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What Africans really think of China !!!!

LOL, "himalayanaffairs.org"? :rofl:

It doesn't even give the name of the author, you might as well link me to a random blog, that would have about the same amount of credibiliity.

The Indian government has officially stated, that they have no evidence of China supporting the Maoists. :lol:

India on the other hand, oppenly supports LTTE terrorists that kill innocent civilians, and hosts separatist groups from China as well. They also supported the Mukti Bahini separatist group in Pakistan. What a great neighbour.

China assures help to rebels for fight against India | The Asian Age
LOL, first you post "himalayanaffairs.org" and now you post from "asianage". :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Like I said, the Indian government has OFFICIALLY stated, that there is NO evidence linking China to the Indian Maoists.

I know India is ashamed of being known as a terrorist-supporter, for LTTE. And as a country that supports separatist groups in China and Pakistan.

Mate no offence, but you always go on about India supporting Tibetans, and when we tell you about the official Indian government stance, thats never good enough for you and you bring in some old news clipping to make your point.

How come you are so eager to believe the Indian governments statement this time eh?
Mate no offence, but you always go on about India supporting Tibetans, and when we tell you about the official Indian government stance, thats never good enough for you and you bring in some old news clipping to make your point.

How come you are so eager to believe the Indian governments statement this time eh?

LOL, the point is that EVEN the Indian government says there is no connection between China and the Maoists. :lol:

"No evidence linking China to the Indian Maoists" - Do you have any evidence to contradict this statement? Bring it before the Indian high court, or the United Nations then.
Mate no offence, but you always go on about India supporting Tibetans, and when we tell you about the official Indian government stance, thats never good enough for you and you bring in some old news clipping to make your point.

How come you are so eager to believe the Indian governments statement this time eh?

Ever heard the term cherry picking? They'll believe only those which'll help them boost their ego.
LOL, the point is that EVEN the Indian government says there is no connection between China and the Maoists.

"No evidence linking China to the Indian Maoists" - Do you have any evidence to contradict this statement? Bring it before the Indian high court or the United Nations then.

Thats not really the point that I made though is it? Do you have any evidence that India fuels violence in Tibet? Apart from that old news clipping which talks about some CIA funding!

Bit of a double standard if you ask me. If you so want to believe the official statements from the Indian government then you should believe all of them yeah?
I hope China will not change her policy - because what all these basket case economies of Africa and Asia (including Pakistan( need is Trade, never , never, should China give them aid, never should China or any other country, especially US or any Western country ever give aid or hand outs, after all look at the end results, the hard earned monies of peoples offered by people begrudgingly but nevertheless offered, becomes a source of acrimony and contempt - why should China or US or any other country that manages their economy successfully, have to earn the acrimony and contempt of ungrateful and immature peoples.
Thats not really the point that I made though is it? Do you have any evidence that India fuels violence in Tibet? Apart from that old news clipping which talks about some CIA funding!

Bit of a double standard if you ask me. If you so want to believe the official statements from the Indian government then you should believe all of them yeah?

That news clipping is from the New York Times, and is a direct statement from the Dalai Lama's own administration. :lol: Straight from the horse's mouth.

And of course you think it's a double standard, because Indians like to call other nations "terrorist supporters" with no evidence, when in fact India is the one who is supported and trained LTTE terrorists on their soil.
That news clipping is from the New York Times, and is a direct statement from the Dalai Lama's own administration. :lol: Straight from the horse's mouth.

And of course you think it's a double standard, because Indians like to call other nations "terrorist supporters" with no evidence, when in fact India is the one who is supported and trained LTTE terrorists on their soil.

Still shying away from the point I made. Anyways no dramas, lets not derail this thread no more.
I hope China will not change her policy - because what all these basket case economies of Africa and Asia (including Pakistan( need is Trade, never , never, should China give them aid, never should China or any other country, especially US or any Western country ever give aid or hand outs, after all look at the end results, the hard earned monies of peoples offered by people begrudgingly but nevertheless offered, becomes a source of acrimony and contempt - why should China or US or any other country that manages their economy successfully, have to earn the acrimony and contempt of ungrateful and immature peoples.

Exactly right. :tup:

It is not "charity", it is business.

Pay money, get the resources. If we do it with Saudi Arabia and Australia, then why not Africa?
Still shying away from the point I made. Anyways no dramas, lets not derail this thread no more.

Like I said, EVEN the Indian government said there is "no evidence" of a connection between China and the Indian Maoists. :lol:

Which is the truth according to what I have read, i.e. I have not seen any evidence of a connection. And it is not completely unprecedented, for the Indian government to make a statement of fact. Is it?

If you disagree, please send the "evidence" to the UN.
Like I said, EVEN the Indian government said there is "no evidence" of a connection between China and the Indian Maoists. :lol:

Which is the truth according to what I have read, i.e. I have not seen any evidence of a connection. And it is not completely unprecedented, for the Indian government to make a statement of fact. Is it?

If you disagree, please send the "evidence" to the UN.

Did I even once say that China is behind the insurgencies in India? If you are going to discredit something just by saying Indian government said otherwise, apply that to the Tibetan issue too. Or take the Tibetan violence allegations to the UN. :coffee:
Did I even once say that China is behind the insurgencies in India? If you are going to discredit something just by saying Indian government said otherwise, apply that to the Tibetan issue too. Or take the Tibetan violence allegations to the UN too. :coffee:

India itself, does not deny that it hosted our largest separatist group, after their failed violent revolution in 1959. It is simply a historical fact. :azn:

And the Dalai Lama himself, admitted on the record that he trained anti-Chinese militants and guerrillas during the 1960's, while he was being hosted on Indian soil by the Indian government.

India doesn't even deny the fact that Indira Gandhi was helping to train LTTE terrorists on Indian soil.

None of these are disputed.
It really entertaining to see a load of typical Indian "sour grape" flooding this thread, yeah right, China has every "evil intention" while India is a "Saint" in africa, the "Truth" have everything to do with "Business and "resource" nothing more, nothing less.

The myth of the "so-called China-India competition" in Africa remained as a daily dose of our Indian friend's wet dream as "IN FACT" India investment there is less than "HALF" of China to start with, at the end of the day, Reality kick in as usual="MONEY TALK", whoever got more money, who is going to win.
"More than 3 trillion VS less than 300 billion" your take?

Now come back to "EARTH" please, "Match this and than TALK":

Chinese in Africa
The Chinese are coming...to Africa

Apr 22nd 2011, 16:08 by The Economist online

The increasing importance of Chinese investment in sub-Saharan Africa

Many of its people are not happy about it, as our briefing reports, but business is booming in Africa thanks mostly to the Chinese. Trade between the two surpassed $120 billion in 2010, and in the past two years China has given more loans to poor, mainly African countries than the World Bank. The Heritage Foundation, an American think-tank, estimates that between 2005 and 2010 about 14% of China’s investment abroad found its way to sub-Saharan Africa. This has brought increased employment and prosperity to the region, but also allegations of damage to local businesses, corruption and the hoarding of natural resources.

Choices to be remain for countries in Africa to pick, either be friend with an emerging economy powerhouse that has all the money for investment and the will and efficiency for developments in Africa or hang around with a country that having more poor than Africa and the "Biggest exporter of TALKS", time will tell.

Chinese in Africa: The Chinese are coming...to Africa | The Economist
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