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What a way to begin a day

I have never lived in India, but I get the impression that Indian media, and Indians in general, are more proactive on social issues.
It's not the army's job to enforce law and order. If the army has to be called in to police the cities, that's bad news already.
The only solution is a civilian government that is accountable, perhaps with help from special paramilitary forces initially. My favorite punching bag is the feudals and, as long as they run the show, things will not improve.
I don't know what others think, where I have been, what I have been taught and experienced in my profession, its necessary to guide certain kind of individuals that if groomed in right way can make lot of difference.

Its all about installing practicality, prioritization and patience. These 3 P makes effective and worthy individuals that gets things done rather than hoping for something good to happen, to be done by others.
I don't know what others think, where I have been, what I have been taught and experienced in my profession, its necessary to guide certain kind of individuals that if groomed in right way can make lot of difference.

Its all about installing practicality, prioritization and patience. These 3 P makes effective and worthy individuals that gets things done rather than hoping for something good to happen, to be done by others.

Outlaw madrassas and make sure all Muslim kids go to normal schools.

On both sides of the border.

Boys and girls.

And make sure they stay in school till at least 10th standard.
If things go south and you are going under, your Army will have to accept our help.

And I think India would go in for once.

Its not about 'fighting' anyone. If that were the case, I am sure our army would have done it long time ago.

Its about controlling this growing extremism and intolerance here which is a direct result of lack of education and development. How is India going to help Pakistan in that?

You will be advised to keep your borders sealed and don't let anybody in. Pakistanis will kill each other for a decade or two and then perhaps will come to their senses after half or more population is wiped off.
What is needed is to put in a top class bureaucracy. Everything said and done, it is this which will builld continuity. The Army should withdraw from bureaucratic functions. This itself will be a good first step. Politicians should only be concerned with defining policies. Courts should be concerned with whether they are as per the Constitution. Bureacracy should be concerned with implementation. Trying to implement this will take 10 years. But it will be a good starting point.
Majority of Pakistanis have accepted their fate including me. This violence in Pakistan will not end atleast during my lifetime.

On one of those days, I know that it could very well be me who'll become a 'statistic' in these suicide blast stories that you folks will be discussing on PDF..

Thats a defeatist attitude, at least do what is in your power by banning trolls who are shouting slogans in support of terrorists on PDF.

Most of the Pakistani populace is either confused, or is in a silent support of these criminals. Therefore, I have lost all my hopes for this country. Call me a defeatist or whatever you may like.

Pakistani population has no soul, it was never given a chance by its leaders and since the end of british colonialism the country has been subjected to one after another imperial influences in the name of Ummah brotherhood.

I dont know who is this populace may be from cities like Islamabad where security and facilities are better but in my province we are doing more than anyone to fight these criminals.

Try to be in our shoes and see the reality.

When the world largest ijtima of religious bigots is held in raiwind - yeah right.

Unfortunately we Pakistanis have became numb to all these problems. There is still no consensus in the country on how to tackle this menace. The professional and the educated class are numb to these problems because their lives are not affected by these problems. I live in Lahore and belong to the educated/professional class. I woke up, went to work and still sitting at the office. My life has not been affected one bit, its just business as usual here at my office. No one in the office has even talked about this bomb blast, its all jokes and work here. This is exactly the attitude that needs to change in this country, lack of interest in politics and affairs of the country. This is why i support Imran Khan, its because he is mobilizing people from the grass root level and is encouraging the people to became part of the political solution.

Nero played the fiddle (violin) while Rome burned, during the great fire in AD 64.

Fall of Rome - Economic Reasons for the Fall of Rome

Such criticism and discussion is part and parcel of a free society. It is only novel because it is a new phenomenon, dissent having been crushed by force in the past, that is all. Even now, there is an unsaid limit to which this will be tolerated. It can all be shut down as soon as the Army decides. Right now it is merely biding its time and trying to manipulate matters behind the scenes simply because the brass want to keep the politicians in front as scapegoats for the present troubles.

To be a free society, you must have a free mind. We are shackled with 7th century fascism. Everything is a holy cow and those who question it will be lynched by mob.

Outlaw madrassas and make sure all Muslim kids go to normal schools.

On both sides of the border.

Boys and girls.

And make sure they stay in school till at least 10th standard.

Madrasas are the biggest curse of any country - learn from the experiment of Ata Turk.
Time to ban these factories of terrorism.

Its not about 'fighting' anyone. If that were the case, I am sure our army would have done it long time ago.

Its about controlling this growing extremism and intolerance here which is a direct result of lack of education and development. How is India going to help Pakistan in that?

You will be advised to keep your borders sealed and don't let anybody in. Pakistanis will kill each other for a decade or two and then perhaps will come to their senses after half or more population is wiped off.

Our army is an incompetent bunch which not only loses war after starting them but cannot protect its citizen while people do not get tired of singing its praises. Time to confront the reality - much of the mess is a byproduct of Army conspiring to keep its power in national politics.
I guess controlling the madrassa's and having some programme to streamline the usthad's of madrassas will be along term solutions... May be start some govt agency to train them on teaching...( If you cant close the madrassas - i know it is difficult one to implement)
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