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West vs East Pakistan - Separation debate on economical stand

@Mage I am not going to argue with you. You are at liberty to say what ever you want I am just saying what was given to east Pakistan a country not bigger than district jhang.

What was the population in 1970 of District Jhang?

I have not yet finished my project posting so please be my guest and bash. If I am posting any thing out of the context of history be my guest to report me it is your right. But if my claims are backed by history and those buildings exist in Bangladesh then please bare me.

It is preferable that a member should exercise his (or her) own discretion and judgement about figures he quotes and analogies that he draws; there is a limit to what can be done by second parties after a member has taken a stand.

It is all cleaned now, special moderation asigned and I am thankful to @Dubious for constant moderation of thread and wasting one precious time.
Then for the love of God, tell me, do you guys spend more in Punjab or do you spend more in Baluchistan? What logic you are trying to give here?

This has proven nothing. Unless you explain the disparity and the spendings.
Spending was more in west because more people came to west Pakistan from India they were more needy. In time of ayub spending sky rocketed in east Pakistan where as west was producing more resources. We never complained about that.
Then for the love of God, tell me, do you guys spend more in Punjab or do you spend more in Baluchistan? What logic you are trying to give here?
We developed new mechanism Call NFC Award...…. Now it much more complicated . Center have less funds . Provinces Control Majority of their Funds .
We developed new mechanism Call NFC Award...…. Now it much more complicated . Center have less funds . Provinces Control Majority of their Funds .
Should have developed it before.
Spending was more in west because more people came to west Pakistan from India they were more needy. In time of ayub spending sky rocketed in east Pakistan where as west was producing more resources. We never complained about that.
And people of East side were super rich?
when talk of separation began to arise.
Sir you guys started it right after 47 , when Bangla language issue arise ……..
Jinnah visited East Pakistan on only one occasion after independence, shortly before his death in 1948. He announced in Dhaka that "without one state language, no nation can remain solidly together and function." Jinnah's views were not accepted by most East Pakistanis, but perhaps in tribute to the founder of Pakistan, serious resistance on this issue did not break out until after his death. On February 22, 1952, a demonstration was carried out in Dhaka

Should have developed it before.
Your leader should have asked it , instead of Azadi …….
Spending was more in west because more people came to west Pakistan from India they were more needy. In time of ayub spending sky rocketed in east Pakistan where as west was producing more resources. We never complained about that.
Combine all the time period of East Pakistani pm...way less than Ayub Khan...when talk of separation began to arise.
Spending was high on relocating a lot of people who were also making demands based on their villas and acres of land in India...compensation work used up alot of money, then infrastructure to build for these newly located people (increase in population)....There was a lot of juggling and politics at play!
Then for the love of God, tell me, do you guys spend more in Punjab or do you spend more in Baluchistan? What logic you are trying to give here?

This has proven nothing. Unless you explain the disparity and the spendings.

@Joe Shearer when you are online, please post here. I cannot explain things as clearly as you do.

I shall. But you have to understand that nobody, ever, likes admitting that he and those he is part of were wrong. Indians do it when defending Modi; be aware that we all have this weakness and it is nothing restricted to Pakistani members alone. If you find something exasperating and frustrating about some of the arguments trotted out, take a deep breath. It is bound to happen.

The only correct way is what @denel recommended: a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This will never be done; not in Pakistan, not in India. The South Africans set a noble and outstanding example, that nobody really wants to follow. South Asians have done very badly in this regard.

Please bear with me as I recover from a long day out on a very cold day; I will be with you soon.
Sir you guys started it right after 47 , when Bangla language issue arise ……..
Jinnah visited East Pakistan on only one occasion after independence, shortly before his death in 1948. He announced in Dhaka that "without one state language, no nation can remain solidly together and function." Jinnah's views were not accepted by most East Pakistanis, but perhaps in tribute to the founder of Pakistan, serious resistance on this issue did not break out until after his death. On February 22, 1952, a demonstration was carried out in Dhaka

Your leader should have asked it , instead of Azadi …….
No one wanted separation in 1952...we wanted to work out our differences. You preferred to crush then.
Should have developed it before.
Everything takes time..

We were always in a jam...
independence from india (cost alot)
breaking up from east Pakistan - cost a lot (we took your debt)
Some war / some corrupt politician...

Development takes time!
Sir you guys started it right after 47 , when Bangla language issue arise ……..
Jinnah visited East Pakistan on only one occasion after independence, shortly before his death in 1948. He announced in Dhaka that "without one state language, no nation can remain solidly together and function." Jinnah's views were not accepted by most East Pakistanis, but perhaps in tribute to the founder of Pakistan, serious resistance on this issue did not break out until after his death. On February 22, 1952, a demonstration was carried out in Dhaka

Even as a committed Jinnah admirer, I am forced to point out that this was not true of Pakistan, for the simple reason that this was not true of India, where we have far, far more diversity to cope with than Pakistan.

Your leader should have asked it , instead of Azadi …….
Spending was high on relocating a lot of people who were also making demands based on their villas and acres of land in India...compensation work used up alot of money, then infrastructure to build for these newly located people (increase in population)....There was a lot of juggling and politics at play!
And why income disparities kept rising between two sides?
And people of East side were super rich?
You guys claim it !!!!!!! Aren't you guys claim JUT industries (which in reality start establishing in 50s)… Not me Sir. I don't claim west was rich or east was rich ……. but I do know east was more educated , My Grandfather served there from 50 to 54 ……
And people of East side were super rich?
Some migrated overnight...how much can one grab overnight without plan?
MANY migrated bringing only what they could carry with their bare hands...
Many were displaced and had to be managed...You can possibly have nullified that?!
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