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What are the 10 most serious problems faced by India?

1. Poverty
2. Lack of Toilets (Cleanliness)
3. Infra
4. Pollution
5. Raping Women
6. Persecution of Minorities
7. High Population Growth Rate
8. Malnutrition
9. Raping others
10. Bowing down to the US too much.
Islamist and Victorian inspired prudery at a societal level in matters of sex.

We in 21st century India are somewhere between 7th century Arabia and 17th century England.
01 . CONgress
02 . CONgress
03 . CONgress
04 . CONgress
05 . CONgress
06 . CONgress
07 . CONgress
08 . CONgress
09 . CONgress
10 . CONgress

01 . CONgress
02 . CONgress
03 . CONgress
04 . CONgress
05 . CONgress
06 . CONgress
07 . CONgress
08 . CONgress
09 . CONgress
10 . CONgress


You mean

01 . CONia
02 . CONia
03 . CONia
04 . CONia
05 . CONia
06 . CONia
07 . CONia
08 . CONia
09 . CONia
10 . CONia
You mean

01 . CONia
02 . CONia
03 . CONia
04 . CONia
05 . CONia
06 . CONia
07 . CONia
08 . CONia
09 . CONia
10 . CONia

You are not supposed to speak against Her Highness the Queen ....... that is treason .
1. Poverty
2. Lack of Toilets (Cleanliness)
3. Infra
4. Pollution
5. Raping Women
6. Persecution of Minorities
7. High Population Growth Rate
8. Malnutrition
9. Raping others
10. Bowing down to the US too much.
Go and fcuk your own a$$ dirty little Pinoy:rofl:!!Your pi$$ poor country is literally a nobody in front of us.No wonder the Chinese are treating you guys as tissue papers and are fcuking your navy on a daily basis:lol::rofl:!!
1. Population - We have too many people, but a very small percentage of that contribute to the country by means of paying tax. It's a liability, both in lower and higher levels. We have too many mouths to feed but not so many bread earners as we would like it to be.

2. Sanitation - So many people, it's a burden over the infrastructure. Social awareness is also pretty low.

3. Lack of education - Lack of basic education in some levels as well as higher education. Our premier institutes have become glorified schools for churning out skilled workers, following the demand-supply curve.

4. Imbalance in industry - We have too many people working in the Service sector in comparison to the others. What will happen when the bubble bursts ?

5. Lack of democracy - Yes, we are the largest democracy in the World and we are lacking in that front - lack of proper representation of the people. We have loyalty voting, paid voting, religious vote banks (rigging has been handled well by the EC). We also have sheer lack of interest, when it comes to be a part of democratic process - mostly in the middle class section. Hope that will change gradually.

6. Uneven development - The maoist insurgency issues or some other similar issues in the North East could have been easily handled had there been proper and evenly distributed development in those areas. No matter how much nationalistic we are, people need basic amenities for life and support from government, that's his right. If development is uneven, then people will have grievances and there will be other kind of people who will try to exploit those grievances to channelise it towards destructive ways. Our priority should be to treat the cause first and then the effect.

I can think of 6 as of now...Will add a few more if anything crosses my mind.
Economic slow down, Rape, toilets, Terrroism, insurgencies in 10 states, corruption and nepotism.
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