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Well equiped U.S. Army Compare Chinese Soldiers

Both were helping out in natural disasters...

Katrina's response was slow because of Bush not the US soldiers...
The main difference between why you have armed tactical police in New Orleans; You can buy assault rifles in a shop showing your D/L


I think I will visit this forum more if only to keep it more honest. There IS NO WAY a 2 year PLA conscript is EVER going to match a 4 year Western professional contract.

And the two most powerful Chinese Army Groups are the 38th and 39th Group Armies. I have been harping on this since day 1 on WAB and common knowledge on China-Defense.com Forum.

As for the title of this thread - there is NO comparison and the Chinese Chief, General Cao admitted the situation himself. The average Chinese soldier is at least 15 years behind an American soldier and it will take at least 10 years to catch up.

Obviously, there are no PLA watchers on this thread at least because the title is ludicrous at best.
Sir, it was a trolling attempt. However, we tried to turn it into an educational one. However, since your here, it should more than just help. ;)

Welcome back.


I think I will visit this forum more if only to keep it more honest. There IS NO WAY a 2 year PLA conscript is EVER going to match a 4 year Western professional contract.

And the two most powerful Chinese Army Groups are the 38th and 39th Group Armies. I have been harping on this since day 1 on WAB and common knowledge on China-Defense.com Forum.

As for the title of this thread - there is NO comparison and the Chinese Chief, General Cao admitted the situation himself. The average Chinese soldier is at least 15 years behind an American soldier and it will take at least 10 years to catch up.

Obviously, there are no PLA watchers on this thread at least because the title is ludicrous at best.

haha, welcome Moderator!

please tell us more about the Chinese military service,and, did Caogangchuan ever say "15 years behind"?:enjoy:

He is a famed PLA watcher, very well-known in the forum circles, An ex-canadian col of Chinese ethnicity.He owns/Moderates Sinodefence
I thought it was a comparison of the Chinese flood rescue efforts with the Katrina poor show despite being ill-equipped? Katrina was Bush's fault which obviously did cost the Repubs the mid-term ellections. Can't blame the US super-equipped soldiers for that.

What is the use of showing a tactical Police Unit Pictures to that of Army which was involved in the flood rescue. The United States Army as well as the National Guards did all the flood rescue. Their pictures arent here. New Orleans is not some Chinese Cities, Americans cities have some thing that Chinese cities dont have "Assault Guns in Civilian Hands". Everybody has their job to do, A police tactical unit has to take care of those guns, while the National Guards and Army took care of the Flood Relief and Rescue. But anyways Katrina was such a disaster and the US wasnt upto the task and they are complete idiots.

What is the use of showing a tactical Police Unit Pictures to that of Army which was involved in the flood rescue. The United States Army as well as the National Guards did all the flood rescue. Their pictures arent here. New Orleans is not some Chinese Cities, Americans cities have some thing that Chinese cities dont have "Assault Guns in Civilian Hands". Everybody has their job to do, A police tactical unit has to take care of those guns, while the National Guards and Army took care of the Flood Relief and Rescue. But anyways Katrina was such a disaster and the US wasnt upto the task and they are complete idiots.
One picture had a US Soldier taking a girl to safety...

US rescue was only half as bad as their relief effort. To which I hear there are thousands still waiting for. Oprah has done many shows on this. IF you see the images, America looks like a third world country.

Half of the efforts were stopped because they couldn't decide who would pay for it.
YOU WATCH OPRAH!!!!! How gay can you get??????????

But yes she has done lot of work, especially in the reconstruction of houses. American Rescue was done well, if you look at the number of deaths, but their relief and reconstruction till this day are pathetic, The most richest and most powerful country in the world cant even help its own people. pathetic.

Anyways the comparison of this thread isnt right, They are comparing a POLICe tactical unit to that of an army doing relief work. How **** can you get?
You sound more Gay right now!!!!!! Well whatever floats your boat mate.
hello everyone, it is me who posted this thread. BUT, i think lots of friends did not quite catch me and this thread and the title.

This is why Chinese soldiers can fence off US in Korea War.

That is what i wanna show you. DISCIPLINE, STICKABILITY, SACRIFICE, those inherent temperaments differentiate China soldier from the others who sometimes only can be treated as a weapon operator but a SOLDIER. One of the photos i posted shows the China soldiers fought against the flood with their bodies, they share the same courage with one China soldier who stoped up the machine gun in a blockhouse with his chest in 1952 Oct.19 in Korea War and his name is Huang Jiguang.
Further more, an important power source of PLA is the relationship between the China people. This is the most harmonic relationship between the army and the people in the past thousands of years in China even in the world.

I was going to say nothing after posting those pics before i saw some words like "moronic" in this thread.I am very glad to see Pakistan friends are very kindly here, I just wish we can understand more with each other.

What is this, Chinese soldiers are infact GLUESTICKS!!!!!!!!

Listen good Son,

Every Soldier in the world worth his salt, Honour by the code of a soldier. you can never show how one common soldier is better than the other. Chinese soldiers sure are good, so are the soldiers of other countries. Put that into your tiny head.

Americans have died in the thousands for their country along the history. Heck they went all the way to Europe to fight for a cause they beleived in, when they didnt have to. Honor Them. It will only make you a better human being.

The Code of Conduct

Posted Friday, October 7, 2005


I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.


I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.


If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.


If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.


When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.


I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
please tell us more about the Chinese military service,and, did Caogangchuan ever say "15 years behind"?:enjoy:
He actually stated 20 years about 5 years ago. His goal in 20 years time is to produce a modern officer corps; not even a modern army but an officer corps.

And from what I've seen especially of Blue Army exercises, yes, the PLA is some 15 years behind my army.
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