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West will introduce sanctions against Russia in any case, Putin says

Prefer Hitler over Churchill any day,it's just that anglo-jew media vilifies Hitler,unlike the scum that's Churchill.

I have a generally negative opinion of Hitler. But I will say this again: Losers of major wars, despite whatever they have accomplished, are tarnished in history for a long time. But perhaps not forever, perhaps not by all. The story of Hitler is written and told by the victors as of now. Nothing is shown to us--not even that a war was declared against Hitler by the world Jewry years before World War 2. We are never told that Hitler had turned around a rotten Weimar Republic to an organized, successful society. We are never told that the eugenics that Hitler was practicing was also being practiced even in America. We are never told that without the Soviets fighting Hitler, Hitler would almost certainly have lasted many more years, if not prevailed. We are never told that the theories of the Aryan superiority was not just confined to the Nazi Germany but was prevalent all over Europe. We are never told of the significant, if not majority of Christians of Europe persecuting Jews for centuries. We are never told that it was the Soviet Union who gave shelters to escaping Jews while the United States turned away ships of Jewish refugees.

The story of Adolf Hitler is written by the victors. It maybe a based on facts but it is certainly not all facts. Sometimes, history reveals itself slowly. Jesus Christ, when crucified, was widely regarded as a 'heretic' and a 'terrorist' around his crucifixion and for decades more but later became the fountainhead of the largest faith in the world.

To those of us, who value truth over virtue-signaling and the feel-good narrative, truth is hard to find but it must be sought after, otherwise the sorry state of humanity would continue... We may stand alone. We may self-torment. We may be called names. But we must seek the truth.
Putin is exactly correct. These Western criminals can put sanctions for anything. They don’t need a war to justify it.

He knows the game is rigged. .

Heads he loses, tails they win.

No matter what... He is saying since that's the case.... Might as well take Ukraine.... Makes sense to me.
I have a generally negative opinion of Hitler. But I will say this again: Losers of major wars, despite whatever they have accomplished, are tarnished in history for a long time. But perhaps not forever, perhaps not by all. The story of Hitler is written and told by the victors as of now. Nothing is shown to us--not even that a war was declared against Hitler by the world Jewry years before World War 2. We are never told that Hitler had turned around a rotten Weimar Republic to an organized, successful society. We are never told that the eugenics that Hitler was practicing was also being practiced even in America. We are never told that without the Soviets fighting Hitler, Hitler would almost certainly have lasted many more years, if not prevailed. We are never told that the theories of the Aryan superiority was not just confined to the Nazi Germany but was prevalent all over Europe. We are never told of the significant, if not majority of Christians of Europe persecuting Jews for centuries. We are never told that it was the Soviet Union who gave shelters to escaping Jews while the United States turned away ships of Jewish refugees.

The story of Adolf Hitler is written by the victors. It maybe a based on facts but it is certainly not all facts. Sometimes, history reveals itself slowly. Jesus Christ, when crucified, was widely regarded as a 'heretic' and a 'terrorist' around his crucifixion and for decades more but later became the fountainhead of the largest faith in the world.

To those of us, who value truth over virtue-signaling and the feel-good narrative, truth is hard to find but it must be sought after, otherwise the sorry state of humanity would continue... We may stand alone. We may self-torment. We may be called names. But we must seek the truth.
That's why I take any thing from west with a truck load of salt.
Putin is wrong. Neither Germany, France nor Turkey intend to impose economic sanctions on Russia. On the contrary, they are doing everything they can to avoid it.

If Russia invades Ukraine, they will have no other choice. Because they do not want to give the image of a Europe and Turkey that cannot protect Ukraine under any circumstances.

Those who really want the war to break out are the Anglo-Saxons. They want to turn the war into an opportunity and in this way throw their debts on others. Russia better not fall into this trap.
He doesnt understand Europe. The far right doesnt stand for Putins mafia state. Few weeks ago the right leaders including Orban and even Marine le Pen had a congress and condemned Putins actions. Hungary suffered under Russia terror for decades, the idea that those eastern european countries would adore Russia is laughable.

Those alt wrong politicians are only doing it so they don't get branded traitors.

Where were the putin stooges in the alt wrong/far Reich during the Crimean annexation.

For over a decade, le Pen was a zio-Russian stooge. Recently defending putin:

Last Updated: 8th February, 2022 20:43 IST

France: Marine Le Pen Outrightly Condemns Macron Govt For Waging 'cold War' Against Russia​

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MOSCOW Russian disturbance in the American political elections in 2014 was downright refined compared with just what we've seen today in the run-up to French governmental political elections.

The two-round ballot on April 23 and also May 7 might alter national politics, protection, and also the economic climate in Europeeven more radically and much more in Russias favoreven compared to the turmoil generated by Donald Trumps doubtful accomplishment in the United States.

Andon Friday, Putin supported his prospect: far-right-wing, anti-European-Union, anti-NATO, anti-immigrant, anti-American, pro-Trump prospect Marine Le Pen

OlgaBychkova, replacing principal editor of the independent radio terminal Echo of Moscow, claimed that the function accorded LePenin Russia gone over. “”She initially had conferences with the leaders of the Duma[ Russias parliament ], after that she was required to a showing committed to France at the Kremlin, after that she consulted withPutin That is a type of program Moscow arranges for state leaders, “” Bychkova claimed.

TheFrench datum publishing LExpress fasted to keep in mind the anomaly too, calling it altogether remarkable that Putin would certainly get a governmental prospect so near to a political election.

In2 014, when Le Pens National Front Party might not safeguard any kind of fundings from French financial institutions, she resorted to Russia and also procured numerous bucks from a currently obsolete organization there. Putin, at the very same period, obtained recommendation from her celebration for his requisition ofCrimea She has actually regularly condemned Washington for beginning the brand-new cool combat. So it was commonly thought that Le Pen remained in Moscow Friday as a faithful friend trying even more financing.

We could not find out the result of that monetary endeavor for a long time.( Theinitial automobile loan and also quid professional quo for Crimea was disclosed by cyberpunks .)
Whether she intended to get cash for her project or otherwise, it “doesnt really matter”, she concerned Russia for Putins assistance and also she has actually currently obtained it, claims Bychkova

The Putin conference was a lot a lot more excellent compared to a car loan. It was the head of state of Russia positioning his wager, otherwise certainly laying his insurance assert, on the presidency of a nation that is an irreversible participant of the United Nations Security Council, that was a starting participant of the European Union, and also after years of estrangement from NATO have in fact objective up being, over the last 10 years, a vital participant of that partnership once more.

A Le Pen triumph would certainly be an orgasmic accomplishment for Putin, and also he appears to presume his explicit/ implicit recommendation will certainly do her excellent.
Certainly a lot of the French political course would certainly appear to offer him supporting because respect.

At the initial significant conflict on Monday amongst 5 leading competitors for the French presidency, 3 of them situated methods to parrot Moscows line on vital problems.

LePen talked skeptically of NATO and also of an unified European protection system, which shows up a whole lot because the Trump management has actually induced itself show up so truly hostile to the conventional North Atlantic Alliance that Russia is afraid and also dislikes.

LePen claimed she was safeguarding the flexibility of the French and also wouldnt intend to require our soldiers to head to combats we have not selected. Ergo, bye-bye NATOs core shared protection stipulation.

Far- left prospect Jean-LucMlenchon, solid and also grizzled as a badger, was the group fave in the dispute although hes much behind in the survey results. The globe has actually ended up being once more truly unsafe, he claimed. I intend to be the head of state of tranquility. There needs to be a protection meeting from the Atlantic to theUrals Its the minute to bargain the boundaries.

Nothing might be much more music to Putins ears as hes attempting to do that are now employing numerous various kinds of crossbreed war on each of his European frontiers, frightening also his long time ally in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko.

But Mlenchon has no petition, presumably, of stimulating it past the preliminary in the ballot on April 23.

The quondam favored to get to the overflow versus Le Pen on May 7 was Franois Fillon, head of state for 5 years under previous President Nicolas Sarkozy.

He, also, was vocal singing Putins track in Mondays dispute, seeing Mlenchons proposition and also speaking about an essential concept, which is the right of individuals to establish their very own futures. In context, that would certainly suggest individuals of Crimea and also eastern Ukraine, whose futures are being drawn back right into a brand-new Russian realm and also that have hardly any assert concerning it.

Its not like borders have actually never ever been re-drawn in Europe, claimed Fillon, mentioning the instance of Kosovo, which in fact was without the vicious Russian- backed federal government of a genocidal Serbian head of state in1999 To address issues in the Middle East, Fillon claimed, France must collaborate with Russia and alsoIran No reference of the United States

ButPutin wouldnt bank on Fillon now regardless of just how much their intellects fuse, due to the fact that a collect of rumors have actually transformed Fillon, when the front-runner, right into the third-runner.

LeCanard Enchain , a investigatory and also ridiculing regular broadsheet that does not release online, disclosed a couple of weeks ago that Fillon who declares he relies on Thatcherite smaller sized federal government, reduced tax obligations, less state staff member, and also less defenses for economic sector companies, and also that have in fact required the ultimate removal of 500, 000 public industry jobsput his spouse and also 2 children on the public pay-roll for tasks they apparently did refrain from doing or were not certified to do in any way. And his household after that took residency about$ 1 million in public funds.

OnWednesday, after the debates, LeCanard Enchain reported that Fillons consulting company additionally was paid $50,000 and also guaranteed a portion of the earnings by a Lebanese tube building contractor for, to name a few points, preparing a meeting with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a seminar in St Petersburg in 2015.

So, comfy as Fillon and also Putin could be, and also ideologically copacetic as the Russian head of state and also the far-left badger Mlenchon could be, the Kremlins vibrant handicapper made a decision to opt for Le Pen onFriday She is necessarily be without a doubt one of the most harmful for NATO and also the EU. She has actually seemed like a quite strong front jogger in the preliminary of the French political elections. The fear now is whether she could maintain energy right into rounded twoand versus which.

Forthe minute, that individual shows up most likely to be Emmanuel Macron, a boylike appearing 39 – year-old previous Rothschild lender and also economic climate preacher that released of the hugely out of favor Socialist federal government of President Franois Hollande in 2014 to located a centrist activity called EnMarche! that has actually been attracting assistance from both the left and also the.

Macron, in the arguments last Monday and also at every opportunity, has actually been definitely company in his assistance for the European Union and also NATO, and also cautious of the turbulent, harmful type of deconstruction that U.S. President Donald Trump and also his ideologues opt in Europe.

WhenLe Pen, that attempted making fun of Macron to place him down in the dispute, claimed hed talked 7 mins while claiming absolutely nothing, his riposte was sharp and also brief.

Unlikeyou, Macron advised Le Pen, I do not intend to make a deal with Putin I desire the Europeans.

Thenewest IFOP-Fiducialmonitoring survey on Thursday offered Macron a 1 percent side on Le Pen in the preliminary, and also a 61.5 to 38.5 margin in the 2nd round amongst those that mean to elect. But offered just what we ensure with Trump and also Brexit in 2014, theres no factor for complacency. Many citizens are still uncertain, several could simply stay at home. And in the 30+ percentage array, the likelihoods resemble playing Russian live roulette with 2 bullets in your six-shooter.

CanPutin shoot? Already, the Macron project has actually suffered enormous hacking strikes.

FBI Director James Comey wondered in his statement prior to Congress previously today that the Russians were abnormally loud in their quasi-covert disorder with Americas political elections, and also it was practically as if they didnt treatment if we understood.

Thatwas absolutely nothing to just what were considering currently with the French political elections.

Peoplecould joke darkly concerning Trump as the Putinian prospect. But concerning Le Pen there is currently no question in any way.

AnnaNemtsova reported from Moscow and also Christopher Dickey reported fromParis Erin Zaleski additionally added reporting to this tale .

Readmuch more: www.thedailybeast.com
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Spend money in China instead in the West, and you wont care about sanctions.

But Russian elite loves live and travel to the West, and buy western luxury things.
Sanctions on Russia
Sanctions on China
Sanctions on Pakistan
Sanctions on Turkey
Sanctions on Iran
Sanctions on North Korea
Sanctions on Cuba
Sanctions on South America
Sanctions on Palestine
Sanctions on Afghanistan

Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions
We've heard it all before

The world still goes around
Churchill led Europe through its darkest times and in Greece we are thankful for the UK fighting against tyranny.

The irony is, Greece traditional has a positive view on russia because religious reasons.

Because of Putler this changed 100%. We know that when he gets Ukraine, he will attack more and more nations to opress.

Greece supports heavy sanctions on russia in case they attack Ukraine

No comrade. Russia has nothing to offer than misery. Thats why all the countries around it try to run away from its rotten influence. Russia is like a cancerous tumor. A depressive, autocratic tyranny with no attraction.

Something did change. Even we Greeks are shocked to see what a pathetic regime Russia has become

There is a large greek community in Ukraine and we fear for their savety when Russias nazis attack.

Greece opened the base at Alexandroupoli for the americans now.

There are 200.000 greeks living around Mariupol. Our navy must be ready to evacuate them, when the russians start their genocidal war there.
Russia saved your aßs from Hitler, not Churchill.

You looks likes a lost camel in the desert, .....
Hindutva who stormed into a home to victimize a family, says Indian cops going to go after him no matter what, so make the home invasion count.

putin - "the West is going to be mad at me for this troop deployment and death threats to Ukrainians. Guess to do the invasion and mass slaughter of war because I am going to be punished by "mean" peace-niks in NATO that don't want Russia invading Crimea, Donbass, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, etc. Those meanies in the EU who don't want war!"

Reminds me of the old days of making fun of zionists on the forums over a decade ago. Zionist Jew: "Those jew haters, not wanting jews to kill Palestinians. Making us zionist jews suffer by not allowing jews to kick Palestinians from their home. How the goyim hate us jews, jews are victims wherever we go, these peacenik goyim won't let us jews invade much of the Middle East. How us jews suffer."

putin is the zionist jew from the Polish quote, the jews cries out in pain as he strikes you.

putin - "NATO wants to sanction Russia is my war cry to invade the Ukraine".
Russia saved your aßs from Hitler, not Churchill.

You looks likes a lost camel in the desert, .....

Russia saved nothing. Eastern Europe suffered for decades under russian tyranny that was en par of Hitler. The USSR even took the concentration camps and kept them running for over a decade.
Putin knows that this is the end of Russia. NATO is too strong to fight.

Russia will collapse after Putin. Russia will be balkanized and annexed by Japan, China, Turkiye, US etc.

RIP Russia.
The US will not allow Russia with its 7000 nukes to collapse. Unlike the hundred unmated Pakistani nukes they planned on seizing, Russian nukes are mated, hidden, in far larger numbers and spread across an area the size of Pluto.
Russia has still to gain if no invasion takes place and by other means Ukraine comes to terms without joining Nato and a peace initiative takes momentum in Donbass region. Sure Usa and Britain will start sanctions anycase after this conflict but it will be limited and they cannot enforce it to major Eu countries like Germany or France who are neutral with Russia and has huge economic relations with Russia. Russia will sell gas to both China and Eu instead of almost severing ties after possible Ukraine invasion and alternative routes will take hold towards Eurepe substituting Russian route completely for example Azerbaijan pipeline or even Iranian pipeline after a nuclear agreement. Gas cannot be used by Russia as leverage against European sanctions after alternative routes are initiated. Also there is possibility that there will be a division from Nato forming another security pact (Eu army or a similar initiative) more neutral with Russia appealing to western oriented countries without threatening Russia and does not come from the tradition of cold war policies which altough not admitted seems to continue with some momentum still after Ussr collapse. That would be a huge gain against Nato expansion. These will be huge gains. Attacking Ukraine for Donbass region would sacrifice all those gains. That would be working not for Russian interests in my opinion. There would be temporary gains for regional countries substituting Russia that may be true but Russia will take a huge hit in economy and unrest that would shift balance of power to Usa which can turn around immediately with Bush era policies and start wars again in abscence of Russian current effectiveness.
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Russia saved nothing. Eastern Europe suffered for decades under russian tyranny that was en par of Hitler. The USSR even took the concentration camps and kept them running for over a decade.
🆗 🥴
The Jews were technically their "own". They were German. Its just that the more white and non-jew Germans didn't feel that way about them.

A little bit like you. Most Brits won't consider a brown skinned man such as yourself as a true Brit. Your silly posts here won't help you. It's a sad reality but a reality nonetheless.

My point?

Stop embarrassing yourself on this forum every day. It won't get you any brownie points and unfortunately it's looking increasingly hostile in Europe for any ethnic minority.

yes and a Chinese and Russian fanboy like you will never get a visa for those countrys

3 million British-Pakistanis call UK home since 1960s and now we are into the 4th generation

and all refugees want to come here not China and Russia, SHOCK!

Taxi drivers like you are just upset you were not allowed in and China and Russia will never take you
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