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What a waste! Fruits, veggies worth crores rot in India

it seems that the production is surplus

a better management could do a lot better, like say distributing the veggies and fruits evenly across india, as it would be pretty obvious that some parts may grow some and some may not

rest export them off to US,UK etc where the Indian population is on a grand scale :)
I remember during NDA regime. Vajpayee announcing cold storage through out India.. I dont know what happened to it..:undecided:
guys u missed the point here... no govt would want to stop this...if they do people will buy food out of there earned money... will be healthy and prosperous..will have time to think abt our nation and will vote to the good candidates...see that's wat these parties dont want...bcos then they will have nothing to start a scheme for...
starve them....food security bill
make farmers bankrupt covert them into labourers....nrega..
spends nothing on sanitation....several health schemes....

Someone needs to be hanged for this criminal wastage!! :pissed:

tah, tah, tah, in a country like china where we have the means and ways to move our produce around to families and households and then throw half-eaten food away or leave them to rot in the fridge, that, THAT, is waste. in a shitty subcontinent where you yindoos never figured out how to move things around before they are rotten, it is not waste! you never had the means to consume them, so you never wasted them.
to put it another way, you guys are so piss poor that if you used money and manpower to build the necessary infrastructure to move stuff around, you would not have the means and resources to grow so much food, so you would still end up starving.
in other words, you need to face the fact that you yindoos starve because you are poor and cannot afford your own food, not because you let anything go to waste.
Even if Cold storages are made available by state administration, the tools will not use it. I have seen advertisements of cold storage facility(el cheapo charges since it's state supported) for storing agri products and fish/meat etc here in kerala. no takers! there are authorities like VFPCK and European union assisted agri markets made here but, may be a off case- we are only interested in buying vegetables from other states. that may be why it is not used.
tah, tah, tah, in a country like china where we have the means and ways to move our produce around to families and households and then throw half-eaten food away or leave them to rot in the fridge, that, THAT, is waste. in a shitty subcontinent where you yindoos never figured out how to move things around before they are rotten, it is not waste! you never had the means to consume them, so you never wasted them.
to put it another way, you guys are so piss poor that if you used money and manpower to build the necessary infrastructure to move stuff around, you would not have the means and resources to grow so much food, so you would still end up starving.
in other words, you need to face the fact that you yindoos starve because you are poor and cannot afford your own food, not because you let anything go to waste.

It is Hindus for you. Too tough to spell or you just that retarded? Post reported please get banned.
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