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Western Obsession With Saving Muslim Women

If the West cared so much about women or Muslims in general, then they never should have carried out "shock and awe" campaigns, went over to sovereign lands to take them over for x,y,z false narrative reasons, embargoed countries causing harm to the innocent population, drone striked people and called innocent deaths collateral damage and a part of doing business, and on and on.
Well the governments don't care. It's the human rights organizations,movements and many of their campaign funders who care. And that puts pressure on the politicians.
Well the governments don't care. It's the human rights organizations,movements and many of their campaign funders who care. And that puts pressure on the politicians.

It's an interesting issue.

An interplay between philosophies, religion, geopolitics and some would say the metaphysical.

Regardless, this idea that Western ideals for society and women in particular are ideal is interesting when you look at the reality of the situation in the West.

Now I'm not saying women are not mistreated in Muslim lands.

What I am saying it has less to do with the religion and more to do with the people practicing it.

The West has taken to demonizing Islam in regards to women.

Islam is about balance, about everything.

The liberal (and conservative) West should first take a look at its own problems in society before wanting to "export" that poison to other societies in the world.

Please watch the following video.

It illustrates the hypocrisy and absurdity of it all.

Especially watch the overweight guy in the red hat towards the middle to end of the video.

You can't make this up.

Also very interesting to see the interaction between the left and right in the West and then view under an Islamic perspective.

What is the obsession of the West with muslim women? Why do they fetishize the concept of white men saving the muslim women in distress?

And lately after trying everything short of nuking Afghanistan. And utter humiliation. They have no ammunition left but this sham argument.

I just don't understand the Western obsession with the idea that muslim women are oppressed and they need to go in and rescue them. Just recently this is probably the only talking point the West is touting most against Taliban.

As if Drone striking and bombing schools, hospitals, villages is feminism? Where is this notion of the white man saving muslim women when they are pulling off muslim women's hijabs in racist attacks?

They have deceiful intention of using this for anti muslim goals, I understand. But some people actually do start believing this. So pathetic and sickening to see they target minds of muslim women and normal people. So satanic. Muslim women are key foundation of muslim society and ideals.
Do all the veiled muslim women fully agree?
Do all the muslim womans deprived of education fully agree?
Some are. I have a doubt about the percentage.
The West totally recognized the Taliban government of 1996-2001 and did not quite rescue the Afghan Muslim women from their misery during that time. Nor will the West do any such practical thing this time around. Let me see a new massive UNSC-sanctioned anti-Taliban invasion of Afghanistan like the West did in case Iraq, Libya and Syria and liberate the Afghan women. The Western governments will in fact recognize the Taliban government now at the convenient soonest.

In whichever Muslim-majority country Muslim progressives have formed governance and emancipated the women there the Western governments have interfered and sabotaged that country. Whether it was against Nasser in Egypt, Gaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria or indeed the socialist Afghan government of the 1980s.

@Bilal. :lol:
I need saving from my Muslim wife...where are these damn women who are obedient and stand on one leg and salute their husbands....I will have a dozen please.

My wife is good but when mad...Trust me the might of the taliban stand no chance
I am goingto show this to my wife
Do all the veiled muslim women fully agree?
Do all the muslim womans deprived of education fully agree?
Some are. I have a doubt about the percentage.
no they don't
but those who do is under compulsion, cultre and indoctrination and such restrictions become a habit for them.
What is the obsession of the West with muslim women? Why do they fetishize the concept of white men saving the muslim women in distress?

And lately after trying everything short of nuking Afghanistan. And utter humiliation. They have no ammunition left but this sham argument.

I just don't understand the Western obsession with the idea that muslim women are oppressed and they need to go in and rescue them. Just recently this is probably the only talking point the West is touting most against Taliban.

As if Drone striking and bombing schools, hospitals, villages is feminism? Where is this notion of the white man saving muslim women when they are pulling off muslim women's hijabs in racist attacks?

They have deceiful intention of using this for anti muslim goals, I understand. But some people actually do start believing this. So pathetic and sickening to see they target minds of muslim women and normal people. So satanic. Muslim women are key foundation of muslim society and ideals.

It is designed to humiliate you by controlling your women and changing their behaviours to align with their own values and not yours. As your wifes they are opressed, as their whores they are liberated.
they cry croc tears for educate woman in Kabul now , when Kashmiris woman in IOK getting raped!
What is the obsession of the West with muslim women? Why do they fetishize the concept of white men saving the muslim women in distress?

And lately after trying everything short of nuking Afghanistan. And utter humiliation. They have no ammunition left but this sham argument.

I just don't understand the Western obsession with the idea that muslim women are oppressed and they need to go in and rescue them. Just recently this is probably the only talking point the West is touting most against Taliban.

As if Drone striking and bombing schools, hospitals, villages is feminism? Where is this notion of the white man saving muslim women when they are pulling off muslim women's hijabs in racist attacks?

They have deceiful intention of using this for anti muslim goals, I understand. But some people actually do start believing this. So pathetic and sickening to see they target minds of muslim women and normal people. So satanic. Muslim women are key foundation of muslim society and ideals.

They can't even tell what their gender is these days, and think that a 3-year old kid has the right to undergo surgery to change his/her gender. :lol: When one is this fukd up in ones brain, then you can imagine what these nasty evil beasts must be thinking when they talk about saving so called 'Muslim Women'.
Says the person whose society aborts fetuses just because they are female.

2 things can be bad at same time, unless you're an idiot not to know that. As if something wrong with Indian society makes taliban saints.
I asked him to preach is “progressive” ideology in a public place in a country that have tasted it before and has now liberated itself from it like Poland and see what the general public will do to him :lol:
Yes, call your comrade. He will say Assad and the Taliban are "imaginary". "Imaginary" has become his mantra.
No no SPA is about to bring the popular proletarian people’s revolution in a week, just wait…. They are planning it from their underground hideouts.
Sentence is coherent. Your mind is having system error. Like so many whities do when I say this to them and they usually go through similar situation comapring what I said to what they are fed

Muslim girls in West who wear the hijab are so brave and I make it a point to tell them that. When I lengthen the beard even a little bit the chances of me being target of racism goes up dramatically. I've actually tried this out.

Hijab is more like a fashion nowadays. There are girls in hijab sleeping around too
Because you treat your like women like sh*t as instructed by your mind controllers. They will jump on anything to make you look bad isn't it obvious?
I asked him to preach is “progressive” ideology in a public place in a country that have tasted it before and has now liberated itself from it like Poland and see what the general public will do to him :lol:

No no SPA is about to bring the popular proletarian people’s revolution in a week, just wait…. They are planning it from their underground hideouts.

Had hai delusional honai ki :lol:
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