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What benefit will you give to PM Imran Khan if he comes meet you? Zulfi Bukhari to Quetta Victims

It's obvious the opposition and terrorists would like to see IK assassinated, so these corrupt bastards can come in power again and carry on with thier business as usual corrupt practices, its a standard procedure in Islam to bury the dead as quickly as possible, IK has already sent his aides what more do you want, its the job of Balochistan chief executive to provide better security.
what a selfish state is Pakistan.
value of the lives of citizen is not important.
and deep down they know people will keep dying in terrorist attacks. So, no need for prime minister to go.
Don't blackmail me, PM tells Hazara protesters



Screenshot 2021-01-08 190851.png

long live infidels
what a selfish state is Pakistan.
value of the lives of citizen is not important.
and deep down they know people will keep dying in terrorist attacks. So, no need for prime minister to go.
Don't blackmail me, PM tells Hazara protesters
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View attachment 704781

long live infidels


And is blackmailing only the right of the PM and his party?

Do you know Hazare shia muslims (both of Afghanistan and Pakistan) have been exported by Irani proxies group to fight in Iraq and Syria for the last 15 years or so. This is precisely why sunni militant groups have been targeting hazara community both in Afghanistan and Pakistan with time to time. Though it just not justify the killings but things are not so white after all.

It takes a shameless level of dishonesty when the victim is systematically blamed.

1) The Hazaras have been systematically killed for hundreds of years.

2) They kill the ones who did not join the Iranian militia to get back at the ones who did? And you have the gall to present it as an excuse?

Don't try to color this into something it is not.

It's obvious the opposition and terrorists would like to see IK assassinated, so these corrupt bastards can come in power again and carry on with thier business as usual corrupt practices,

It is also obvious that chailas of every party will defend their Gods in the most despicable ways.

its a standard procedure in Islam to bury the dead as quickly as possible,

Bet they are enjoying not doing so, right?

IK has already sent his aides what more do you want, its the job of Balochistan chief executive to provide better security.

It is the PM's job to provide security for every Pakistani. If he cannot, then he needs to step aside.
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Good. ISIS and Daesh need to be killed like the rats they are. The "Shia terrorists" did everyone a favor.
It's worth mentioning that I haven't heard a single anti Hazara comment from the Baloch, as much as the bootlickers are trying to paint it.

The victim blaming whataboutist comments about Syria and Iran and Shia terrorism are all coming from the establishment fanboys.

Here is some evidence against Iranian terrorism and sunni genocide perpetrated by Iran's funded Shia militias recruited from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the levant, you can white wash this terrorism as cleansing of Daesh but for those who are geopolitically literate this line of propaganda will not work, the difference between majority of the Sunnis and some Shia is that we recognise and call out the terrorist who claim to follow our fiqh while you worship yours as gods.

SHIA MILITIAS: Ethnic Cleansing of SUNNIS

they are being punished by state of Pakistan and the religious terrorists for being weak and peaceful.

This guy should not be the moderator of this forum who incite violence against the state specially when 70% of the victims were illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, he is basically encouraging illegal Afghan immigrants to pick up arms and cause harm to the interest of Pakistan
Here is some evidence against Iranian terrorism and sunni genocide perpetrated by Iran's funded Shia militias recruited from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the levant, you can white wash this terrorism as cleansing of Daesh but for those who are geopolitically literate this line of propaganda will not work, the difference between majority of the Sunnis and some Shia is that we recognise and call out the terrorist who claim to follow our fiqh while you worship yours as gods.

SHIA MILITIAS: Ethnic Cleansing of SUNNIS

This guy should not be the moderator of this forum who incite violence against the state specially when 70% of the victims were illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, he is basically encouraging illegal Afghan immigrants to pick up arms and cause harm to the interest of Pakistan
He claims to be a Sunni but wants Afghani Shia immigrants to pick up arms against unknown terrorists who will eventually end up killing Sunnis having names like Umar, Abu Bakr or Usman as it happened in Iraq and Syria.

The most hypocrite thing I've noticed that if Sunni Afghans aka Pashtuns would have died in their place we wouldn't have witnessed the same outcry.

The demands of the victim families is so political that they are even demanding the nationality of Pakistan and release of Hazaras who might have been involved in criminal activities. What we should do is send them back to Afghanistan and Iran after giving them money.
He claims to be a Sunni but wants Afghani Shia immigrants to pick up arms against unknown terrorists who will eventually end up killing Sunnis having names like Umar, Abu Bakr or Usman as it happened in Iraq and Syria.

The most hypocrite thing I've noticed that if Sunni Afghanistan aka Pashtuns would have died in their place we wouldn't have witnessed the same outcry.
Yes, the hypocrisy is really disgusting. Sunnis = Terrorists; Shiite Terrorists = doing gods work. Got it!

If we would answer with the things what the mad dogs in Teheran do, what Shia terrorists do in the levant, the practice of Mutah (basically prostitution) and the fact that most Shiites have no Islamic identity in the West (you could ask why most "Ex-Muslims" and principal witnesses against Islam happen to be Shiites or former Shiites...), we would immediately get banned and 10000 Shia posters with Mod-backing would start calling us Wahabis and Nasibis.

If you want to be an open forum where anything goes, Hindu-Muslim bhai bhai, Christian good, alcohol good and what not, then please be fair to Sunnis or don't expect us to remain silent when Shiites start attacking our religion and the companions of the Prophet (PBUH)!
BTW where are the so called nationalist Achak zia and Akther Mengil, son of Balochi soil... Why no one is talking about them
I got banned for calling a guy Rafidhi that is the same when they call Sunnis Wahabis and Takfiris but ban works only one way.
Shiites portray themselves as victims even though they are very influential in Pakistan and better educated than the average Sunni. Insulting Sunnis, man, we equal Sunnis with terrorists and Shiite terrorists as good guys. This will not help in regards to lowering tensions between the sects. This will lead to more escalation!
Shiites portray themselves as victims even though they are very influential in Pakistan and better educated than the average Sunni. Insulting Sunnis, man, we equal Sunnis with terrorists and Shiite terrorists as good guys. This will not help in regards to lowering tensions between the sects. This will lead to more escalation!
I have the same feeling about it but I really hope it doesn't get out of hand and sense prevails otherwise too many innocents will die on both sides.
He claims to be a Sunni but wants Afghani Shia immigrants to pick up arms against unknown terrorists who will eventually end up killing Sunnis having names like Umar, Abu Bakr or Usman as it happened in Iraq and Syria.

The most hypocrite thing I've noticed that if Sunni Afghans aka Pashtuns would have died in their place we wouldn't have witnessed the same outcry.

The demands of the victim families is so political that they are even demanding the nationality of Pakistan and release of Hazaras who might have been involved in criminal activities. What we should do is send them back to Afghanistan and Iran after giving them money.

Yes, the hypocrisy is really disgusting. Sunnis = Terrorists; Shiite Terrorists = doing gods work. Got it!

Here is the list of some of their extreme demands:

1. Release of terrorists involved for the murder of Bilal Noorzai.
2. Giving Hazara's belonging from Afghanistan Pakistani nationality.
3. Release of Shia missing persons those Zainabyuon terrorist wing recruited by Iran and who were, are involved in the Sunni genocide in Levant, picked up by Pakistan's military.

Then holding dead bodies, blocking roads and holding the rest of Pakistan as hostage until every demand by the PM is fulfilled, matlab pure Pakistan ko @Irfan Baloch smaj liya hai kiya.
BTW where are the so called nationalist Achak zia and Akther Mengil, son of Balochi soil... Why no one is talking about them
because they are laughing on the sidelines my friend.
you have raised a valid question. those people and Manzoor Pasheen and all pseudo left wingers are enjoying the fact that our state institutions are taking the criticism and our current government has a prime minster who lacks common decency in regards to mentioning the victims of a tragedy.

I have read the posts of some members just before you and they are very disappointing. although I welcome an open and honest debate but its essential to challenge stupidity and hatred.
debate about nationality and sect shouldn't be used as an excuse to rescue the sitting government from the responsibility of answering to a heinous crime on the soil of Pakistan.

it is absolutely irrelevant if shias are influential or are Iranian agents or follow are wrong sect. the issue at hand is that members of that community are being targeted with impunity without any relief from state for over 2 decades and the sorry state of affairs of Pakistan teaches us that poor and weak have no sanctuary in Pakistan. it is no incitement to violence by stating the fact about how different pressure groups in different for example picked up arms to force the state to listen to them. it will be a sad day when Hazara also do that and I have been told by my colleagues who served in the intelligence agencies in the past that almost all foreign agencies tried to recruit them to pick up arms against the state but thankfully they didnt and if they do then it will be tragic.
Shiites portray themselves as victims even though they are very influential in Pakistan and better educated than the average Sunni. Insulting Sunnis, man, we equal Sunnis with terrorists and Shiite terrorists as good guys. This will not help in regards to lowering tensions between the sects. This will lead to more escalation!
I have the same feeling about it but I really hope it doesn't get out of hand and sense prevails otherwise too many innocents will die on both sides.
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Here is some evidence against Iranian terrorism and sunni genocide perpetrated by Iran's funded Shia militias recruited from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the levant, you can white wash this terrorism as cleansing of Daesh but for those who are geopolitically literate this line of propaganda will not work, the difference between majority of the Sunnis and some Shia is that we recognise and call out the terrorist who claim to follow our fiqh while you worship yours as gods.

SHIA MILITIAS: Ethnic Cleansing of SUNNIS

This guy should not be the moderator of this forum who incite violence against the state specially when 70% of the victims were illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, he is basically encouraging illegal Afghan immigrants to pick up arms and cause harm to the interest of Pakistan
you lost the plot.

watch this video. Dr sahib has summed it up well
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watch the video fro, Dr Shahid Masood. he is neither a shia or an Iranian apologist.
I am neither and also I dont pull any punches and tell the raw truth as it is.
this is why the serving personnel from our agencies also come over at our local gathering and speak to me from time to time. despite being a PTI supporter I say this

  • Imran's stace as a leader of our nation was undignified.
  • our state is responsible for every human life regardless of the nationality on its soil.
  • the enemy is Daesh and all its other current and former incarnations along with all hostile agencies.
  • Hazara are not our enemies. they deserve our sympathy not the ridicule or blame.

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