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West vs East Pakistan - Separation debate on economical stand

The amount being spent was not enough. And very disproportionate compared to the western wing.
Disproportionate on the basis of what exactly? Income? It seems like you are saying both sides were contributing to the economy @ 50-50 but development was 90 - 10. Looking at the pictures, I can easily assume that the contribution was 90-10 and development was 60-40.
Agriculture,West Pakistan was having a developed canal system pre-1947.
Do not kid yourself.

Check FAO data. Bangladesh with tiny land still produce more agricultural commodities than Pakistan.

Bangladesh is the 4th largest rice producer. 3rd largest fresh water fish producer, 4th or 5th largest overall fish producer. 10th largest fruits producer.

If East Pakistan produced less agricultural goods in 50's and 60's than it means the west Side did not care much about the potential it had.
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The amount being spent was not enough. And very disproportionate compared to the western wing. While East side contributed to most of the exports.

And we didn't inherit your Forex reserves either although it was mostly earned by us. Neither we received any compensation after our country was destroyed thanks to your military activities. That pretty much evens it out.

Like I said, have fun in this thread. If you want to feel good. Although you guys like to claim you are over it. Inside you guys do still feel some burn. So please, use this thread to comfort yourselves.
I guess that is what you call documenting history the positive side!

Since I am cleaning up the thread, your msg will have to go otherwise, in the long run this thread will be infested with negativity again!
Disproportionate on the basis of what exactly? Income? It seems like you are saying both sides were contributing to the economy @ 50-50 but development was 90 - 10. Looking at the pictures, I can easily assume that the contribution was 90-10 and development was 60-40.
Based on the spendings it was more like 70-30....when done over decades it shows huge disparity. Which you guys would not recognize.
Inside you guys do still feel some burn.
Burns from what ? Killing your own kind after 71 ?? Killing Your own National Farther ? Burn form what ? Independence taken TRAITOROUSLY ????
You guys firs used language (even in Quid-e-Azam life), economics like JUT came very late ……..
The hilarious assumption here is that all the tax collected in the entire country belonged to West Pakistanis by default and therefore anything built in EP was charity from WP.
THAT is not the assumption! It is a positive thread and if you dont wish to contribute, you will NOT be penalized so kindly stop derailing it!

The intent behind this thread is to whitewash all the atrocities and discrimination by WP by claiming complete ownership of the little development work done during the period.
Again you are incapable of reading!
It is to document the development work!

No one is saying come kiss our feet! Kindly get out of this slave mentality! The thread is to show that not all was bad...If there was this much development in 20 years.....there is def some good!
There was some development in East Pakistan, but as usual the Bangladeshis will say it was never enough.

Anyways Bangladesh is an independent country now, Bangladeshis should be happy now.
I would like to see the development budgets from 1950 to 1970 for both wings.

And the revenue figures as well.
you wasting your time ,,,,,, these members and other like him only here for propaganda , that's it !!! I Asked him proves of 3 million killings haven't got any , but I did got JUT , More money , more export etc!!!
Ironically almost all JUT industries feel into india after partition,,,,,, but...………… Propaganda still goes on..... Just like how they call Pakistani Govt of that time "Regime"(we were not occupying them or it wasn't a forcefully appointed Govt) even though they(bangali) participated in elections and 4 bangali became head of state ……
But they start using word regime because it suits them..specially in current geo-environment
I would like to see the development budgets from 1950 to 1970 for both wings.
Screenshot from 2018-12-18 21-50-08.png

Actually less than 30% was spent on the eastern side. Despite it having more populatioin.
Based on the spendings it was more like 70-30....when done over decades it shows huge disparity. Which you guys would not recognize.
Please provide the statistics, we can compare it...

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Actually less than 30% was spent on the eastern side. Despite it having more populatioin.
This is spending what about income?

Please include references as well...Would be nice to examine these!
This is spending what about income?
It seems revenue data of two wings is hard to find. Googling it but cannot find it.
Post it if you can find it.

And do you agree on the disproportionate spending?
Look at what you KP CM said..
The Express Tribune > Pakistan > K-P
Endorsing Sheikh Mujeeb: West Pakistan politicos looted Bengalis, says K-P CM

“Sheikh Mujeeb was very right in saying that we, the politicians from West Pakistan, looted Bengalis and deprived them of their rights. The pace of development is fast in Bangladesh now as they have improved their system of governance and are now among few developing nations,” Khattak said. The K-P CM was addressing different public gatherings in Ghazi, Haripur and Havelian areas.


You can't run away from your faults. Live in denial and you will only go in a downward spiral until you face a rude awakening. Pakistan today have some good level headed politicians(your current pm being one) who are prepared to face Pakistan's faults. Sadly Bangladesh do not have this kind of politicians today.
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Actually less than 30% was spent on the eastern side. Despite it having more populatioin.
SO one Province name East Pakistan(bangal) got 30% …………. What you want full 100%%%%%%%%%%% Keep in mind East Pakistan was one dam Province of Pakistan/Not whole Pakistan …… We also have Punjab , Sindh , Baluchistan , N.W.F.P...…
@Dubious please stop delete ng my post if it is you!!
@BHarwana , East Pakistan was 1 province of Pakistan till 71
@Dubious ask @Mage to reply , East Pakistan was one Province of Pakistan ,not whole Pakistan and 30%(according to him) was their shear .
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