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West will introduce sanctions against Russia in any case, Putin says

I dont see Russia losing.
I dont even see a war happening. Russia will invade Ukraine, and will only see sanctions. that is all. Ukraine is not in NATO, they cant use it to start a NATO vs Russia war.

I don't know if there is going to be a war or not but harsh sanctions against Russia would be a two edged sword--the West will also take some serious consequences in that case.

I was talking about Russia's cut to the size on a long term trajectory. The Wolves of the West are out to get to Russia's natural resources and Putin is the one standing in front of them. After him--I sadly don't see but a balkanized Russia.

The people who applaud Putin here would also have applauded hitler in 1938

At least I am not 'applauding' Putin. Giving credit where its due. The Russia of today would have been far worse off without him; people should go back to the early 1990s to compare. BTW, all leaders, including even Hitler, are a mixed-bag. Some accomplish a lot in good and bad ways. Same can be said about Stalin. Or Mao. Or Napoleon. In general, history is not charitable toward those who lost.
The people who applaud Putin here would also have applauded hitler in 1938

England applauded Hitler in 1938.
Photo showing Prime Minister of England Chamberlain and Hitler in Munich in 1938:
Chamberlain hitler 1938.jpg
England applauded Hitler in 1938.
Photo showing Prime Minister of England Chamberlain and Hitler in Munich in 1938:
View attachment 816868

Exactly. It took Churchill to burn the nazi cities to ashes.

Chamberlain is the best example why appeasement to dictators doesnt work. Thank you for supporting my argument.
I doubt Ukraine will fall and Russia will have to wait another 25 years meaning in an era without Putin Russia will attack around 40s
Ukraine will fall without Nato, US and the others are already leaving. Ukraine has to fight this alone. I don't think Russia wants to maintain an occupation.
The only thing Putin will achieve is a complete collapse of russian economy. Trade with Europe will go down to zero with basicly heavy armament at the eastern borders to hold the russian facists away. Ukraine can only survive as bridge between Europe and Asia. The moment its cut off from Europe, it becomes a dead end that will consume endless russian rescources. Ukrainians hate Russia with passion and we will also see endless resitance fights and attacks against russian targets also inside russia.

For Europe this means we must invest far more into our military and NATO. Freedom comes not for free.

Ukraine will fall without Nato, US and the others are already leaving. Ukraine has to fight this alone. I don't think Russia wants to maintain an occupation.

Ukraine already is heavily armed including advanced anti tank weapons. Add the fact that trade between Europe and Russia will be cut down to zero and you see whats going on.
The people who applaud Putin here would also have applauded hitler in 1938
NATO is Hitler's best dream, his life-long wish for Christmas. And now new Hitler wants Ukraine and Caucasus, as old one did. And the ultimate goal - to destroy Russia. Nothing changes here, only some slogans. Fools see "democracy' instead of "nazism", "autocrats" instead of "untermensch", "human rights" instead of "lebensraum" and so on - and think something change. Wrong. Nothing is change. It is the same Crusade for lands and slaves.
In general, history is not charitable toward those who lost.

Powerful words bhai. Love it, you've summed up the 90's and current state of Russia in that one line. But also, the state of the Islamic World as well.
Churchill was not much different than Hitler. Both were evil racist scum.

Churchill led Europe through its darkest times and in Greece we are thankful for the UK fighting against tyranny.

The irony is, Greece traditional has a positive view on russia because religious reasons.

Because of Putler this changed 100%. We know that when he gets Ukraine, he will attack more and more nations to opress.

Greece supports heavy sanctions on russia in case they attack Ukraine
NATO is Hitler's best dream, his life-long wish for Christmas. And now new Hitler wants Ukraine and Caucasus, as old one did. And the ultimate goal - to destroy Russia. Nothing changes here, only some slogans. Fools see "democracy' instead of "nazism", "autocrats" instead of "untermensch", "human rights" instead of "lebensraum" and so on - and think something change. Wrong. Nothing is change. It is the same Crusade for lands and slaves.

What is the general mood of the Russian population? They are able to stomach a war if it blows out.
NATO is Hitlers best dream. And now it wants Ukraine and Caucasus. Amd the ultimate goal - destroy Russia, Nothing changes here, only some slogans. Fools see "democracy' instead of "nazism", "autocrats" instead of "untermensch", "human rights" instead of "lebensraum" and so on - and think something change. Wrong. Nothing is change. It is the same Crusade for lands and slaves.

No comrade. Russia has nothing to offer than misery. Thats why all the countries around it try to run away from its rotten influence. Russia is like a cancerous tumor. A depressive, autocratic tyranny with no attraction.

Something did change. Even we Greeks are shocked to see what a pathetic regime Russia has become

There is a large greek community in Ukraine and we fear for their savety when Russias nazis attack.

Greece opened the base at Alexandroupoli for the americans now.

There are 200.000 greeks living around Mariupol. Our navy must be ready to evacuate them, when the russians start their genocidal war there.
Churchill led Europe through its darkest times and in Greece we are thankful for the UK fighting against tyranny.

UK itself is a tyranny and have always been. Fight between Nazi Germany and England was fight of evil against evil.

Hitlers Germany was defeated by Soviet Union first and foremost. Polish forces also played a role. There were two Polish divisions that fought alongside the Red Army.
Polish flag above conquered Berlin, and Polish soldier Kazimierz Otap.

NATO is Hitler's best dream, his life-long wish for Christmas. And now new Hitler wants Ukraine and Caucasus, as old one did. And the ultimate goal - to destroy Russia. Nothing changes here, only some slogans. Fools see "democracy' instead of "nazism", "autocrats" instead of "untermensch", "human rights" instead of "lebensraum" and so on - and think something change. Wrong. Nothing is change. It is the same Crusade for lands and slaves.

NATO is indeed a threat to the World. The sooner NATO is defeated the better. NATO is already collapsing. They just lost war against Afghanistan.
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UK itself is a tyranny and have always been. Fight between Nazi Germany and England was fight of evil against evil.

Hitlers Germany was defeated by Soviet Union first and foremost. Polish forces also played a role. There were two Polish divisions that fought alongside the Red Army.
Polish flag above conquered Berlin, and Polish soldier Kazimierz Otap.
View attachment 816872

NATO is indeed a thread to the World. The sooner NATO is defeated the better. NATO is already collapsing. They just lost war against Afghanistan.

The war in Afghanistan was not lost. It was simply not worth it. In a true war the region would have be depopulated and new population settled there.

Thats not the point. Without NATO evry european country would need to aquire nuclear weapons to guarantee peace in Europe against Russia.
West will pump in arms to Ukraine turn it in to another Afghanistan for Russia. Costly and bloody for Russians

And then USA U.K. Germany frsnce EU will use the big stick of banking access stopped to sanctions seizing of assets. End result will be putin himself will be toppled by fed up Russians or internal coup di tat
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