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Weird tank modifications in Syria

fine i shall change it, but just so you know there the root cause.

I know you understand the reason that I deliberately removed the word while quoting your post so that is not the subject here at all and wanted to highlight to you on lighter side. You are knowledgeable member and know as such.

Also, about the root cause, actually the word is used as a slang to provoke Muslims and you can read about the same and its meaning for Muslims. I am still avoiding to quote as not to derail the topic and am not siding with terrorists that can be under any disguise though,

good call w.r.t. change it as that is what i expected. :tup:
"Improvisation is the art of NOT being defeated in the face of nonavailability." : military training manual.
these are very keenly watched by designers - to see what "Real world" requires. a bunch of these may not work but the few that work are gold for future iterations of those vehicles. in short, these people are at the forefront of creativity and development at crunch times.

This, 57 mm AZP S-60 anti-aircraft gun, put on a Scania 2 series (1980s) truck, standing next to an Opel Omega B1 (1994–1999).


4th Armoured Division’s T-72AVs. Slat armour filled with bricks. Simple bricks were sometimes also used to replace lost Kontakt-1 blocks. Early upgrades were very rudimentary and varied between each tank.



Syria has now implemented a nation-wide upgrade program for its precious T-72s. At least three major variants are known, which can be further divided into numerous subvariants.

The first upgrade consists of several pieces of metal alligned around the turret and one large plate of metal on each side of the tank strenthened by shell casings from the T-72’s 125mm gun. In some cases, sandbags are also seen around the turret.



The second upgrade includes the installment of slat armour on the glacis plate, turret, hull and the back, providing a 360 degree coverage. This type of armour is only seen on TURMS-T equipped T-72 ‘Urals’ operating in and near Aleppo.



The third upgrade, by far the most rigorous and effective, was first seen in late August, 2014. The consisted of the installment of additional armour on the T-72M1’s side skirts, glacis plate and around the turret, further reinforced by slat armour and metal chaines, also providing a 360 degree coverage.


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The photo of a Syrian Police Shorland Mk 4 in Homs in September 2011 (Note the Ba'ath Party flag on the vehicle side) is interesting as only 4 (of this type) were apparently delivered. By comparison, Iraq took delivery of 72, 30 in service with the Internal Security Forces of Lebanon, and 40 were delivered to Saudi Arabia.
More https://milinme.wordpress.com/page/40/?ref=spelling

Armoured Patrol Car (APC) Variants

Not to be confused with Shorland Armoured Personnel Vehicle (APV) variants
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