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What China lacks to become a super power?

China is in the news every where. It's BRI dream is troubling the west. It is gaining momentum in trade. But at the same time it is starting to become a problem for humanity just like the west.

West started to problem the world by usury. Same is China doing.

At least the chinese leader ship should know there is a Devine book called Quran present in this world. China should know what is its status according to the divine book. At least chinese leadership should decide they have to chose and accept and embrace the Holy religion of Prophet Muhammad for their people.

It is a MUST for China to become a real super power.

It is a MUST for Japan to become a real power.

China should study Quran and find out who they are according to Quran and what they should become according to Quran.

Its my personal thoughts but as much i have studied Quran the theme of the world revolves arround Israelites , Christians , Muslims , Idol worshipers.

Chinese leadership should not think they can be successful with any thing other than Islam.

If chinese adopt any other path it will cause future enmity between China and Christians and Muslims and most probably China will lose become poverty striken and then its population will slowly turn to Islam. It depends upon chinese leadership and learned chinese to adopt the shortest path to Islamization of China.

Islamization will give China the Inertia it needs. It will become unshakeable. Its population will have the real comfort that is the 'Iman'.

At least China should not decide to become enemy of Islam.

I am afraid of a bitter conflict between Chinese and Jews and Christians.

China should avoid it at all costs. It should concentrate more on its internal balance rather than economically suppressing each and every country.

A best way for china to become a real super power is to have a balanced trade with each and every country big or small. Buy as much from a country as much you sell. Otherwise it will start to become problem for other countries and negative feelings will arise in the minds of people about China.
China is neck-deep invested in Atheism.
I believe Atheism to be just as valid a "religion" as Islam or Christianity or any of the other many religions out there.
I believe Atheism to be just as valid a "religion" as Islam or Christianity or any of the other many religions out there.

No it's not. Atheism has no set of rules for morality or life in general.

Furthermore, for atheism to exist, the concept of God has to be believed by some people. Atheist define themselves by challenging/negating these people's concept of God. That basically means atheists cannot exist if God-believers did not exist, so it's not a independent ideology in it's own right . Most atheists are either people very bitter about life or attention wh0res or both. (Not to be confused with 'irreligious'.)
China does not need hollow titles such as Superpower nor does it need anybody else's religion. China just wants to conduct their domestic business without interference from foreigners. China is always happy to conduct mutually beneficial business with any country. China does not need anybody's charity and it does not offer charity either. It rather believes in fair trade with other countries and non-interference in other's internal issues. China just needs its trading partners to reciprocate China's policy of not interfering with China's internal affairs.
No it's not. Atheism has no set of rules for morality or life in general.

Furthermore, for atheism to exist, the concept of God has to be believed by some people. Atheist define themselves by challenging/negating these people's concept of God. That basically means atheists cannot exist if God-believers did not exist, so it's not a independent ideology in it's own right . Most atheists are either people very bitter about life or attention wh0res or both. (Not to be confused with 'irreligious'.)
LOL most people on earth have better things to do than to waste time thinking about religion. That's why some countries are developed while others are in stone age.
No it's not. Atheism has no set of rules for morality or life in general.

Furthermore, for atheism to exist, the concept of God has to be believed by some people. Atheist define themselves by challenging/negating these people's concept of God. That basically means atheists cannot exist if God-believers did not exist, so it's not a independent ideology in it's own right . Most atheists are either people very bitter about life or attention wh0res or both. (Not to be confused with 'irreligious'.)

Not true. Atheism only requires a concept of God, which can be defined abstractly without reference to any particular religion. It certainly doesn’t require the existence of any religious believers.
LOL most people on earth have better things to do than to waste time thinking about religion. That's why some countries are developed while others are in stone age.
LOL you just insulted (to the core) a vital ally! And you'd be surprised about how many people find religion somewhat to very important in their lives..
China does not need hollow titles such as Superpower nor does it need anybody else's religion. China just wants to conduct their domestic business without interference from foreigners. China is always happy to conduct mutually beneficial business with any country. China does not need anybody's charity and it does not offer charity either. It rather believes in fair trade with other countries and non-interference in other's internal issues. China just needs its trading partners to reciprocate China's policy of not interfering with China's internal affairs.

I must correct you: China frequently offers charity. Tanzania's railroads in the 1970's were built for free. Even today African countries are getting interest free loans or previous loans cancelled.
LOL you just insulted (to the core) a vital ally! And you'd be surprised about how many people find religion somewhat to very important in their lives..
Not my ally. I am a brown boy raised in the west. And yeah for some of these people here religion has to tell them to wipe their *** after taking a shit. No common sense.

It's beyond me how these people have so much time. I study, work, sleep and the day is gone.
China needs a biiigggerr mouth...ahem....'news outlet to show great accomplishments'. China already shooperpawar.
How dare u call india a superpower?!?! India is now classified as a mega power, 10x more powerful than a measly superpower.
Yes, you're right. In India, the cows can climb walls. Evidence below...




China is neck-deep invested in Atheism.
I believe Atheism to be just as valid a "religion" as Islam or Christianity or any of the other many religions out there.
Not Athiestism, but more like realism.
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Yes, you're right. In India, the cows can climb walls. Evidence below...
This is common practice in all of rural north subcontinent.

On Topic: Haven't read all the posts but China hasn't yet projected military force globally, like on the other side of the world and showed that they can sustain that kind of operation. Maybe they are wise and know how bad those optics are globally, they've cashed in on a lot of anti US imperialism sentiment over these years.

Do China even have the capability to pull a "NATO" ?

Ugly thing, war and death.. but people respect power, the US has also mostly helped the world with their generosity in the post war liberal world order, for every country they destroyed, they helped build up 10 others.. none more so than China who has benefited the most.

War capability and economic clout.. China are fast getting there where they will go toe to toe with NATO in terms of power projection, not there yet.. still a ways to go, no matter how fast they row. :P

Doing pretty good economically..

The third and maybe the most important is soft power, that is where the US really dominates.. food, music, clothes, tech.. they're omnipresent in every aspect of modern lifestyle and culture all over the world. McDonald's sucks but you can still find one in some remote offbeat road mostly anywhere on earth.


China have been heavily investing in hollywood over the years:

they've been making inroads in the gaming industry too.

If they want to be top dog there probably will be some kind of military confrontation with the west in the future that they will have to prevail in. Like a main event fight.. it's coming,

Wen ? Hao ? We don't know.
This is common practice in all of rural north subcontinent.

On Topic: Haven't read all the posts but China hasn't yet projected military force globally, like on the other side of the world and showed that they can sustain that kind of operation. Maybe they are wise and know how bad those optics are globally, they've cashed in on a lot of anti US imperialism sentiment over these years.

Do China even have the capability to pull a "NATO" ?

Ugly thing, war and death.. but people respect power, the US has also mostly helped the world with their generosity in the post war liberal world order, for every country they destroyed, they helped build up 10 others.. none more so than China who has benefited the most.

War capability and economic clout.. China are fast getting there where they will go toe to toe with NATO in terms of power projection, not there yet.. still a ways to go, no matter how fast they row. :P

Doing pretty good economically..

The third and maybe the most important is soft power, that is where the US really dominates.. food, music, clothes, tech.. they're omnipresent in every aspect of modern lifestyle and culture all over the world. McDonald's sucks but you can still find one in some remote offbeat road mostly anywhere on earth.

View attachment 690431

China have been heavily investing in hollywood over the years:
View attachment 690432

they've been making inroads in the gaming industry too.

If they want to be top dog there probably will be some kind of military confrontation with the west in the future that they will have to prevail in. Like a main event fight.. it's coming,

Wen ? Hao ? We don't know.
I am a simple person. I take things very lightly. I come here for only two purposes. To have fun and to improve my English. I also have Grammarly installed just incase you find some mistakes in my Grammar. :D
I am a simple person. I take things very lightly. I come here for only two purposes. To have fun and to improve my English. I also have Grammarly installed just incase you find some mistakes in my Grammar. :D
lol, and did your grammarly app detect any "inconsistencies" in what I wrote ?

Wish I knew Mandarin or you knew Hindi but for now the 'white man' tongue stays..

ki karan ? (what can we do - Punjabi)
Chinese by and large are among the most secular and pragmatic peoples on earth. There is absolutely no way the majority would become Muslim.
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