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'We're proud of papa, na?'

Please do not repeat 5th grade Indian/Pakistani gov school history books here.

That will be a never ending aka circular argument.

Do your homework please.

We have plenty of trash tv talk show hosts already.

thank you

Sorry ... you should go through thread.. i still state and stand by what is said by me.. I believe in Righteous and our vedas are totally fine.. If you think we are blaming you and India is bad boy ... that is totally fine with me... Not a penny is a loss for both of us.. What i believe is Pakistan has totally screwed big time in Kashmir the root problem.. And i am not here to convince you.. My opinion is scored by majority..
That is fine.. I believe them ... there are more radicals out there in the world and i will be more cautious to listen more trust worthy people.. Accept Islam is one of great religion .. radical pigs are totally responsible for its bad name.. i hope you dont fall in that
No doubt Islam is great religion but why you don't use similar words for Isreal, India etc, They are involved in Human abuse.
Sorry ... you should go through thread.. i still state and stand by what is said by me.. I believe in Righteous and our vedas are totally fine.. If you think we are blaming you and India is bad boy ... that is totally fine with me... Not a penny is a loss for both of us.. What i believe is Pakistan has totally screwed big time in Kashmir the root problem.. And i am not here to convince you.. My opinion is scored by majority..

off course.

your post is a copy of the ones by typical ISIS guys.
RIP Lt. Colonel ..................

By Killing our soldiers in terror attacks , Pakistan is just increasing hatred towards them .........

Punjab also relieved many warriors this week .......may god bless all their souls

No doubt Islam is great religion but why you don't use similar words for Isreal, India etc, They are involved in Human abuse.

in todays date , no human right abuse in India is going un punished ...........police raj is long gone mate.

This won't stop unless India takes the fight back to to Azad Kashmir! Period!

Pakistan is only too happy with this proxy war where they only have to infiltrate a few brain-washed illiterate idiots who then go on to kill scores of Indian soldiers including Officers! We just can't afford to lose anymore soldiers to islamists like this.

If Pakistanis believe that they can violate LoC because it is a disputed region, can't India use the same logic to violate LoC in turn and and create trouble there?

I don't understand GoI's reluctance to engage and prop up "friendly" elements in Azad Kashmir. I have no illusion about the costs involved but we as tax payers are more than willing to support any such endeavors that GoI deems fit.
This won't stop unless India takes the fight back to to Azad Kashmir! Period!

Pakistan is only too happy with this proxy war where they only have to infiltrate a few brain-washed illiterate idiots who then go on to kill scores of Indian soldiers including Officers! We just can't afford to lose anymore soldiers to islamists like this.

If Pakistanis believe that they can violate LoC because it is a disputed region, can't India use the same logic to violate LoC in turn and and create trouble there?

I don't understand GoI's reluctance to engage and prop up "friendly" elements in Azad Kashmir. I have no illusion about the costs involved but we as tax payers are more than willing to support any such endeavors that GoI deems fit.

Do you really think that the Indian security establishment does not know to play the same tricks? Believe me, they know more than well how to repay blood for blood and wrong for wrong.

Which country is more destabilized and in a precarious state of existence? Is India's territorial integrity under any kind of threat? The most that these jihadis can do is to be a nuisance, every now and then - but India keeps marching forward. Millions of Kashmiris vote in their govt, more than a billion Indians live peacefully, relative to the other side. Of course the deaths of our soldiers are tragic, but the country that bred jihadis is getting jihaded a lot worse. Even their biggest cities are not safe. No part of Pakistan is safe today, not even as safe as Kashmir.
Do you really think that the Indian security establishment does not know to play the same tricks? Believe me, they know more than well how to repay blood for blood and wrong for wrong.

I know! But my point is "Hurt them where it hurts the most" -- aka Azad Kashmir! As far as I know, while our guys MAY BE engaging in some other parts of Pakistan but steer clear of Azad Kashmir. This needs to change. I guess there is no greater fear for Pakistanis than fear of losing Azad Kashmir!

I am not asking to take Azad Kashmir back (I am sane enough to know that it is impossible to take Azad Kashmir back) -- but why spare the "other" disputed part of Kashmir when they can't leave Indian Kashmir alone?

Which country is more destabilized and in a precarious state of existence? Is India's territorial integrity under any kind of threat? The most that these jihadis can do is to be a nuisance, every now and then - but India keeps marching forward. Millions of Kashmiris vote in their govt, more than a billion Indians live peacefully, relative to the other side. Of course the deaths of our soldiers are tragic, but the country that bred jihadis is getting jihaded a lot worse. Even their biggest cities are not safe. No part of Pakistan is safe today, not even as safe as Kashmir.

I am sorry to disagree with you here -- it has been more than just a nuisance and we can't keep ignoring Indian soldiers lives like this. The soldiers who sacrifice their life can't be traded with the life of a few low-life islamists like this.
I am sorry to disagree with you here -- it has been more than just a nuisance and we can't keep ignoring Indian soldiers lives like this. The soldiers who sacrifice their life can't be traded with the life of a few low-life islamists like this.
My point is that the lives of these jihadi lowlives is not the only cost that Pak is paying. They are paying a much bigger price than that.
I know! But my point is "Hurt them where it hurts the most" -- aka Azad Kashmir!

Are you sure that Azad Kashmir is where it would hurt most, and not when their biggest cities and provinces face the same jihadi fire?
Are you sure that Azad Kashmir is where it would hurt most, and not when their biggest cities and provinces face the same jihadi fire?

No! I would argue that Azad Kashmir is far more important to Pakistanis than any other place -- both in their perception as well as strategically -- vis-a-vis India.

After all, it is a region that is most relevant to India (in fact, we should have been claiming all the years as "ours"), connects Pakistan with China and most importantly, is home to most of their water-sources!
In Mahabharata war doctrine, it was a rule to not attack when the enemy is sleeping and unarmed. Aswasthama did that and was cursed to to roam on earth till eternity with disease . If you are a fighter then confront with the enemy face to face. Why kill somebody while he sleeps? The terrorist will surely get 72 muscular studs in hell!!
In another thread they say his vehicle was ambushed by 1 guy and that his vehicle crashed or something resulting in his and another soldiers death... So I guess he was t "sleeping"...

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