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Wen Jiabao: Our Greatest Threat is Corruption, Only Way to Solve is Change


Feb 26, 2010
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Wen Jiabao: I believe reform is the only everlasting theme. Political change and economic change should be implemented simultaneously, because there is nothing in this world that does not change. Only through constant refinement can the nation and the Party be reenergized and revitalized.

Secondly, political reform is the safeguard of our economic reform. Without political reform, economic reform cannot succeed, and we are in danger of losing achievements already obtained.

Thirdly, I believe the largest threat we face is corruption. The only way to eliminate corruption is to further reform our (political) system and laws. I know that the destiny of a nation is within the hearts of its citizens, solving the complaints of citizens and realizing their dreams requires a certain (political) environment, which is to say, the people must have the ability to monitor and check the government.




We have already established direct elections at the county level and in cities without districts. At the village level, we have established villager self rule, and in city levels up to central government levels, we will continue using indirect elections. In the NPC standing committee, we will continue having contested, multicandidate, free elections.

I have always believed this is a gradual process. But, we must have faith, if the people can manage their villages well, they can manage their rural districts well, and they can manager their counties well. But everything needs a process.

In a large nation of 1.3 billion, any sort of political change is extremely difficult. We must provide a stable, harmonic social environment, and implement these in an orderly fashion under the leadership of the Party. Thank you.
:coffee: I do not believe he can solve that. Wen Jiabao was too mild, he lacks courage.
I trust Zhu Rongji.
I was wondering whe this issue would be made public ad open - because the Premier is, in my opinion, absolutely spot on.

Why does corruption, particularly govt official corruption exist???? -- It exists at two levels it seems to me, on a lower, personal level, it's the tyranny of the petty bureaucrat -- the other is manager of so called state enterprises and it's this that is the real threat to the Chinese system - sop why is the manager or offical in a "state" enterprise vulnerable ??? because it or she is manufacturing and pricing the products he or she manufactures, below market prices.
I was wondering whe this issue would be made public ad open - because the Premier is, in my opinion, absolutely spot on.

Why does corruption, particularly govt official corruption exist???? -- It exists at two levels it seems to me, on a lower, personal level, it's the tyranny of the petty bureaucrat -- the other is manager of so called state enterprises and it's this that is the real threat to the Chinese system - sop why is the manager or offical in a "state" enterprise vulnerable ??? because it or she is manufacturing and pricing the products he or she manufactures, below market prices.

It was always public for 15 years. It is also a special characteristic of China that is hard to wipe out unless you do it with enough money (HK and Singapore both overpay government officials to prevent corruption) and brute force (like Mao). It is not the CPC's problem, because Taiwan's KMT was far more corrupt all the way from 1912 until 1992, when they became slightly less corrupt.

Corporate managers believe that they are not getting paid in accordance to their skill. So they steal. After all it's just "the country's money". To escape prosecution they bring the money to a country without extradition treaties with China, such as US and Canada. To further escape taxes they use black money conduits and eventually the money ends up in a Swiss Bank while the escaped corrupt officials live in US/Canada.

But we track some of them down. 1200 were tracked down from 2007 to now and 7.6 billion RMB were returned. Some other corrupt officials had unfortunate accidents, like drowning in a casino bathroom.
Yeah, Ok - please make an attempt to make sense, and there is no reason to be defensive
Corruption is not confined to China alone.

It is universal and even in the West in case some feel that it is not a practice there.

They do it in a more sophisticated way unless they are the Mafia.

In India for a change, thank to the media vigilance, something concrete is being done.

It will not be cosmetic this time around, since we have the Supreme Court demanding updates!
Here we go, the world, with reference to India - again -- things do not exist on their own terms, but with reference to India -- yawn.
Both India-China should fight against this epidemic , not with each other....


Yeah, Ok - please make an attempt to make sense, and there is no reason to be defensive

No one was being defensive. Corruption has been a Chinese problem through all the dynasties since they all had complicated central bureaucracies. He could have easily picked any of the dynasties as an example but you likely aren't familiar with them.
And indeed that would have been a mistake - the issue is not corruption through time and space, it's about corruption NOW!
I am still disappointed at the People’s Congress. Why can’t the officials make their properties/incomings transparent to the public as the first easy step towards anti-corruption?

Mr. Wen said (not quoted here) during the meeting time that he’ll do it later.

How later? What's the problem with that?

Even corrupted Indians can do it now. If the Chinese can’t do it, well, for those IQ experts, it only means the Chinese have lower IQ than the Indians’. Admit it!

Wen said: “从长远看,我们还是应该实行政府领导人财产公开制度。但是我们现在先走第一步,那就是要如实申报个人收入、财产状况、家庭主要成员包括子女的从业情况,并且接受审查。” ¼??????????--?--

“From long term point of view, we’ll practice a system of governmental official property transparency. But let’s go first step, that is, accurately report personal income, property status, major family members’, including children’s, employment status, and to accept auditing.”
I am still disappointed at the People’s Congress. Why can’t the officials make their properties/incomings transparent to the public as the first easy step towards anti-corruption?

Mr. Wen said (not quoted here) during the meeting time that he’ll do it later.

How later? What's the problem with that?

Even corrupted Indians can do it now. If the Chinese can’t do it, well, for those IQ experts, it only means the Chinese have lower IQ than the Indians’. Admit it!

too much black money flowing around. NPC delegates scratch each other's backs. just like how Parliament of India is made up of mafia criminals. Only differences are Chinese corrupt officials invest in real estate while Indian mafia criminal politicians go to the Swiss Banks.
too much black money flowing around. NPC delegates scratch each other's backs. just like how Parliament of India is made up of mafia criminals. Only differences are Chinese corrupt officials invest in real estate while Indian mafia criminal politicians go to the Swiss Banks.

mate dont bring india into this, they will come around and slapping their holy 'democracy' on our faces again`!! :D
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