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What Afghanistan looked like in the past.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Just because u have more name sake Muslims in yr country then our Islamic republic with 97.2% Muslims then u know more about Islam then us!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

But the reality is that u dont know even 0.00000001% Islam with those more so called muslim who r just mere 21% of yr entire population.

India does not even have more Muslims than Pakistan only begharat bhartis continuously repeat that sht.

So a foreign invasion made people become Islamic extremists and made them want to live in the middle ages?

Yeh, right. :disagree:

No the thousands of tank shells that kind of put their country back into the middle ages made the choice for them.

A small video showing how Afghanistan really looked like before Islamic fanaticism, Arab/Pakistani Islamist values and Sharia took over the country.

Subhan Allah! have been better! bad now! :tup:

You can thank your idiotic soviet friends and those few moronic countries that backed its invasion of Afghanistan.

effectively fcking up and disturbing the equilibrium that had existed

Accepts brother.. :tup:

Americans (+ Zion-Saud) and communists - all destroyed! =( :frown:
You can thank your idiotic soviet friends and those few moronic countries that backed its invasion of Afghanistan.

effectively fcking up and disturbing the equilibrium that had existed

Its USSr who invaded agreed, but I think all the west is to blame. the west installed their own puppet and this has been happenening for a long time. read William Dalrymples new book , return of a king.
USSR invasion seems most visible but the undercurrents were caused by all western powers

So a foreign invasion made people become Islamic extremists and made them want to live in the middle ages?

Yeh, right. :disagree:

Afghanistan bore the brunt of violent islamic expansion since the first hordes of invaders ousted the incumbent tribes. So afghanistan was always a place of war and sub human attitudes.
it may have seen certain periods of peace but overall thats the place from which most of the violent islamic expansions started after it was established there. eg ghori , ghazni etc were all from there. and most of the turkish expansionists settled first in Afg before expanding eastwards.
So its nothing new for them.
Its USSr who invaded agreed, but I think all the west is to blame. the west installed their own puppet and this has been happenening for a long time. read William Dalrymples new book , return of a king.
USSR invasion seems most visible but the undercurrents were caused by all western powers

Afghanistan bore the brunt of violent islamic expansion since the first hordes of invaders ousted the incumbent tribes. So afghanistan was always a place of war and sub human attitudes.
it may have seen certain periods of peace but overall thats the place from which most of the violent islamic expansions started after it was established there. eg ghori , ghazni etc were all from there. and most of the turkish expansionists settled first in Afg before expanding eastwards.
So its nothing new for them.

How did you read return of a king, it is not due out until April 16 here in the states??
How did you read return of a king, it is not due out until April 16 here in the states??

I browsed thru the book for an hour in Chennai airport - on Feb 20.

It was a hardcover, it cost around Rs 1500 or so (maybe more, dont remember) so didnt buy. i will wait for 2-3 months when it will be available in Bangalore platform for Rs100 :)
Afghanis will never pardon pakistan for what they have done to there beautiful country once.

they started it, after all it was Afghanistan that laid claims on Pakistani lands, Pakistan just retaliated ,you guys did the same in east pak to safeguard your national interest in the North east, like you guys protect India's national interest ,Pakistan also protects its own, so please don't play this holier than thou rhetoric, after all India & Afghanistan are not snow white either

"wah" tum karo to chamatkar, aur hum kare to balatkar !
Subhan Allah! have been better! bad now! :tup:

Accepts brother.. :tup:

Americans (+ Zion-Saud) and communists - all destroyed! =( :frown:

LOL Iranian wet dreams. Saudi arabia has a lot more diplomatic power than Iran will ever. Not to mention the worlds largest oil fields.
India does not even have more Muslims than Pakistan only begharat bhartis continuously repeat that sht.

No the thousands of tank shells that kind of put their country back into the middle ages made the choice for them.

actually a decade ago it was tru. but the higher fertility rate in pak, and lower fertility of muslims in india because they are doing better than pakistanis has contributed to pak having higher number of muslims.
actually, bangladesh had most muslims, India was lower and pak least. but now pak has most, india is stil in the middle and BD has lowest. so kudos to BD.

LOL Iranian wet dreams. Saudi arabia has a lot more diplomatic power than Iran will ever. Not to mention the worlds largest oil fields.

America will destroy Saudi after they have destroyed Shia world. Go for it!
You can thank your idiotic soviet friends and those few moronic countries that backed its invasion of Afghanistan.

effectively fcking up and disturbing the equilibrium that had existed

That is known as pushing own's own bigotry by twisting the tale.
That video is pre-Soviet invasion Afghanistan.. during Zahid Shah's rule.. After which the Soviets who were such close friends with India Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
invaded and destroyed the country.. Raping, Murdering and ravaging the land ..

The Jihadists only came into the stage after there was Nothing left.. where warlords played havoc on Kabul..

Soviets destroyed everything in Afghanistan! Mujahids just stopped the invasion!

Do you guys realize how pathetic you people sound? The Soviet Union destroyed Afghanistan, really...? Facts and figures do not lie, most of what was modern in Afghanistan at the time was built by the Soviets, with Soviet money.

I don't know what they teach in Pakistan but reality is that Afghanistan suffered from radicals trying to overthrow and destroy the country long before the Soviet Union was asked to intervene By the Afghan government.

Let's take a look at some of the things that the Soviet Union built:

Мир входящему - What built the Soviet Union in Afghanistan - Что построил Советский Союз в Афганистане.

1. GES Puli Khumri-II capacity of 9 MW for district. Kungduz 1962

2. TPP with nitrogen fertilizer plant capacity of 48 MW (4x12) 1 part - 1972 II place - 1974 (36 MW) Expansion - 1982 (up to 48 MW)

3. The dam and power plant "uppity" on the River. Kabul capacity of 100 MW expansion in 1966 - 1974

4. Transmission lines with substations from hydroelectric Puli Khumri-II to the town of Baghlan and Kunduz (110 km) 1967

5. Transmission line from the substation 35 / 6 kW of thermal power plants in the nitrogen fertilizer plant to the city of Mazar-i-Sharif (17,6 km) 1972

6-8. Power substation in the north-western part of Kabul and power lines - 110 kV power substation from "Eastern" (25 km) 1974

9-16. Eight oil storage tanks with total capacity of 8300 cu. m 1952 - 1958 years.

17. The pipeline from the place of gas to nitrogen fertilizer plant in Mazar-i-Sharif 88 km in length and carrying capacity 0,5 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year 1968 1968 ?.

18 - 19. The pipeline from gazopromysla to the Soviet border length of 98 km, 820 mm in diameter, up to 4 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year, including air passage through the river Amu Darya 660 m long in 1967, aerial crossing pipeline-1974.

20. Looping on the main gas pipeline 53 km in length in 1980

21. Transmission line - 220 kV from the Soviet border in the vicinity of Shirhan to the town of Kunduz (first stage) 1986

22. Increased oil depot in the port of Hairaton 5 thousand cubic meters. M 1981

23. Tank farm in the town of Mazar-i-Sharif with a capacity of 12 thousand cubic meters. m 1982

24. Petrol station in Logar capacity of 27 thousand cubic meters. m 1983

25. Tank farm in the town of Puli - Khumri capacity of 6 thousand cubic meters. m

26-28. Three motor companies in the city of Kabul on 300 trucks "Kamaz" each 1985

29. Automotive service facility fuel trucks in Kabul

30. Service station car "Kamaz" in Hairatan 1984

31. Decoration gazopromysla in the vicinity of Shiberghan power of 2,6 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year in 1968

32. Decoration gazopromysla on the field "Dzharkuduk" with its complex structures for desulfurization and the preparation of gas for transportation in the amount of up to 1,5 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year in 1980

33. Booster compressor station at gazopromysle "Hodge-Gugerdag, 1981

34-36. Nitrogen fertilizer plant in Mazar-i-Sharif capacity of 105 thousand tons of urea per year with a residential village and building a base in 1974

37. Auto Repair Plant in the city of Kabul, the capital repair capacity of 1,373 vehicles and 750 tons of metal per year in 1960

38. Airport Bagram "with a runway of 3000 m in 1961

39. The international airport in Kabul with the runway 2800h47 m 1962

40. Aerodrome "Shindand" with a runway of 2800 m in 1977

41. A line of multi-channel communication from the city of Mazar-i-Sharif to Hayraton 1982

42. Fixed satellite communication station Intersputnik type "Lotus"

43. House-building factory in Kabul capacity of 35 thousand square meters of living space in the year 1965

44. Increased house-building plant in Kabul to 37 thousand square meters. m of living space in the year 1982

45. Asphalt-concrete plant in the city of Kabul, paving of streets and delivery of road vehicles (delivery of equipment and technical assistance made through IMT) 1955

46. River port Shirhan designed to process 155 tonnes of cargo per year, including 20 thousand tons of oil products in 1959 increased in 1961

47. Highway bridge over the River. Khanabad near the village of Alchin length of 120 m in 1959

48. Roads "Salang" through the Hindu Kush mountain range (107,3 km tunnel 2,7 km at an altitude of 3300 m), 1964

49. Reconstruction of technical systems the tunnel Salang, 1986

50. Roads Kushka - Herat - Kandahar (679 km) from the cement-concrete pavement in 1965

51. Roads Doshi - Shirhan (216 km) with black finish in 1966

52-54. Three road bridge across the river Kandaha province. Kunar in areas Bisuda, cameo, Asmar long, respectively 360 m, 230 m and 35 m in 1964

55. Roads Kabul - Jabel - US-Seraj (68,2 km) 1965

56-57. Two road bridge over the river and the Salang Gurband to 30 m each in 1961
58. Central repair shops for repair of road construction equipment in the city of Herat in 1966

59. The road Puli Khumri, Mazar-e-Sheriff Shibergan length of 329 km with a black finish in 1972

60. The road from the highway Puli Khumri-Shibergan to Hayraton on the bank. Amu length of 56 km

61. Road / railway bridge over. Amu 1982

62. The grounds of the storage terminal on the left bank. Amu Darya in the Hairaton
63. Kindergarten for 220 beds and a nursery for 50 places in the city of Kabul in 1970
64. City electric network in the city of Jalalabad in 1969

65-66. City electric network in the cities. Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh in 1979

67-68. Two neighborhood in the city of Kabul, the total area of 90 thousand square meters. m 1978

69-74. 6 meteorological stations and 25 posts of 1974

75-78. 4 conditioners

79. Center for Maternal and Child 110 visits per day in the city of Kabul in 1971

80. Geological, geophysical, seismic and drilling for oil and gas in northern Afghanistan 1968 - 1977 years.

81. Integrated search and surveying work for solid minerals

82. Polytechnic Institute in Kabul in 1200 students in 1968

83. College for 500 students for the training of Petroleum Geologists and miners in the town of Mazar-i-Sharif in 1973

84. Automotive Technical School for 700 students in Kabul

85-92. 8 vocational schools to train skilled workers 1982 - 1986.

93. Boarding School on the basis of an orphanage in Kabul in 1984

94. Bread-baking plant in Kabul (silo capacity of 50 thousand tons of grain, two mills - 375 tons per day milling, bakery 70 tons of bread per day) 1957

95. The elevator in the town of Puli Khumri capacity of 20 thousand tons of grain

96. The bakery in Kabul capacity 65 tons of bread per day in 1981

97. The mill in the town of Puli Khumri capacity of 60 tons per day in 1982

98. The bakery in the town of Mazar-i-Sharif with production capacity of 20 tons of bakery products a day

99. The mill in the town of Mazar-i-Sharif with production capacity of 60 tons of flour a day

100. Jalalabad irrigation canal with a knot head intakes on the River. Kabul, 70 km long with a hydroelectric power 11,5 tys.kVt 1965

101-102. Dam Sard with reservoir capacity of 164 million cubic meters. m, and
irrigation networks in the dam to irrigate 17.7 hectares of land 1968 - 1977gg.

103-105. Two multi-agricultural farm "Gazibad" with the territory of 2.9 ha, "Hulda" on the territory of 2.8 ha and the irrigation and reclamation of land preparation in the area of Jalalabad to the canal area of 24 hectares 1969 - 1970.

106-108. Three veterinary laboratories to combat infectious diseases of animals in the cities. Jalalabad, Mazar-e Sharif and Herat, 1972

109. Processing plant citrus and olives in the city of Jalalabad in 1984

110. Control seed laboratory for grain crops in Kabul

111-113. Three soil-agrochemical laboratory in years. Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif and Jalalabad
114-115. Two cable cranes in the area of Khorog and Qala-Khumb 1985 - 1986.

116. LEP-220 kV State Border of the USSR-Mazari-Sherif, 1986

117. Complete laboratory analysis of solid minerals in Kabul in 1985

118. Elevator with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of grain in Mazar-i-Sharif
119. Station maintenance trucks on 4 posts in Pul-Humrm

120-121. 2 hlopkovh seed lab in years. Kabul and Balkh

122. Polyclinic insurance company public servants at 600 visits per day in Kabul

123-125. Stations of artificial insemination in the cities. Kabul (Binigisar), Mazar-e Sharif (Balkh), Jalalabad

126. Institute of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Afghanistan in 1986

127. Development of technical and feasibility of establishing two state farms on the basis of the irrigation system "Sard"

128. 10 kV power transmission line from the state border in the area Kushki to the station. Turgundi with the substation - "-

129. Gas-filling station in Kabul capacity of 2 thousand tons per year

130. Base MIA Hairaton for unloading and storage spetsgruzov (on contract terms)

131. Reconstruction of the railway station Turgundi 1987

132. Restoration of the bridge over the river. Samangan

133. Gas-filling station in Hairaton capacity of 2 thousand tons of liquefied gas

134. Looping 50 km pipeline USSR - Afghanistan

135. Refurbishment work on trunk roads

136. Secondary school for 1300 students in the city of Kabul with a number of subjects taught in Russian

137. Installation for processing gas condensate diesel fuel production capacity of 4 thousand tons per year for gazopromysle Dzharkuduk

138. MGB base in the port of Hairaton

139-141. Three concreted area in Hairaton

142. The company on a progressive assembly bike capacity of 15 thousand units per year in Kabul in 1988

Pakistan was one of the biggest players in trying to oust the Afghan government and expel the Soviets. The so called 'mujahideen' which Was largely comprised of Pakistanis and supported by the Pakistani government was responsible for destroying much of Afghan's infrastructure which was largely built by the Soviet Union. Several years after the Soviets left the Afghan government finally collapsed and was overthrown by radicals that Pakistan helped create, but by then those radicals already sent Afghanistan into the stone age by destroying everything modern.

So a foreign invasion made people become Islamic extremists and made them want to live in the middle ages?

Yeh, right. :disagree:

The Soviets are to blame, you see they invested billions in infrastructure and cleverly decided to team up with and train radical islamists to destroy everything they built. You see they were never at war with the Islamist extremists, instead they created and indoctrinated the Islamist extremists to destroy everything they built and accomplished, and Pakistan definitely had nothing to do with it.
Poor Indians. They want their name exposed. But when we expose them, they go and cry on their media.
fuuny that Indians want to promote sari culture but love to beat the bush around for other countries when it comes to their local culture.

anyway this is NOT picture of entire Afghanistan.

The farsiwan Afghanistanis had always been like that. their women wore and still wear skirts even those Persian speaking Afghanistanis in Pakistan who came to Pakistan during first Afghan war used to and still wear what is shown in this video.

The Pukhtun population was different even back then and still is different.

the attire of both communities when it comes to women was always been different.

it has nothing to do with religion. its all about their traditional way.

the farsiwan Afghanistanis even have different marriage ceremony mostly influenced by Christian tradition of bride and groom rituals and dresses.
Sex parties
Katthak dance
Costume mills
Tea shops
Gas plants
Western Dresses
Skirted women

Still exist in Afghanistan, and are not symbols of openness and prosperity. This video is restricted to the projection of the communist elite of Afghanistan in the 60's not the real rural Afghanistan. A.Stan was ruined by the communist Russians and later by their friends India via fueling a civil war and later by the land of the free and the home of the brave, contrary to what Bhaaartis would have you believe.

Thats why pakistan is most unpopular nation in a-stan :lol:

and india is most popular.Even afghanis visiting here call your facilities backward and india is their top choice in asia. :whistle:
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