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What a way to begin a day

I think the Army is Pakistan's only hope.

Pakistan runs on guns.

You need bigger guns to oppose that you wish to change.

They too afraid of 'changes'. Will lose the importance, may become like Indian Army chiefs, ;) no urge on foreign policies..no extensions...

Yes, a strong willed Army Chief with a belief on India(necessary very much) can change things around.
Well..maybe you are right.

The PA too is infiltrated with the same caliber of ppl who are ruining the nation - the religious hardliners.

They are like a steroid actually.

I know.

But Pakistan cannot take on the Taliban and the Army at the same time.

The civilian leadership or system is simply not in place.

Sure, it can and will get there, given time.

But time is something they do not have.

They need 5-10 years of clean up and then another 5-10 years of nation building.

The second 5-10 will depend heavily on the first 5-10.
They too afraid of 'changes'. Will lose the importance, may become like Indian Army chiefs, ;) no urge on foreign policies..no extensions...

Yes, a strong willed Army Chief with a belief on India(necessary very much) can change things around.

That is what a previous post of mine meant.

Recognize the basic mindset of the Pakistani populace.

Democracy is not for everyone. Definitely not a sham democracy.

Guarantee the Army power constitutionally, it will not require the subterfuge of Khatre mein or the sporadic coups.

Plus when you institutionalize it, you ensure that a dictator does not emerge.

The Army acts as its own check and balance.
I did when they won last time!

Last time I had No Options . This Time I have so If Congress wins i am out . Sometimes i Feel Democracy is nota good option for a country where more than 30 percent or people are below Poverty line and Votes are given in Sectarian and Regional perspective ....
There is no problem with the Pakistani society at all. this is how things are working everywhere in the world. Blasts in some part of the country is bad but the person who have family to look after and to full fill needs of others need to go to work and thats what happen in whole world.

In case of blasts the city do get some issues but still people are job works , the emergency staff, doctors etc etc...
London attacks on 7/7 do you think offices in Manchester , Birmingham , Glasgow etc declared off day ... I work in London and on that day i was on Job and worked full time.

Most of our problems are due to some idiots invading Afghanistan and thinking they are winning the war, they have hired people in Afghanistan to make problems in Pakistan.

Before this idiot invaded Afghanistan there was not a single attack like this inside Pakistan.. As the whole region went under the war , these idiots hired the people who were jobless for creating lawlessness in Pakistan.

Cause of the problem is someone killing innocent people and then hiring left ones to hit Pakistan. There are so many agencies working in Pakistan to make this happened.
As of time of this post around 5 IED have been found and diffused in the city (Karachi). Although we are sitting in office but we are not giving our 100% efficiency and everyone is more concerned about the day to end and to reach home safely.
As of time of this post around 5 IED have been found and diffused in the city (Karachi). Although we are sitting in office but we are not giving our 100% efficiency and everyone is more concerned about the day to end and to reach home safely.

We can only offer our best wishes & hope that you ppl generate the mental & physical momentum to turn things around.

Surely this was not the Pakistan your forefathers strove for.
There is no problem with the Pakistani society at all. this is how things are working everywhere in the world. Blasts in some part of the country is bad but the person who have family to look after and to full fill needs of others need to go to work and thats what happen in whole world.

You know, I entirely disagree with that. Look at JUST Karachi. I have personally seen people (very educated) that call the terrorist sitting in London, their sort of God father and pay him so much respect as he's a holly figure.
Do you think a progressing society should be doing that to a gangster who's done nothing but to kill people??? If the SAME educated people don't realize the future of their kids is in the hands of a terrorist.....who else is going to?
Then, look at your parties....do people not realize who's corrupt and who's not? Any believers of giving someone else a chance? You are saying there are NO problems with the Pakistani society but you went from moving towards one of the top economies in 1997 to almost no economy......when there is talent and people available.
Sure, India and Pakistan share many similarities, culture and politicians...and as much as I am against American jobs going to India, it's not India's fault. They saw an opportunity, their gov't created a system and a national identity that's beyond sects, races and religion and look at them now??? They hate each other too based on their believes and states they are from. But to the outside world...it comes across as ONE India.
Similarly, your politicians have failed to create national interest based policies and a national identity. WHO is going to do that for you? People change governments. Governments don't rule people!!! So you and people reading this have to change their hearts. Say no to the oppressors who you guys voted for and try someone else who has a more economy focused agenda as THAT is the root of about 80% of the evil. Last....NO, the US doesn't have a whole lot of hand in taken you down to the crapper. That was coming. If there wasn't the US in Afghanistan and Talibans turned towards you at some point (which was bound to happen as they'd want the SAME hard core Islamic government in Pakistan just like Afghanistan), I am not sure what you guys could do in such a case.....right now, you have the support of many countries sitting across the border. If 100,000 suicide bombers turned towards Pakistan...I can't see the military maintaining any control. I think the country would've been split between the religious and the moderns.... so I truly believe that the US is helping you get rid of the evil in the context of the Afghan war for over a decade. I don't think Pakistan on its own can deal with the taliban issue if or WHEN it was to come!!
Which is very sad and inexplicable.

One would expect a groundswell of reactions that ought to shake the Govt & PA to act.

That's because this desensitization has been built up over decades of violence. The first few times, long long ago, people might have cared, but each new wave of killings numbs the senses til there's hardly any reaction any more.

This is a state of mind which leads towards facism. There is a reason why Ata Turk decided to throw religion out of state - without Ata Turk we wont have Turkey today.

No need to bring religion into it. This is a law and order problem, first and foremost.

The gangland wars in Karachi are motivated by ethnic and political factors, not religion. The sectarian violence is motivated by religion. Instead of finding a new solution for each case, we should look for the underlying common cause, and that points to corrupt and complicit government at all levels.
I agree with Orangzaib.

Me and Third Eye are getting chills just reading this thread and the other Talib Acceptability thread.

If things go south and you are going under, your Army will have to accept our help.

And I think India would go in for once.
That's because this desensitization has been built up over decades of violence. The first few times, long long ago, people might have cared, but each new wave of killings numbs the senses til there's hardly any reaction any more.

What in your opinion besides the PA is needed to start turning around things ?
All these are effect of Zia's Sunni Islamization
1. Hudood Ordinance
2. Blasphemy Laws
3. Definition of Muslim
You know, I entirely disagree with that. Look at JUST Karachi. I have personally seen people (very educated) that call the terrorist sitting in London, their sort of God father and pay him so much respect as he's a holly figure.
Do you think a progressing society should be doing that to a gangster who's done nothing but to kill people??? If the SAME educated people don't realize the future of their kids is in the hands of a terrorist.....who else is going to?
Then, look at your parties....do people not realize who's corrupt and who's not? Any believers of giving someone else a chance? You are saying there are NO problems with the Pakistani society but you went from moving towards one of the top economies in 1997 to almost no economy......when there is talent and people available.
Sure, India and Pakistan share many similarities, culture and politicians...and as much as I am against American jobs going to India, it's not India's fault. They saw an opportunity, their gov't created a system and a national identity that's beyond sects, races and religion and look at them now??? They hate each other too based on their believes and states they are from. But to the outside world...it comes across as ONE India.
Similarly, your politicians have failed to create national interest based policies and a national identity. WHO is going to do that for you? People change governments. Governments don't rule people!!! So you and people reading this have to change their hearts. Say no to the oppressors who you guys voted for and try someone else who has a more economy focused agenda as THAT is the root of about 80% of the evil. Last....NO, the US doesn't have a whole lot of hand in taken you down to the crapper. That was coming. If there wasn't the US in Afghanistan and Talibans turned towards you at some point (which was bound to happen as they'd want the SAME hard core Islamic government in Pakistan just like Afghanistan), I am not sure what you guys could do in such a case.....right now, you have the support of many countries sitting across the border. If 100,000 suicide bombers turned towards Pakistan...I can't see the military maintaining any control. I think the country would've been split between the religious and the moderns.... so I truly believe that the US is helping you get rid of the evil in the context of the Afghan war for over a decade. I don't think Pakistan on its own can deal with the taliban issue if or WHEN it was to come!!

Well you are saying all this without acknowledging that USA is sitting in Afghanistan and before that there were no blasts and killings happening like this.

I am not saying there are no problem in Pakistan or its leaders, i am saying most of the problem are introduced by your Gov and Agencies. People go on with the lives they are living.

Did you asked your gov when they said Raymond davis was a Consulate person but it was proven wrong? Did you asked your gov. why he killed 3 innocents in Lahore ? everyone know he killed people and still your gov used the pressure tactics to take him away? I am 100% right to say that your people failed as a nation to bring that person to justice even in USA.

Did you ever Asked your gov why they are doing the drones when all stats showing that 99% civilian dies due to these attacks?

have you ever consider not to go to your office as your gov is killing innocents? mate same thing goes on small scale as well , people do get sad on these news but they keep going on with their lives.

Do not try to prove that Pakistan is a failed state, India on the other hand is not fighting the war we are doing. so they took the options. but here Pakistani are fighting on fronts , and still managing to go with their lives.

trust me the day USA left Afghanistan and this region we will rise again as there wont be any sort of involvement of your agencies. till then we will keep on fighting the elements sitting in NATO head office in Afghanistan and they operate in Pakistan under the supervision of CIA, Pentagon. etc
Sir, the situation is common in both the nations. We forget and become used to of these attacks and violence. We need change in perception and only segment of society that can bring this change is youth of both the nations.

I have never lived in India, but I get the impression that Indian media, and Indians in general, are more proactive on social issues.

What in your opinion besides the PA is needed to start turning around things ?

It's not the army's job to enforce law and order. If the army has to be called in to police the cities, that's bad news already.

The only solution is a civilian government that is accountable, perhaps with help from special paramilitary forces initially. My favorite punching bag is the feudals and, as long as they run the show, things will not improve.
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