hahaha yr wrong buddy nor did u got my point....This government of yrs isnt doing economically either...And abt UN haha buddy according to UN mere 6.1% of pakistanis live in wages of 1.9 dollar a day while from yr country those figures r abt 21%...While government of pakistan recognizes doesnt recognizes those figures and says abt 50% of people in our country r poor because in Pakistan instead of the usual 1.9 dollar per day our figures put them in a much higher rate then those mere 1.9 dollars a day...It is abt how much u make per month, on those basis the figures r based upon in here.
Look that is simply because we r not a country of 1.3 billion people we r a country of mere 220 million. Even less for us can be good concerning our needs r not that big in magnitude as compared to India who has a 1.3 billion population, meaning more needs to feed more hungry mouths. Ab samjhe mere pyary bhai?
This government of yrs is fudging figures and r presenting people a bubble economy, even have u heard that abt a billion has been vanished from yr reserves in a week, and latest is that even more money has been vanished from there in the later weeks from july 22.
This is not a good sign buddy!!!! That means yr also facing same problems Pakistani economy is facing right now.
Modi might have come from a lower background, but he hasnt been able to ensure justice in yr country, examples r already been given, even about panama papers and abt corruption too. So how would u ensure yr prosperity and economic development in the times to come if this is the path u kept on following ??
This is the point, that is why i want people like u who r educated, civilized and r aware of things and have so much time to invest like u do in this forum.......Dont u think i see yr posts pages r pages yr always in a fight with another member every other day, with so much energy that u have and all that trouble u take to dig out all those sources and diagrams that u keep on sharing to justify yr point?
The solutions to yr problems where a politician invests abt 20 crore in the election campaign and makes a profit of abt 60 billion in corruption while in office, and while those people who r corrupt and whose names had came in panama papers nor those who rape n kill 8 years old girls in holly places temples, and all of them are roaming scot free with some of them released by yr Supreme Courts........the solution to all these problems isnt in defence.pk.
Except Modi has no control over how UN lists are calculated. The UN has been using the same method to create the HDI lists for decades, and they are the accepted standards of developmental economics. and there are many categories in which you rank lower than us, such as infant and maternal mortality and expected schooling. But that is besides the point. Under Modi, thousands of villages now have access to toilets and almost every single village is electrified. Our GDP per capita is now crossing 2000. I understand what you are saying, but don't you think you should look in a mirror first before you criticize others? Almost every single developmental organization ranks India ahead of Pakistan, including the UN, World Bank, and IMF.
BTW, I do not hate Pakistan. In fact I have had great conversations with Pakistani members. I even said I want Pakistan to develop, and I support IK because he is an outsider who cares about his people like Modi.
Look I understand what you are saying and I agree, the system is full of problems. And it is going to take a long time to change it. But Modi is still doing a good job of uplifting people from poverty, which is what he was elected to do. Anyway, I am not an Indian citizen, so I ultimately have no say over what goes on in India.
Its a website whose doesnt even represents yr country to begin with where the members who r from yr country here r at best some guest members certainly not even host members from the country it represents like me.
So mere pyary bhai, i want u to go do something abt yr country in a more practical way, rather then wasting yr time, energy and stamina on mere internet. Go there, yr country needs educated, civilized and sophisticated people like u who r young and can bring in new set of ideas and innovative out of the box solutions rather then trusting these same political parties again n again, after every 8 years. Go build a third political force of young educated and like minded people like yrself who want to do good for their country and care for insaniyat and come to power in yr country just like we did in ours by breaking the monopoly of 2 parties in our country. In yr country there is a realization of the dangers the corruption holds to yr country among educated youth, thats why in cities like Dehli who have a higher literacy rate among contemporary indian cities elect people like Arun Kejriwal and his Aam Admi Party who end up winning 67 out of 70 seats in city against the old hags and already tried n tested parties like Congress and Modi's BJP.
I want u guys to do the same n bring in a third political force into yr center.