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What do Israelis think about Pakistan


Jul 26, 2018
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I came across an interesting video and I thought some people here may find it interesting.

In it the presenter asks random Israelis about their knowledge of and opinion about Pakistan.


I came across an interesting video and I thought some people here may find it interesting.

In it the presenter asks random Israelis about their knowledge of and opinion about Pakistan.

I also watched this video an hour ago. Interestingly they didn't know much about Pakistan or were not bothered at all.

I also watched this video an hour ago. Interestingly they didn't know much about Pakistan or were not bothered at all.

Yeah it's an interesting channel. You get to see the people of these countries and they are varied in opinions and types.

Usually we see others as a monolith especially our opponents but watched a few videos of normal people and they are like our people - they come in many different flavours.

Their opinion (and lack thereof) about Pakistan is interesting. They mostly don't know much though as one of them said their defence ministry probably handles most of the foreign policy and we are squarely in the opposing camp for them. However, the general population doesn't know much about Pakistan.
I also watched this video an hour ago. Interestingly they didn't know much about Pakistan or were not bothered at all.
I have met Israeli's in UK. I did one year at Buckingham University in early 1990s which does a fast track graduate programme of two years as opposed to three years but they charge fees. Many of the students were from Israel because they do one year service in the military and then come to Buckingham to catch up the lost year.

I can tell you guys not one of those Israeli's knew about Pakistan directly. Rarely would they know about Pakistan but in a very remote way and even then through India. For most Pakistan did not even exist. This is before 9/11 and Afghanistan which shone the light on the region which is why you had some of the Israeli's being confused.

One of them even placed Pakistan in Russia/Central Asia most likely because he has heard of Karakal-Pakistan. A region in Uzbekistan. But this video does highlight how insignificant and unkown Pakistan is in Israel. Yet all of Pakistan is comsumed in Israeli infamy and threat to citadel of Islam.

Just to be clear 20 years ago asides from the Anglo speaking world most people had little knowlewdge of Pakistan. It was like I mention Paraquay in Pakistan - I suspect most will never have heard it leave alone know it's a country in South America.

The sad part is in last 20 years awareness of Pakistan increased across the globe but for the wrong reasons. Terrorism and poverty. Both brought about primarily by he Osama Bin Laden incident and war on terrorism.
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