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What a way to begin a day

I don't know about that but there is a strong feeling in moderate / educated class that this country may not survive the upcoming elections if rigged. And we know for a fact that most of our political elite does not give a damn even if the country breaks up. I bet they are already planning as to how to gain power in those newly formed countries / states if that happens.

What about the Army?

With the COAS the Constitutional de facto leader of the country?

The COAS post is time based right?

So once he retires, the next in line automatically comes in.

That prevents a dictator like situation.

And it keeps the Army motivated.

And now they do not need to paint India as the great evil - cause their position and pre-eminence is Constitutionally guaranteed.
Unfortunately we Pakistanis have became numb to all these problems. There is still no consensus in the country on how to tackle this menace. The professional and the educated class are numb to these problems because their lives are not affected by these problems. I live in Lahore and belong to the educated/professional class. I woke up, went to work and still sitting at the office. My life has not been affected one bit, its just business as usual here at my office. No one in the office has even talked about this bomb blast, its all jokes and work here. This is exactly the attitude that needs to change in this country, lack of interest in politics and affairs of the country. This is why i support Imran Khan, its because he is mobilizing people from the grass root level and is encouraging the people to became part of the political solution.
What about the Army?

With the COAS the Constitutional de facto leader of the country?

The COAS post is time based right?

So once he retires, the next in line automatically comes in.

That prevents a dictator like situation.

And it keeps the Army motivated.

And now they do not need to paint India as the great evil - cause their position and pre-eminence is Constitutionally guaranteed.

The army is so maligned in the media these days that they will think thrice before doing something. Our 'free' media is so free these days that it has become a fashion to bad mouth army and discuss national security policies on the television.
Most of the Pakistani populace is either confused, or is in a silent support of these criminals. Therefore, I have lost all my hopes for this country. Call me a defeatist or whatever you may like.

What on earth is this ?

Things always get worse before they get better.

The resolve to change things must come from within.
The army is so maligned in the media these days that they will think thrice before doing something. Our 'free' media is so free these days that it has become a fashion to bad mouth army and discuss national security policies on the television.

Such criticism and discussion is part and parcel of a free society. It is only novel because it is a new phenomenon, dissent having been crushed by force in the past, that is all. Even now, there is an unsaid limit to which this will be tolerated. It can all be shut down as soon as the Army decides. Right now it is merely biding its time and trying to manipulate matters behind the scenes simply because the brass want to keep the politicians in front as scapegoats for the present troubles.
Majority of Pakistanis have accepted their fate including me. This violence in Pakistan will not end atleast during my lifetime.

On one of those days, I know that it could very well be me who'll become a 'statistic' in these suicide blast stories that you folks will be discussing on PDF..

I wish you and yours safety of life, limb and property.

Most of the Pakistani populace is either confused, or is in a silent support of these criminals. Therefore, I have lost all my hopes for this country. Call me a defeatist or whatever you may like.

Why be a defeatist?. Just drink a little patriotic KoolAid, let off a few Pakistani Zindabad slogans, believe in the official "sab achcha hey" mantra, read a little RiazHaq economic fantasy, read a little PKKH right wing preaching, read a little Xeric pro-Army flag-waving, bash a few Indians on DefPk, ban a few independents like me, and soon you will begin to feel a whole lot better. Yeah! :D
What on earth is this ?

This is a psyche of Pakistanis specially those residing in rural areas of Punjab. They cannot resist such pressures collectively and succumb to it and then its business as usual.

If I have few million dollars in my pocket, I can form a shadow government in any far flung village of Punjab by buying acres of land, eliminating or partnering with their landlords, and bribing the police. I'll be the new master of that place and the entire village will not find enough courage to stand against me. The British have taught us to stay low and keep our heads down very well.

That village mentality is on display at a macro level in current day Pakistan. The masters will keep changing according to the social status of the population. For liberals, its Americans. For conservatives, its Saudis and for uneducated masses, its the Taliban. This is how I see my country.
Such criticism and discussion is part and parcel of a free society. It is only novel because it is a new phenomenon, dissent having been crushed by force in the past, that is all. Even now, there is an unsaid limit to which this will be tolerated. It can all be shut down as soon as the Army decides. Right now it is merely biding its time and trying to manipulate matters behind the scenes simply because the brass want to keep the politicians in front as scapegoats for the present troubles.

While I agree with most of what you have said, there are actually some people in our media who tend to cross their limit every now and then. One of our bar president is on record to have said that 'Pakistanis can either save their army or the country' implying that the armed forces are a threat to existence of state. What country on earth can tolerate this bull crap?
I don't know about that but there is a strong feeling in moderate / educated class that this country may not survive the upcoming elections if rigged. And we know for a fact that most of our political elite does not give a damn even if the country breaks up. I bet they are already planning as to how to gain power in those newly formed countries / states if that happens.

The best thing India can do to help Pakistan is not to provide a opportunity to Fundamentalist people to use us an excuse to gain popularity in Pakistan...
Well leaders are like parent and if parents are corrupt then it wears off on to the children =the masses.
Plus drones is making people angry kills their family and then they want justice but no justice.
media is not doing its jobs except showing some bu ll sh it.
bribes everywhere.
education is for elite or who can afford it, the rest madarasa.
truth is pak is now on its own their is no one out there and pak must go through transformation to leap itself out of this but going to take some hardcore steps i am talking about Chinese policies here for getting rid of corruptions. we need leader that has balls and is ruthless dealing with corrupter, criminals, does not care about USA policies but pak interest first.
pak interest first rather give me more i sell my country out.

Look like pak seem to have traitors working against it as well. All parties must be dissolved majority bombs, murder is due to them running gang warfare for power.
But the way things are going on in pakistan it will take quite some time to come out of this mess..... If the government and army work together with will to solve this.. i am sure it is possible... if they work on short term and long term strategies this can be solved... The biggest issue will be the number of people who are sympathizers to this kind of crimes.... These guys will oppose any move by any authorities and their leaders will try to make as many as terrorist from those sympathizers.

Im sure the indians are concerned from what is happening there... looking worried at the way things are turning out....
Beside all other reasons, a huge cause for concern is the sense of despondency and resignation one gets to read here in this thread.

This is unexpected.

When the educated & those who can lead the change give up then there is genuine cause for concern.

Its like giving up taking medicines for a serious ailment.
I think the Army is Pakistan's only hope.

Pakistan runs on guns.

You need bigger guns to oppose that you wish to change.
I think the Army is Pakistan's only hope.

Pakistan runs on guns.

You need bigger guns to oppose that you wish to change.

Well..maybe you are right.

The PA too is infiltrated with the same caliber of ppl who are ruining the nation - the religious hardliners.

They are like a steroid actually.
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