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Welcome to Vietnam: Harris arrives Hanoi for a 3 day visit

Saigon has more people than just one million Hoa. Commerce is sometimes more important than industry. Look HK. Canton is rich just thanks to commerce.
Commerce is sometimes more important than industry ?? Oh, if u forgot, let me remind u that US has to slap 25% tariff on CN's products now bcs Trump realize that once day US will be defeated by CN bcs CN manufacture everything for US.

too many US people are jobless during Covid now and they are becoming crazy bcs US failed to attrack factories jobs.
You are lying.

Many VPA officiers was served in France Army. After revolution 1945 many of the them joined to VPA. we do know well how to fight with France.

View attachment 773432
Are you trying to alter the history just by hitting that keyboard?

During the First Indochina War
In the early 1950s, the Vietnamese Communists confronted formidable enemies and Ho Chi Minh avidly sought advice and weapons from China. The PRC began to send their advisors and later form the Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) to assist the Viet Minh forces led by Wei Guoqing and Chen Geng. CMAG and Viet Minh began training for their first campaign. In September 1950, the Border Campaigns were launched.[2]:42 And between April and September 1950, China sent to the Viet Minh 14,000 rifles and pistols, 1,700 machine guns and recoilless rifles, 150 mortars, 60 artillery pieces and 300 bazookas, as well as ammunition, medicine, communications materials, clothes and 2,800 tons of food.[1]:20
@Viet these words should be recorded and pass it down in the history of PDF.
Yeah, we will not lift the lock down soon bcs we can't let people in Sagon and those Hoa ethnic to reopen their restaurants, their clothes shops during Covid.
France recognized Vietnam independence very soon from 1946, when Ho Chi Minh visited France after WW Ii. China intervented in Vietnam war just for get position to negociate with France in 1954. With this dirty policy of China, for that to cut Vietnam in to two part like what China did in Korea.

Under this lession in Confrence in Paris 1968, Vietnam did not permit other party to choice.

Ho Chi Minh visited France in 1946
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In January 1950, Ho Chi Minh walked 17 days to China to seek assistance. At this time, the Central Committee of the VCP had hid in the forest on the border between China and Vietnam. Haiphong, Hanoi and Nanding were all occupied by the French army.
In June 1950, China's military assistance arrived in Vietnam. In July, General Chen Geng began to command the Vietnamese army. In September, the Vietnamese army won the border battle. At this time, the situation in Vietnam began to turn around.
In January 1950, Ho Chi Minh walked 17 days to China to seek assistance. At this time, the Central Committee of the VCP had hid in the forest on the border between China and Vietnam. Haiphong, Hanoi and Nanding were all occupied by the French army.
In June 1950, China's military assistance arrived in Vietnam. In July, General Chen Geng began to command the Vietnamese army. In September, the Vietnamese army won the border battle. At this time, the situation in Vietnam began to turn around.
Lying is not good, we asked help from Soviet first, then Stalin told Mao to support VN. Bcs Mao owed Soviet a big debt after CN civil war, so Mao had to do what Stalin told Mao to do to pay back the debt.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

Are you trying to alter the history just by hitting that keyboard?

During the First Indochina War
In the early 1950s, the Vietnamese Communists confronted formidable enemies and Ho Chi Minh avidly sought advice and weapons from China. The PRC began to send their advisors and later form the Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) to assist the Viet Minh forces led by Wei Guoqing and Chen Geng. CMAG and Viet Minh began training for their first campaign. In September 1950, the Border Campaigns were launched.[2]:42 And between April and September 1950, China sent to the Viet Minh 14,000 rifles and pistols, 1,700 machine guns and recoilless rifles, 150 mortars, 60 artillery pieces and 300 bazookas, as well as ammunition, medicine, communications materials, clothes and 2,800 tons of food.[1]:20

This weapons are nots made by China, China had just transferred the amount of weapons Soviet Union had given to China .
Talked like a proud and true patriot.
As the true Han patriot, man like you'd better admit that CN is still very weak, still rely deeply on exporting products to EU-US to earn money.

CN will not survive if US-EU slap 100% tariff to all CN export products like what Trump want. US will crush CN easily like Mongol did to CN in 13th century.
Commerce is sometimes more important than industry ?? Oh, if u forgot, let me remind u that US has to slap 25% tariff on CN's products now bcs Trump realize that once day US will be defeated by CN bcs CN manufacture everything for US.

too many US people are jobless during Covid now and they are becoming crazy bcs US failed to attrack factories jobs.
The US is a tech nation. Making shoes can be outsourced, because irrelevant.
In 3 weeks from now all Saigoner will get two shots vaccines all will be vaccinated then the city can be reopened. So the plan of the government.
In June 1950, China's military assistance arrived in Vietnam. In July, General Chen Geng began to command the Vietnamese army.

Big joke, VPA never permited foreigner to be commander of VPA. You are idiot kid.
@Viet these words should be recorded and pass it down in the history of PDF.
making fun is free. Costs nothing. VN is aware of possible chinese retaliation ranging from economic to other means.

“In 2020, China-Vietnam trade reached $192.28 billion, up 18.7 percent year-on-year. China's exports to Vietnam reached $113.81 billion and its imports from Vietnam reached $78.47 billion, year-on-year growth of 16.3 percent and 22.4 percent, respectively, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed.”
This weapons are nots made by China, China had just transferred the amount of weapons Soviet Union had given to China .
Most of weapons are supplied by Soviet

Weapons of the North Vietnam (Việt Minh)

Edged weapons[edit]
Pistols and revolvers[edit]
Automatic rifles[edit]
Semi-automatic rifles[edit]
Bolt-action rifles[edit]
Automatic weapons[edit]
Submachine guns[edit]
Light machine guns[edit]
Medium machine guns[edit]
Heavy machine guns[edit]
Explosives and grenades[edit]
Anti-tank weapons[edit]
Anti-aircraft weapons[edit]
Other vehicles[edit]
Uniforms and helmets[edit]
Lying is not good, we asked help from Soviet first, then Stalin told Mao to support VN. Bcs Mao owed Soviet a big debt after CN civil war, so Mao had to do what Stalin told Mao to do to pay back the debt.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

In 1950, China did not owe the Soviet Union debt.

China's debt to the Soviet Union came from aid and loans from September 1954 to June 1958.

The CCP and the SUCP are equal.
The China Soviet relationship broke down because the Soviet Union wanted to station a fleet on Chinese territory.
We are not a Soviet colony, so we let them go.
In 1965, while enduring three years of famine, we paid off the debts of the Soviet Union.
Big joke, VPA never permited foreigner to be commander of VPA. You are idiot kid.
Well, North Koreans also believe that the commander of the Korean War is not Peng Dehuai, but Kim Il Sung. Koreans also believe that their army is under the command of Bai Shanye.

You're a joke, Lack of basic political knowledge. Do you really think Vietnamese and North Koreans are qualified to talk about command with the Chinese?

Or you ask the Americans and the French to see if they believe you?
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