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What do Pakistani girls in canada want?

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Also dimension, it's not canada only, it's the whole western world where Pakistanis live in, whether it be boys or girls.
We are brought up to be more "free" and "tolerant" towards (forgive me for using some words) S*x, Pornography, Violance, Freedom of Speech etc.
(I'll use the word "s*x" as "fluffy" in the rest of my post)
At home, alot of western Pakistani boys or girls live under their parents rule or strict Pakistani traditions, they respect it and accept it, just like in Pakistan.
However, outside their house, when they're going to school, especially from a young age with "gorays" or people with non-Pakistani culture and Islamic traditions, they learn the habits and likings of their goray counterpats, young Pakistanis adapt themselves to their goray friends and their ways of life, not all aspects are adapted though, but still enough to forget your own principles and values.
An example: A pakistani girl cannot come home after school and tell her mother that she has a new boyfriend, however, for gorays, it is pretty common and normal, the mother would respond with: "Aww how sweet", or "Is he cute and how old is he"? Where as a Pakistani mother or father would grab a chapl and beat some sense into their daughter.
Izzat is very important for Pakistani parents, for Pakistani youth it is less important, they're free to do whatever they like in the western world, and often forget their own values and principles because they adapted theirselves so much to gorays, and that's a common situation and niaz is right.
Alot of the countries Pakistanis live in abroad, or actually all western countries press hard to let Pakistani foreigners or any other foreigner with a different culture and tradition to blend in with the goray society.
Especially in the Netherlands, it's like: "You live in our country, we have given you the opportunity to establish in OUR country where OUR laws are prohibited, so we expect you to adapt to our principles and values."
It's logical if you ask me, but alot of their logics are controversial with Pakistani or Islamic logics and habits, and that's a problem nowadays for (especially) Islamic foreigners living in countries abroad.

Pakistani parents often don't take it too serious, yes they conversate and they accept the gorays, though they may not like alot of their ways and habits, but they will respect them but NOT follow them publicly or privately, i'm talking very widespread now about the 1st generation of Pakistanis who came and settled in Europe.
The 2nd and especially 3rd generation of Pakistanis who were born on European soil are automatically adapted to gorays and their ways of doing certain things.
Whereas some things cannot be discussed or even talked about at home (Pakistani home), it is easy for the youth to talk about it outside of the influence area of their parents.

In the Netherlands, we have commercials on TV with "fluffy" things in it, even after 12 o clock at night, all the "fluffy" dirty shows come up to play on the channels.
Even the teletext on alot of dutch channels promote "fluffy" things.
"Fluffy" things are so much promoted and so common and "normal" in the western world these days.

So my point is, when Pakistani youth abroad experiences these types of things, something their parents are aware of but seriously dismiss, the youth will find it normal, because it happens everyday, 24/7, they're exposed to it, so am I, but senses must prevail, and you must never forget your heritage and your roots, neither should you be limited in your thinking, let it be openminded, but always respect the fundamental basics in Islam.
Do not let your curiosity and your thoughtfulness harm the passion you and your fellow countrymates have for Pakistan and for Islam.
Lust is tempting, so is beauty, but marriage and the love of a woman who truly means it, cannot be matched by any girl trying to aim for a "fluffy" kind of relationship with you.
The reason why Pakistan is united and Pakistanis (male/female) are close to eachother is because they realize that they both need eachother and at the same time respect eachothers values.
I do not discourage adapting yourself to the country you live in, however, do it to a certain extent where you still maintain your basic values and traditions that make you a proud Muslim and Pakistani with honor and a sense of dignity.

I hope you understand my post a little, it's messy and unsorted, but you should get my point.

Jihad qasam sey u have chaa gaying here... u r king at defining cultural shock... :D

I am sort of in a little cultural shock to say the least... i have done certain things back at home which i thought were woah... but here that seems to be nothing lol. Our traditions and culture is much too different and actually when we come here its a whole new world. Some of the girls talk about things that make me go from white to red to purple... I run away... i never did that in Pakistan or even Dubai or KL and never ran away from any girl in my entire life... uh-un! But here... :P

Also there are girls here that come in hijab n abaya and all to college but the hijab and abaya all disappears when they are around and they spend there time in more non traditional ways.
Okay lemme be more clear. I met 2 girls @ seneca today and i dont know what they wanted or what was wrong with them. They just seemed stupid and completely crazy...

There are a few options that come to my mind:

They were either on drugs...
They were retarded...

I mean they weren't making sense... they asked so many questions but really stupid ones a drunk guy would ask who could'nt see the anything at all... They were just being stupid... errr i may be a dimwit and i agree i am... I mean I just dont get what they were trying to say... they wanted to say something bad but they were talking in sort of riddles...

Would it be so much easier if they just told u what they want from you. I mean just directly in the face whatever they want. that way the person knows what to expect instead of being uncomfortable?... It would help dumbasses like me... I mean they dont say directly to you what they want in the beggining and then it turns out to be something else.... I mean how to figure out what they are going to do.

thats what i was saying... or trying to say. If i dnt make sense just leave the thread... and it will go away soon anyway with more and more threads etc......

modern pakistani and indian girls in canada basically want white or even black men. Only few of them would go after pakistani / indian men
modern pakistani and indian girls in canada basically want white or even black men. Only few of them would go after pakistani / indian men
And Indian/pakistani will probably go after white girls? It is individual choice, if they like white or black men what is the problem.
Canada has good sex ratio and you can have only 1 wife, which means Indian/pakistani men are guaranteed to have a wife. :)

Or they can always import from back home.
And Indian/pakistani will probably go after white girls? It is individual choice, if they like white or black men what is the problem.
Canada has good sex ratio and you can have only 1 wife, which means Indian/pakistani men are guaranteed to have a wife. :)

Or they can always import from back home.

yes there is something about white girls that every one likes
modern pakistani and indian girls in canada basically want white or even black men. Only few of them would go after pakistani / indian men
Not true...
I live in Saudia Where there are zero girls, Seperate Schools, Universities LOL Im Lonely Forever Alone :)
I live in Saudia Where there are zero girls, Seperate Schools, Universities LOL Im Lonely Forever Alone :)

living in saudi arabia is the harshes thing a single man could experience,most likely you will become gay.
Pakistani/Indian girls are no problem for me.
living in saudi arabia is the harshes thing a single man could experience,most likely you will become gay.

LOL i dont want to end up gay here, Give some good advices On this matter Seriously,

BTW there are no girls here they are all at homes Locked up! not on streets or shopping malls (only families) or anywhere. LOL this is not good
Ha ha. Talk about yourself. :)
I like bronge ones.

come on bro chance milne se kaun gadha gori ko chorega

we all want those blonde's but things get complicated when the thought of getting dumped comes to play & then we start singing my desi girl my desi girl (indian/pakistani girls) from my experience goris are goris & nothing can replace them its a fact. so the best way to deal with this symptom is to set ones priorities right which is to keep fishing & when hooked enjoy the best out of it, but be mentally prepared that after all its a raat gayi baat gayi thingi, & do NOT i repeat do not expect any long time commitment as i said know your priorities firmly which is as long i get my food to eat i am happy thats it. move on trust me use this mantra & you will love the goris heck you will get addicted to them & when that happens know that you have reached your zenith & the hard drive cant take any more loads or lets just say Re-Boot's yes only then settle down with a Indian/pakistani girl & the best way to that is to
[/B]please follow the instruction properly step one : start with the "BHAI" then step two : consolidate your position through a lot of buttering to the uncle & aunty's way step three : then you shall be automatically redirected toward the girls way step four : be loyal to your job & know whos boss which by the way wont be you

best of luck
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