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What About : 40, Su-35 BM for Stratageic Forces Command ( India ) ?

y the time we get F-35's , PAKFA's will be ready. So we can opt for it. More over PAKFA is airdominance fighter so it can handle the air threats efficiently.

You're right. But it's highly doubtful that the assembly line will be able to roll out enough PAK FA's for both IAF requirements and for the Tri-Services strike force. Ordering two separate FG Fighters could give them an option to ramp up capabilities quicker. Besides, with F-35/PAK FA as a bomber/striker,you would not need to waste additional strikers as escorts.
The question remains, can the PAK FA be developed and rolled out quick enough to meet all requirements.
Are they really making a purchase ?/ And if they will, will they be even releasing the information because we don't want anyone to know that this aircraft is carrying nuckes???
the most impressive feature of the su 35bm for me is the irbis e radar - said to have 400km search range...... I heard reports that russia was making an aesa radar based on irbis-e a while back- any news on this??
I think Stratageic Command need a dedicated bomber for second strike in case of nuclear war so Su 34 is best answer currently nothing else
@DRDO-Bro.40 Su-34 long range fighter bombers are a waste as we can use the much more common Su-30 MKI for that role!!We need A/C's that have a high sortie rate(Mirage 2000/Rafale/F/A 18SH)IMHO!
@DRDO-Bro.40 Su-34 long range fighter bombers are a waste as we can use the much more common Su-30 MKI for that role!!We need A/C's that have a high sortie rate(Mirage 2000/Rafale/F/A 18SH)IMHO!
Su-34 has more than 70% commonality with MKI it has better Radar,Engines and RCS and is designed with specific purpose of opperating in heavily defended airspaces and Evasion its the best a/c for SEAD and Destruction of high priorty targets in heavily guarded airspace and evading so it will be most suitable for the SFC in the intended role. Also the wider nose of that bird will be able to house a more capable AESA as compared to MKI.
MKI will be upgraded with AESA's in the near future,so the MKI can do almost all that the Su-34 can 'without standing out'!The cost would not be justified,IMO!
Dedicated tupolevs escorted by a squad of Sukhois will scare the $hIt out of the bad guys... We need dedicated bombers to deliver the package more effectively..
Dedicated tupolevs escorted by a squad of Sukhois will scare the $hIt out of the bad guys... We need dedicated bombers to deliver the package more effectively..

we should buy the pak da when it comes out - dont think we should join the whole project though - that will be too expensive
Can we stop looking into this stupid rumour? There's not even an RFP mentioned till date except a letter of intent. There's no need for this.
No need for it when we can launch Nuclear cruise missiles in the future.
Haven't we discussed this topic to the death? With Rafale, more MKIs and all? Come on guys, lets get something new.
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