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Well Attempted Faiz!

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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“We die so you may live” the diary of Lt Faiz Sultan Malik Shaheed S.Bt. starts with these words that reflect the spirit of sacrifice this brave soldier had in his heart.

It also shows his intuition, devotion & dedication. It appears that he had decided earlier in his life that he will illuminate the homeland with his blood. The news that Allah had honored him with the status of being Shaheed was not shocking for us; he had to do it. His whole diary is an embodiment of true feelings of love for Pakistan, it has been published by name of “AKHRI DUS DIN” (last ten days).

This promising son of Chakwal was born on 3rd Sept 1985. His mother used to feed him always after taking ablution (wazo). That’s why ALLAH the Almighty endowed him with distinguished virtues of patriotism and loyalty to the nation. He was fearless and courageous and was very fair in his conduct. He got special blessing of the Almighty to cope up with all challenges with a special kind of courage. Everyone came close to him because of his sterling character and other qualities of head and heart.

Lt Faiz obtained education from Military College Jhelum, which is known as the nursery of brave and professional soldiers and later on passed out from Pakistan military academy (115 PMA L /C) with flying color as he was an Under Officer at PMA.

Lt Faiz was a great admirer of the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah; “one day our brother told us (sisters) that he was preparing for the Day of Judgment, when ALLAH the Almighty shall address the Quaid-e-Azam with the words “well done Jinnah!”, he would also like to be addressed with the words by the Almighty “well attempted Faiz!”.

His whole life is replete with such things which distinguishes him from others as well as reveals that he had intuition regarding his final destiny. His whole diary is testimony to it. He wrote: “We stay awake on the borders so that you (the countrymen) enjoy fearless sleep & when we sleep with souls at rest….. The country is proud of us”.

He sent text message to his mother before his shahadat, “I left home in khaki and if I came back in sabazz hilali….I have lost nothing but got everything that I desired”, a desire displayed with his photo on the wall of Army Recruitment Center, Rawalpindi. This passionate son of soil told to his mother in his last telephone call, “Ammi! Being daughter in law of a soldier, wife of a soldier & mother of a soldier, if you ever get any sad news, then Ammi Jan stand firm like the mountain of patience.”

Lt Faiz was resolute in his mission of eliminate the enemies of this nation with his full might and vigor. He volunteered for “Operation Sher Dil” at (Mohmand Agency) and prepared himself well with weaponry as per need of the hour. His determination to serve his homeland reached to apex when he led his men with exemplary motivation & successfully got control of two ridges, named Zaray Sar & Sur Qammar from where terrorists used to control the whole Mohmand Agency. Lt Faiz rescued an injured soldier as well. This determined son of MCJ remained cool and perfectly compact while going through all difficulties in order to achieve his goal of shahadat.

On 11th June 2009, at the time of Asar, Lt Faiz Sultan Malik embraced shahadat on spot with the utterance of his final words “ALLAH-O- AKBAR “ and received 22 bullets on his chest and 35 terrorists were reportedly killed in this operation. His body remained there on the mountain slope for two days due to fierce fighting with terrorists. On 13th June 2009, his parents received his “jaside-e-khaki” wrapped in sabz hilali, with salute & with the words of” SHUKAR ALHAMDULLILAH”, which depict zenith of their Eemaan. That day his words were echoing in our minds again & again:

”The flag of Pakistan is available on shops everywhere. Anybody can purchase it. But what is actually a matter of great importance & real satisfaction, is when PAKISTAN itself confers it upon someone.”
He is buried in Chakwal. With yellow Marry Gold Floral plants (Geinda) grown naturally on his grave, people are often seen offering Fateha at his grave; Subhan’ALLAH!

He advised us (sisters) in his last phone call; “Now stop praying for yourself, as Pakistan is the first priority, so pray for Pakistan and not for your own selves. Everyone will get everything, only, if it remains”.
What a great guarantee that was always given to me by my great brother, with these words, “No one can eliminate PAKISTAN, because we are there to defend our homeland up till even a single soldier is alive.” He fulfilled his commitment by laying down his life.

PAKISTAN is indeed proud of him and the whole nation is proud of brave sons like Lt Faiz Sultan Malik Shaheed S.Bt. Our great shuhada will remain as beacon of light for others to follow Insha’Allah!
We are truely lucky to have people like him defending us. Our hearts go out for his family and loved ones. May his soul be granted a place in heaven. We will not forget his sacrifice. Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
Very heart warming account of a Brave soldier
A true patriot.

“Now stop praying for yourself, as Pakistan is the first priority, so pray for Pakistan and not for your own selves. Everyone will get everything, only, if it remains”

No one understands freedom of the nation better than a soldier.
Indeed. Well done Faiz. We are proud of you. RIP.
The author of this article is Eiman Malik, whom I believe to be sister of Lt. Faiz Shaheed. This article was published in ISPR's magazine 'Hilal'.
Faiz we are proud of you and let me tell you i feel a million times secure knowing that there are people like you Defending this country and as long as people like you are their, This motherland will be secure but you know losing people like him is nevertheless sad. :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

A true Shaheed. A true patriot. A true soldier. A true son of our land.
We are truely lucky to have people like him defending us. Our hearts go out for his family and loved ones. May his soul be granted a place in heaven. We will not forget his sacrifice. Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

i am speechless here , can't find the words worthy of the CaLibre of this true mujahid of PakisTan ... :angel:

PakisTan armed ForCes z|i|ndabaad ... :pakistan:

PakisTan z|ndabaad ... :pakistan:

|I|sLaam paiyndabaad ...
I wish i could have lived like him. I wish i could have die like him. Such pure passion, such pure bravery. Now we should understand why our motherland is still surviving despite all odds. And he will live forever, so will Pakistan. :pakistan:
May Allah grant him highest award. A brave soldier of the nation.
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