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We’re Indians first, Taliban view of Islam not ours, say Deoband Islamic Scholars (Ulema)

That's the root of the problem, that indian muslims now have less say on Pakistan, Afghanistan hence the rampant radicalisation.
They have no say. Infact the way things are moving in Indian, In worst case scenario they see Pakistan and their Deobandi brethren to come to their rescue.
Not really, its just that Indian muslim organizations are distancing themselves from Talibans terrorist ideology.

How can they distance when the name deoband gets attached to it?
Time to change another city's name in India.
They have no say. Infact the way things are moving in Indian, In worst case scenario they see Pakistan and their Deobandi brethren to come to their rescue.
They do get 10000 applications as stated in OP. But it's good for us if they don't come in contact, don't want their nation first ideology to get tainted.
Pakistan, Taliban should stop using the term Deobandi and cut all ties(whatever present) with India and Indian muslims.
aren't the TTP Deobandis as well ?

also, depending on what course they did, the deobandis will know all about the plight of either Kashmiri/Indian muslims or Palestinian muslims.

Pakistani deobandis are more geopolitically inclined in their approach to propagating their religion.
TTP were bunch of poor folks turn thugs, who happens to be in geographical area where Deoband school of tought is practiced. This is coming from those that deal with these group. Reasonable so many Deobandi groups were recruited for Kashmir because ISI Generals running the show were Deobandi themselves.
They do get 10000 applications as stated in OP. But it's good for us if they don't come in contact, don't want their nation first ideology to get tainted.
Pakistan, Taliban should stop using the term Deobandi and cut all ties(whatever present) with India and Indian muslims.
I don’t think anyone is eager to use word Deoband or call themselves Deobandi. People use these terms to differentiate. Just like Bralvis like to be called just Sunnis or something . Similarly Deobandi called them them sunna wal jammat or something similar. Pakistani madres also get similar amount of applications from every in the world. Afaik, after 9/11 during mussraff time. Their application were rejected and current foreign students were being harassed by govt with clearance and paperwork into leaving. I don’t know now.
TTP were bunch of poor folks turn thugs, who happens to be in geographical area where Deoband school of tought is practiced. This is coming from those that deal with these group. Reasonable so many Deobandi groups were recruited for Kashmir because ISI Generals running the show were Deobandi themselves.
"a bunch of poor folks who happened to live around..."

How convenient. The ol' 'no true Scottsman.." argument.

Same bunch of guys basically Indian Kashmir mein = chamatkar, but Pak ke khilaaf to = balatkar ?

Anyway, the two Deobands are different in how "kattar" they are about both their faith as well as their respective outlooks. Indian muslims don't live in an Islamic country and have never had to deal with things such as a soviet or US invasion and being recruited as fighters by either the state intel or formed militia or terror groups (except for in Kashmir).
Silly Indian scholars have forgotten The whole world has recognised victorious Taliban Muslim group and what they stand for.

and really am sorry to be rude but nobody takes these Indian Muslims with no rights dignity seriously from India
The Taliban follows the Deobandi school of Islam, but the storied Islamic seminary town’s scholars and people say it is an extreme version, has nothing to do with them.

22 August, 2021

The Deoband town in Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur district | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint
The Deoband town in Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur district | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint

Deoband: Deep inside Uttar Pradesh’s Saharanpur district is the town of Deoband. Its streets are filled with young men in white kurta-pajamas and white skull caps, clutching books and bags on their backs.

This, locals say, is the result of about 300 seminaries or madrasas in the town alone that houses thousands of students, many from Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh looking to attain religious education.

The town is also home to the Darul Uloom Deoband, an Islamic seminary established in 1886, which has emerged as a revered global centre for Sunni education.

The seminary and its Deobandi version of Islam have once again hit the headlines following the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. The Taliban follows the Deobandi school of Islam but locals say that it is an extremist version that has little to do with them.

Arshad Madani, president of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind and principal of the Darul Uloom Deoband, told ThePrint that the connection is only historical.

According to him, the Deobandis of India did teach their counterparts of Pakistan and Afghanistan but this was only during the 19th century when there was an effort to get the British out of the subcontinent.

“Our ancestor Maulana Mahmud Hassan Deobandi, who was also called Shaykh-al- Hind, was a freedom fighter in the Indian freedom movement,” Madani said. “In order to fight the British, he had created a jamait of freedom fighters. During this freedom movement, he sent his close ally Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi to Afghanistan to create an allied force to aid the freedom movement in India.”

“In order to create this group of allies, Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi was able to form relations with the people of Afghanistan and was able to create the first provisional government of India in Afghanistan where Mahendra Pratap Singh was declared the president and who declared a jihad against the colonial rule,” he said.

Madani said that in recent times, the town has no connection to Afghanistan.

“The person who started the freedom movement over a 100 years back in Afghanistan was a Deobandi and the Taliban claiming to be followers of Deoband are probably his followers three generations down the line,” he said.

As for students coming in from Pakistan and Afghanistan, he said, “Students from all over South Asia come here; for 800 seats, we get about 10,000 applications every year. Students are selected based on different parameters that we have.

“Students from Afghanistan or Pakistan only come here if the Indian government gives them a visa. So all students coming in, come through a formal administrative process. The government obviously has all the information about our international students.”

Arshad Madani, president of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind and principal of the Darul Uloom Deoband | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint
Arshad Madani, president of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind and principal of the Darul Uloom Deoband | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint
‘Stop associating us with terror groups’
This isn’t the first time that Deoband town has attracted media attention.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in the US in 2001, The New York Times carried a piece on Deoband titled, ‘Indian town’s seed grew into the Taliban’s code’.

Now, the Indian media has begun to focus on the town and its school of Islam.

A spokesperson of the Darul Uloom, who did not want to be named, however, said they have stopped talking to the media due to “twisted narratives”.

“We are a religious school but we are also Indians. To doubt our integrity every time the Taliban spread terror is shameful,” he said.

His view was echoed by a 60-year-old farmer, who has been living in Deoband for over three generations.

“Linking terrorists with a school of religious teachings is unfair. Blaming Islam for their actions is worse,” the farmer said. “No religion in the world teaches anyone to kill or maim; neither does Islam. The Taliban have done terrible things to women and men that go against the teachings of Islam.”

Locals argue that if they indeed are proponents of radical Islam, then terror activities would have hit other countries that the students come from.

Also read: 24-year-old Afghan, a Delhi graduate, is behind the Kabul women protests against Taliban

Deoband and orthodoxy
One of the chief criticisms of the Deoband Islam is that it “promotes extreme orthodoxy”, especially when it comes to women, constricting them to their homes and denying them access to education, jobs and an equal say.

At Deoband, however, the view, among locals and the maulanas, is that they are being misrepresented.

Mohammad Arshad Faruqi, chairman of the Darul Uloom’s online fatwa services, told ThePrint that according to the teachings of Islam, women have the right to education and equal job opportunities but on the condition that they maintain purdah (condition of being fully covered).

Ziya Fatima, a 53-year-old homemaker in Deoband, said that Sharia law imposed on women in Afghanistan is extreme and does not abide by the the teachings of Islam.

“My daughters were educated; they live in the Middle East,” she said. “We go out in the market and attend to our daily chores and run our households, our religion does not restrict us from doing these things.”

“What they did to the women in Afghanistan is wrong; women should be a part of the system and given equal opportunities,” she added.

Women are allowed to study and work, say Deoband's Islamic scholars and locals | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint
Women are allowed to study and work, say Deoband’s Islamic scholars and locals | Photo: Suraj Singh Bisht/ThePrint
The orthodoxy, however, does extend to what women wear.

Ziya Us Salam, author of the book Women In Masjid: A quest for Justice, said this is due to a “patriarchal interpretation of the Quran”.

“Women have been instructed to wear loose garments in our religious text, which is often translated into the burqa, but the same instruction has been given to men too,” he said. “Men are supposed to cover the part between their navel up to their knees with a loose garment. But we don’t see women telling men how to dress because in India, all positions of religious power across religions have been held by men.”

An ATS centre
Amid the Taliban takeover, the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to set up a training centre for Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) commandos in Deoband.

“Amid the Taliban’s savagery, here is a piece of news from UP. Yogi Ji has decided to open a commando training centre in Deoband,” CM Yogi Adityanath’s media advisor Shalabh Mani Tripathi tweeted in Hindi.

Despite the communal overtones, residents and maulanas in the area welcomed the decision. “There is nothing wrong with what we teach and we welcome the ATS staff to be a part of our classes whenever they like,” Madani said.

Residents added that it will only make them feel safer.

“It is better if they come here and find the truth. Maybe these connections they keep making between Deoband and Taliban will stop,” Tehseen Khan, a lawyer living in town, said. “In the current polarised times, we will feel safer knowing that there is a security force present in the area.”

(Edited by Arun Prashanth)

Despite sympathies, Even Darul Uloom Deoband is not recognizing Taliban

Aren't these the same guys who claimed that Islam and hinduism are the same thing and that you can be both a hindu and a Muslim at the same time?
Same bunch of guys basically Indian Kashmir mein = chamatkar, but Pak ke khilaaf to = balatkar ?
Not correct. There were many groups running their own show, for their own reasons. Just like in Afghanistan we use to label anyone fighting US as Taliban or in Iraq insurgents until we started figuring out who they are, and started buying their loyalties .
Aren't these the same guys who claimed that Islam and hinduism are the same thing and that you can be both a hindu and a Muslim at the same time?

They are screwed up and mixing dirty in water to fit in and we know it just creates mud in the end. The faster they wake up from their false hope the better.
They are screwed up and mixing dirty in water to fit in and we know it just creates mud in the end. The faster they wake up from their false hope the better.

Bro, these guys are making up their own religion as they go along and claim it to be Islam. These people are worst than devil worshippers.
Indian Muslims never had any say from the very beginning and it’s not going to change. So saying over time influence has decreased is not remotely factual.
Saying that doesn't change the fact that people still want to associate themselves with Deobandi and Barelvi schools and not something local to Pakistan.
Just because they chose Hindustan instead of Pakistan doesn't change their credibility.
I don’t think anyone is eager to use word Deoband or call themselves Deobandi. People use these terms to differentiate. Just like Bralvis like to be called just Sunnis or something . Similarly Deobandi called them them sunna wal jammat or something similar. Pakistani madres also get similar amount of applications from every in the world. Afaik, after 9/11 during mussraff time. Their application were rejected and current foreign students were being harassed by govt with clearance and paperwork into leaving. I don’t know now.
You can use any term to differentiate why use Deobandi and Barelvi, the logic doesn't add up.
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