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We will not allow another ‘Abbottabad’: PM

This is why we must get the target out of this country before another embarrassment occurs.

But this trash army will not allow this eventuality -- I am convinced that it's not just elements of the Pakistan army but that it is the policy of the army to bring shame and dishonor upon Pakistan - remember we are talking about an army that has never won any war but it knows how to surrender - all in the game, pip pip -- To allow Pakistan to live, the Islamist terrorists must die and her patron, the Pakistan Army must be completely reorganized - I am now, more than ever before persuaded that these people will not go peacefully - they have already made their choice, now lets see if the people of Pakistan will get any inspiration from others who want to be free of their uniformed oppressors.
The Nuclear assets of Pakistan are in safe hands, said the prime minister.

While addressing the coalition partners he said the sovereignty of the country will be safeguarded.

The US has been told any repeat of Abbottabad-like incident will not be tolerated. The war on terror has adversely affected the economy, he added. Pakistan has made great sacrifices in this war and about 30,000 civilians and 5000 soldiers have laid down their lives.

He vowed no one will be allowed to use Pakistan territory for terrorist attacks. Pakistan people’s Party wants to end political disputes through talks. The budget this year was the best in the given situation, he maintained adding that the opposition displayed undemocratic attitude during the budget session.

---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

Im pretty sure that he is lying.

Gillani is just spouting nonsense. The US will come and repeat as many Abbottabad like incidents as it wants too. The Question he should really be asking is what was Osama doing there and why no one knew from military to the government. The sovereignty of the country should 1st be protected from inside. Terrorist are making a mockery out of it. The way 2 pc orions were destroyed in peace time situation, what kind of sovereignty are we talking about here Mr PM.
Is Gilani trying his luck as a Standup comedian, guess he was impressed by Rehman Maliks standup acts.
How many times before did the government say no more drone attacks!

If they could not detect the previous attack what guarantee is there that the "next" attack will be detected and the infiltrating choppers or soldiers will be shot down!

Each time the government says these words their masters (the US) comes and gives them a lolly pop made of US Dollars and the government gets busy licking the lolly pop, and when the lolly pop finishes they start all over again.

Most probably before the "next" attack their masters will give them a carton of US Dollar Lolly Pops to enjoy till the US completes it's mission.
pakistan should take tough stand in front of the international community,rise up these issues in front of UN or something,do something tough.
you guys will definitely have the support of china,saudi,lanka etc.
shoot down those drones and bomb those terrorist hide outs yourself
The Nuclear assets of Pakistan are in safe hands, said the prime minister.

While addressing the coalition partners he said the sovereignty of the country will be safeguarded.

The US has been told any repeat of Abbottabad-like incident will not be tolerated. The war on terror has adversely affected the economy, he added. Pakistan has made great sacrifices in this war and about 30,000 civilians and 5000 soldiers have laid down their lives.

He vowed no one will be allowed to use Pakistan territory for terrorist attacks. Pakistan people’s Party wants to end political disputes through talks. The budget this year was the best in the given situation, he maintained adding that the opposition displayed undemocratic attitude during the budget session.

---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

Im pretty sure that he is lying.

As if they (USA) care... (Refer Hillary speech)
on this question on sovereignty , couldn't get , what is the difference between a Abbottabad-like incident and a drone strike ?

The government of Pakistan doesn't consider FATA to be a part of Pakistan -- they never bothered to exercise sovereignty since 1947.

For the feudal paindoos in power, Pakistan consists of Punjab and Sindh. The other provinces don't really matter to them.
Gillani is right, another Abbottabad will never happen. Whatever is going to happen would be far more worse. wesey Gillani bro, you have hardly any power to interfere in the matters controlled by the all-powerful Generals of our army, therefore you better keep your mouth shut and just do you are good at. Go on more foreign trips and amuse your hosts with your funny English accent and accumulate as much wealth as you can before your term ends.
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