements. Interestingly, Western Europe or North America has no ancient civilization to show for themselves.

Most study of Egyptology was done by westeners. The locals never even decoded the hieroglyphs.
Greek civilization is quite ancient.

Southern Europe.

You do realize that US 'aid' is money borrowed from us and given to others right?

It's like a person borrows money from a bank and goes around 'loaning' that money to his friends.
The US has no money, it's all borrowed from the rest of the world.
The US is dead broke, it's about another 5% spike in the coupon rate in their bonds from being Greece.
The US makes Greece look solvent by comparison.

Back to topic, good to see Egypt have realized their economic future is with China and not a bankrupt empire on the decline.

I took a scan on the bilateral trade between the 2 countries it is about what the US has earned from Egypt is given back to them as annual aid.
Egypt actually has a very good geographical advantage for investment in export based industries. It is located in Africa and Asia, close to Europe, and can access American continent via Mediteranean and Altantic ocean.

It is also located in oil production region thus should be having no problem in energy production. No need for large oil tankers or long distance oil pipelines.

But for oil export to China, it still needs tankers.

I agree Egypt is in an excellent geographical location which radiates to cover Europe Africa and Mid-East, an ideal spot to set up manufacturing base there.
i wish it was not a visit to say hi or take some photos i want more trade and close relations with china
a candian talking about civilization ???? your are son of some murders and soldiers who bulit their land on the bodys of the natives just like the US

If Egypt is able to maintain an independent status, will become a very important country in the Middle East.I also hope that China and Egypt to develop an intimate relationship, and I hope that China will help Egypt to maintain independence in the Middle East, good luck, Egyptian friend.
Greek civilization is quite ancient.

Greece is next to Turkey in south eastern Europe, not in Western Europe or Northern America. In view of many of their pervert practises, it is doubtful if they can be called a civilization, but most importantly, they are not located in Western Europe.

Most study of Egyptology was done by westeners. The locals never even decoded the hieroglyphs.

Who created those 'hieroglyphs' in the first place? Westerners, not having an indigenous ancient civilization, had to borrow a lot from Egyptian and other civilizations, of course, nobody can/should deny that.

If Egypt is able to maintain an independent status, will become a very important country in the Middle East.I also hope that China and Egypt to develop an intimate relationship, and I hope that China will help Egypt to maintain independence in the Middle East, good luck, Egyptian friend.

Actually Egypt has traditionally been the most important Middle Eastern country in many ways in 'modern' times barring the 3 decades long rule by Hosni Mubarak. Syria under the dictatorial secular Assad family (Hafez al Assad in the past, Bashar al Assad today) claimed to be in the camp of resistance and siding with Iran but did not dare to shoot a single bullet at so called "Israel" in over 30 years despite so many of its crimes. When Egypt did not side with evil Westerners, they crushed all armour of so called "Israel" in the Sinai in less than two days.

Moshe Dayan started crying "fall of the third temple".
If Egypt is able to maintain an independent status, will become a very important country in the Middle East.I also hope that China and Egypt to develop an intimate relationship, and I hope that China will help Egypt to maintain independence in the Middle East, good luck, Egyptian friend.
the future holds great opportunities as well as threats if you help us with technology and investments and you can work with us in africa to help china interests and keep the west away from africa and the middle east
we can accomplish so much the US will be soon part of history china and russia are the future
Greece is next to Turkey in south eastern Europe, not in Western Europe or Northern America. In view of many of their pervert practises, it is doubtful if they can be called a civilization, but most importantly, they are not located in Western Europe.

You need to read up on Egyptian incest to keep the bloodline pure. And by your same statement Maya and the Aztec were never "civilizations" as well. And there was no Turkey back then, only Asia minor populated by Greeks and Persians. Turks came from central Asia a long time later.

And please tell us about all the wonderous Bengali empires.
And please tell us about all the wonderous Bengali empires.

This thread is not about Bangladesh or Bengali empires. This is about Egyptian President's visit to China, both countries are two of the oldest civilizations on Earth. Incidentally, there is not a single ancient civilization that Western Europe or North American can show for themselves.
You need to read up on Egyptian incest to keep the bloodline pure. And by your same statement Maya and the Aztec were never "civilizations" as well. And there was no Turkey back then, only Asia minor populated by Greeks and Persians. Turks came from central Asia a long time later.

And please tell us about all the wonderous Bengali empires.

Only royals. That is why brother and sisters got married in royal familes.
Greece is next to Turkey in south eastern Europe, not in Western Europe or Northern America. In view of many of their pervert practises, it is doubtful if they can be called a civilization, but most importantly, they are not located in Western Europe.

Who created those 'hieroglyphs' in the first place? Westerners, not having an indigenous ancient civilization, had to borrow a lot from Egyptian and other civilizations, of course, nobody can/should deny that.

Actually Egypt has traditionally been the most important Middle Eastern country in many ways in 'modern' times barring the 3 decades long rule by Hosni Mubarak. Syria under the dictatorial secular Assad family (Hafez al Assad in the past, Bashar al Assad today) claimed to be in the camp of resistance and siding with Iran but did not dare to shoot a single bullet at so called "Israel" in over 30 years despite so many of its crimes. When Egypt did not side with evil Westerners, they crushed all armour of so called "Israel" in the Sinai in less than two days.

Moshe Dayan started crying "fall of the third temple".

Do they teach non-local history in Bangladesh or Brazil?

Greek culture is European culture. Roman ("Western Europe") attire and philosophy shaped closely after the Greeks. Even today, it's part of the European Union and Eurozone, unlike Turkey, which consisted of nomadic tribal invaders and later became Islamic after itself after experiencing crushing defeat. (unlike Christian Europe)

If you are going to play past vs present geography card, consider this. The Hindus Valley civilization lies strictly in present-day Pakistan with minor spill-overs into western India and eastern Afghanistan. Does that mean India has no connection to Indus? By the same logic, Bangladesh has no history beyond 2nd millennium BC.
Do they teach non-local history in Bangladesh or Brazil?

Greek culture is European culture. Roman ("Western Europe") attire and philosophy shaped closely after the Greeks. Even today, it's part of the European Union and Eurozone, unlike Turkey, which consisted of nomadic tribal invaders and later became Islamic after itself after experiencing crushing defeat. (unlike Christian Europe)

If you are going to play past vs present geography card, consider this. The Hindus Valley civilization lies strictly in present-day Pakistan with minor spill-overs into western India and eastern Afghanistan. Does that mean India has no connection to Indus? By the same logic, Bangladesh has no history beyond 2nd millennium BC.

First, this thread is not about Bangladesh but about Egypt and China.
Second, Western Europe or North America has no ancient civilization to show for it. Some member claimed Greece is a Western European country, that mistake was later rectified.
Third, your argument about Indus Valley or Bangladeshi civilization seems to be based on some wrongly understood points. Nevertheless, if they should be corrected, a different thread should be used for that purpose.

Finally, let us return to the original thread topic.
Joint Press Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Arab Republic of Egypt

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 30 -
Joint Press Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Arab Republic of Egypt

First, the invitation of President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mohammed Mursi People's Republic of China from August 28 to 30 in 2012, on a state visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao, National People's Congress Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo and Premier Wen Jiabao, Vice President Xi Jinping Mursi President held talks and met with the leaders of the two countries exchanged views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common concern and reached broad consensus.

Second, the two sides stressed that the Arab Republic of Egypt, is the first to recognize the People's Republic of Arab and African countries, the two countries established diplomatic relations 56 years ago, especially in a strategic partnership in 1999, bilateral relations have continued to consolidate and deepen, and continue to strengthen pragmatic cooperation to achieve the mutual benefit and friendship between the peoples of the two countries remained intact.

China respects the right of the Egyptian people's choice of political system and development path, welcome the positive outcome of the Arab Republic of Egypt since January 25, 2011 after the peaceful political transition, to congratulate the Egyptian people to the completion of presidential elections and the formation of a new government, support Egypt in all their efforts to achieve economic and social development and people's progress and well-being, I wish the Egyptian people continue to make new achievements in national construction and development on the road. Egypt stressed that abide by the one China policy and support China government in Taiwan, involved stance on issues such as Tibet and Xinjiang.

Fourth, the two sides stressed that, in the evolving international situation, is willing to continue to strengthen the traditional relations of both sides, and constantly open up new prospects for close cooperation and work together in mutual respect, to further consolidate the traditional friendship and Egypt on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and constantly enrich connotations of the strategic partnership between the two countries, a comprehensive plan for bilateral development of future relations, to the benefit of the two countries and peoples.

V. The two sides are willing to further consolidate political relations between the two countries, close high-level exchanges, promote exchanges at all levels between the two governments, parliaments, political parties, social organizations, exchange of managing state affairs, the experience of reform and development, to further improve and give full play to have been the presence of various exchanges and cooperation mechanisms.

The two sides pragmatic cooperation in various fields is an important part of bilateral relations China appreciates Egypt revive the country's economic strategy will continue to encourage more Chinese companies to invest in Egypt, Egypt's economic development and is willing to provide whatever help the two sides will actively promote economic and trade exchanges and expand cooperation in the fields of infrastructure construction, agriculture, science and technology, health, transportation, energy, finance, tourism, communications, environmental, welcomed the steady progress of the project construction of the Suez economic and trade cooperation zone .

The two sides should further strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs, China supports Egypt as an important core countries and the backbone to play a greater role in international and regional affairs. Egypt appreciates and supports China to safeguard interests of developing countries, and the efforts made to promote the unity and cooperation of developing countries.

The two sides are satisfied with the strategic cooperation between China - Arab Cooperation Forum was founded and development, as well as established under the framework of the forum in A 'comprehensive cooperation and common development', the forum was held in May 2012 in the Republic of Tunisia fifth Ministerial Conference of the positive results achieved highly appreciated. Both sides are willing to continue to work together to promote the Forum building, the deepening of strategic partnership to promote Sino-Arab The two sides welcomed the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum in Tunis by the << Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum >> 2012-2014 Action Plan of the First Sino-Arab cooperation in tourism and Tourism Investment Conference held in Egypt in a timely manner.

The two sides believe that the development of a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership of both fundamental and strategic interests, China-Africa Cooperation Forum as an important platform for collective dialogue between China and Africa and effective mechanism for pragmatic cooperation, promote the development of China-Africa relations play an irreplaceable the role of the two sides spoke highly of the achievements of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum was held in Beijing in July 2012 in the preparatory process of the meeting, the two sides as the co-chair of the Forum countries in close consultation and cooperation, and made important contributions to the success of the conference. Both sides are willing to make joint efforts to implement follow-up actions to further strengthen the Forum building to promote Sino-African relations for greater development.

The two sides reiterated its support for the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestinian state based on 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, has full sovereignty, support of Palestine to the United Nations and other international organizations to support the international community to further efforts to increase the peace and facilitating talks to promote the Palestinian and Israeli sides through peaceful negotiations eventually achieve a comprehensive, just solution of the Palestinian problem. contribution to promoting internal reconciliation of the Palestinian people to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Egypt, China highly appreciates the Egyptian side of China in support of the just cause of the Palestinian people, maintenance the peace and stability of the Middle East's efforts to be highly evaluated.

XI Both sides believe that the international community should respect the people of West Asia and North Africa to seek change, the aspirations and demands of the development, to encourage countries in the region about the parties through an inclusive, peaceful political dialogue ways to resolve their differences and support the countries and peoples of the region autonomy. explore in line with their national conditions of peace, stability, development, democracy, and prosperity. Both sides argued that the international community should respect the sovereignty of the countries in the region, independence, unity and territorial integrity, strengthening its economic assistance and cooperation to promote the hot issue settlement process for regional peace, stability and development, to play an active and constructive role.

The two sides advocate that China appreciates the League of Arab States to seek a political solution to the issue of Syria, oppose foreign military intervention, urged the Syrian government and the parties concerned as soon as possible to stop the killings and all forms of violence.'s Positive efforts to promote a political solution for Syria.

The two sides advocate the maintenance of the status and role of the core of the United Nations in international affairs, reiterated the need to reform the United Nations, reiterated the resolve historical injustices suffered by African countries to give priority to increasing the representation of African countries in the UN Security Council and other agencies.

14. Both sides advocate different civilizations and mutual respect, support and learn from each other through inclusive and open dialogue, and promote the prosperity of the world civilization.

15. During the visit, the two sides signed the following documents:

<< Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement >> << Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Land Reclamation of the Arab Republic of Egypt to cooperate on strengthening Sino-Egyptian agricultural technology demonstration bases agreement >> < the People's Republic of China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology >>, << People's Republic of China Ministry of Environmental Protection and Environmental Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of State for Environmental Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation memorandum of understanding of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the communications and information technology, information and communication field >> the << National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Tourism, tourism cooperation implementation plan >>, << China State Development Bank Co., Ltd. $ 200,000,000 credit agreement of the National Bank of Egypt >>, << China State Development Bank Co. The company >> Cooperation Framework Agreement with the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research Planning Consultation.

16, Mursi President grateful to the warm and friendly reception given during his visit of President Hu Jintao and the Chinese.

August 30, 2012 in Beijing

Joint Press Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Arab Republic of Egypt - News

Very nice i must say!!
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