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Wear shalwar kameez at banks to facilitate people better: PM Khan

I own 0 pair of shalwar qamis but I am advocating for it because this is what a common man / women wears in Pakistan

"When in Rome Do as a Roman do" - famous qoute

But in Pakistan where temperature can become 50 degrees , the outfit is perfectly great

For me personally if I go to bank in Pakistan and I see anyone in professionally (Ironed) shalwar Qamis offering me service I would see no difference as long as person is polite , helpful and grateful for my visit to bank
I own 0 pair of shalwar qamis but I am advocating for it because this is what a common man / women wears in Pakistan

"When in Rome Do as a Roman do" - famous qoute

But in Pakistan where temperature can become 50 degrees , the outfit is perfectly great

Chinese Consulate General Li Bijian in Karachi.
Sherwani comes with shalwar. And it's quite a bit uncomfortable.
Better wear Shalwar Qamee and Wasket.
Just avoid 'gair wali shalwar' :D
You can wear anything including sherwaani, shalwar kameez, waistcoat etc. etc. but why suggest a uniform for the bankers in the first place? Let them wear their suits and what not. Imran Khan needs to stop micro-managing the nation on what they wear and speak. Again, he is focused on the cosmetic nonsense instead of the real substance. Make banking automated so you don't even need to visit a branch. Simple as that instead of idiotic guidance on the dress code.

I am a bit frustrated currently because his focus needs to be on delivering better governance and party organization instead of completely non-sensical issues.
Online Banking Already exists in Pakistan more to come
Wear shalwar kameez at banks to facilitate people better: PM Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan believes that bank staff wearing the traditional dress of shalwar kameez will make people less frightened.

He voiced his views while talking at the recent ceremony to approve the loan for the Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar initiative. PM Imran Khan said that he is glad banks in Pakistan have started to converse in Urdu with customers.

“Banks have started talking to customers in Urdu, so now make the staff wear shalwar kameez [national dress of Pakistan], this will not frighten the people,” said PM Khan.

“There were several hurdles earlier, as when a common person would go to the bank, they would suffer from anxiety,” said the premier, adding, “I see Pakistan now moving in the direction it should have been headed in a long time ago,” he added further.

“Pakistanis who worked as laborers overseas had one dream — to build a house for themselves and their families,” the prime minister said while lamenting that previous governments did not pay heed to the wishes of the Pakistani labor working in other countries.

Read more: PM Khan calls overseas Pakistani “asset” for the country

PM Khan is a strong supporter of Pakistan’s national dress
Shalwar Kameez is the national dress of Pakistan. PM Imran Khan has always worn shalwar kameez. His dressing style has not been changed even after becoming the premier of Pakistan.

PM Imran Khan wears shalwar Kameez on his high-profile foreign trips. On his maiden trip to the USA, PM Imran Khan wore a blue shalwar kameez paired with traditional Peshawari chappals.

Meanwhile, netizens have called out PM Imran Khan for believing that merely wearing shalwar kameez by bank staff will facilitate the customers. A large number of social media users have disagreed with his views. They believe that banks can only enhance customer experience with professional and quality behavior with people.

Others, however, have appreciated PM Imran Khan for promoting the indigenous culture of Pakistan

I think this is less about the dress, more about freeing the people from the subservient mind-set. That mind-set we know exists in developing countries, including Pakistan.

On the face of it, it may sound strange to some, but if Salwar Kameez is allowed as well as I assume Suit or Pant/shirt/tie, then why not.

Unlike most countries, we have a national dress that seems very functional, looks smart and easy work wear.
Include a waistcoat and I think it is a very professional look.
The things our nation and its leaders focus on. :disagree:
He's suggesting ways for banks to be more accomodating for customers. I've never been to a Pakistani bank, how hostile could it possibly be?
Well, they are extremely rude, arrogant, careless, power just goes through their head, zero understanding of what is confidential data, daft, stupid, annoying, impatient, talk in a language that layman does not understand, disorganised, chaotic, etc etc.
“Banks have started talking to customers in Urdu, so now make the staff wear shalwar kameez [national dress of Pakistan], this will not frighten the people,” said PM Khan.


ab mein sochta hun mainay issay kyun vote diya. Then again, mjhe kabhi lagta hai agar Reham Khan dhoka na deti, toh mein we would've headed towards moderation, but jab say yeh manhoos peerni ayi, Imran Khan ka dimagh seedha gutter mein ja chuka hai
Shalwaar kameez is unprofessiona
perception will change if every professional starts wearing them. of course, dresses don't come with intrinsic levels of "professionality".
in India most people at most levels wear shirt pants. tuck them in to add professionalism.
Now do understand why you shouldn't do drugs, kids?

This is the side effect of cocaina :crazy:
May be bank employees in Karachi should start eating paan and spitting it at the entrance to seem more welcoming? Or may be chew Niswaar in KPK or provide a constant supply of Lassi in Punjab?

May be design banks in the shape of shrines, refer to employees as Pir and Pirni, and call bank deposits Chanda to get the religious types? :hitwall:

See - chut1apay ki batain toh hum sab kar saktay hain, bas aik dimagh ka filter hota hai that this idiot seems to have lost.

hahaaa, comment of the day :yahoo:

bahot hansa diya apnay yar
does he think before he says these thing. He seems have gotten dumber ever since coming into power
The amount of Pakistani people showing disdain for thier national dress is disgusting.

This is his full quote...

“Banks have started talking to customers in Urdu, so now make the staff wear shalwar kameez [national dress of Pakistan], this will not frighten the people,” said PM Khan.

“There were several hurdles earlier, as when a common person would go to the bank, they would suffer from anxiety,” said the premier, adding, “I see Pakistan now moving in the direction it should have been headed in a long time ago,” he added further.

So he is clearly talking about steps banks can take to make themselves a more welcoming environment for common people.
Now do understand why you shouldn't do drugs, kids?

This is the side effect of cocaina :crazy:

hahaaa, comment of the day :yahoo:

bahot hansa diya apnay yar

What you are on crack?
I know this might come across as a bit obnoxious but I'm surely not the first on here :lol: Shalwar kameez is very feminine, it suits the ladies as its like dress like but does not work on men, just looks a bit silly.
You must have been meeting the wrong men. Its quite the opposite. Shalwar kameez compliment men's masculine features but they do not work in professional setting especially if you are travelling a lot. They go from ironed to wrinkled in matter of minutes hence give off a casual vibe rather than a professional one.
Khan sahib is so lost in this cultural inferiority issue of the 60s that he will soon be yabbering on banning Donuts because they may cause sexual arousal.

He has lost the plot with good governance and anti-corruption so now is shooting off tangents that have little impact.
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