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Webby..fix this thing man


Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score

At first i thought bot spammed by profile page but there is no message in profile page so probably database issue.
Can you do a screen shot with the drop down of notifications. When you click to check.

It is only happening with Senior Members i think.
Have you tried signing off and signing back on?
Not fixed i tried log off and log in.

This is not a big issue but still webby you need to be alerted i think some messing up is going on with site .
Do you have this problem? Did you have one?

No, I was just offering a suggestion. The point of signing off and signing back on was to clear any 'cookies' stored.

Okay if your still experiencing this problem do this.

The problem maybe is that your profile has reached an excessive amount of posts.

Go to your profile and delete several posts!

That should resolve the problem...It is a database numerical error, so when the number of posts exceeds the limit, it shows an extremely high number in your "Unread visitor messages"...

Please tell me if this resolved your issue.
Dont do the above.

The users with this issue should just delete a few unnecessary posts on their profile. I'm sure it will resolve the issue, if it doesn't a few unnecessary posts get deleted...

Just try it it really may work, give it a chance.
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