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We will never sell weapons to Pak that can harm India, Su-35 is out of question :: Russian Govt.

Russia is an ally like US is an ally? You need to define what ally means. Will Russia come to Pakistan's aid if India attacks? I highly doubt it. I think the world ally has been used rather loosely, of late, and not just you but everyone. The only country that comes to that definition is China.

And both Russia and US has sold Pakistan military equipment and invested in Pakistan, but it pales in comparison to their relationship to India.
I would agree with you but most of my Russian friends look towards Indians as hypocrites who swing tails to USA and the general sentiment for India in the general public is not that good you could have said this 3 to 4 years ago it was believeable but currently Russian don't consider Indians an ally because if there is a war between Russia and Europe will India go! no because France has to provide jets and Subs so Russian is also keeping an eye to it's interests. If India will not fight along Russia over Crimea why would Russia along India over Kashmir. This is the very reason Russia came to have military drills with Pakistan just a day after URI attacks so ????
Why r u feeding chicken legs to vastly vegetarian Hindu army?
If the food is so Good why are they on YouTube complaining the food is so bad. Showing 1 burnt paratha, no plate to eat on and a cup of tea.
Why are there so many poor Indians sleeping on the streets.
No I accept there is money in India but there are more people starving in India than have money. It's a cAse of some have it but most don't. You are just arrogant because mummy still washes your underwear
How come Hindu? :rofl:
You people have really complex issue with religion & self glorifying mind..
You just define a regular Muslim filled with hooey..
We are any day better than those deserted failed neighbor.We spend 1.6% in defense & decreased our defense spending from 1.8% this year where you spend nearly 4% of GDP in defense..
40% Pakistanis live in poverty
We would do whatever we want with our money..
Whatever floats your boat.Now fudge off & feed your poor before lecturing like a first class mind..
How come Hindu? :rofl:
You people have really complex issue with religion & self glorifying mind..
You just define a regular Muslim filled with hooey..
We are any day better than those deserted failed neighbor.We spend 1.6% in defense & decreased our defense spending from 1.8% this year where you spend nearly 4% of GDP in defense..
40% Pakistanis live in poverty
We would do whatever we want with our money..
Whatever floats your boat.Now fudge off & feed your poor before lecturing like a first class mind..
Look whose talking. Your soldiers are dying of hunger and you care about 40% poor Pakistanis? Wow! Your soldiers, who are supposed to defend you from us are crying for food. Do you understand that? If you got that much money feed your crying soldiers.
Doval went to discuss something which was not official nor confirmed but felt the heat even through few media reports speculating about possible interest of PAF in SU-35 as it wasn't alone agenda but surely including Afghan talks without India actually hurts and possible Russian interest in Pakistan's projects. However, we are happy with current state of dealing with Russia and contracts in different areas as per our need and requirements.
How come Hindu? :rofl:
You people have really complex issue with religion & self glorifying mind..
You just define a regular Muslim filled with hooey..
We are any day better than those deserted failed neighbor.We spend 1.6% in defense & decreased our defense spending from 1.8% this year where you spend nearly 4% of GDP in defense..
40% Pakistanis live in poverty
We would do whatever we want with our money..
Whatever floats your boat.Now fudge off & feed your poor before lecturing like a first class mind..

Since when do 40% of Pakistanis live in poverty?
The poverty rate of Pakistan is either 23% or 29%.
Look whose talking. Your soldiers are dying of hunger and you care about 40% poor Pakistanis? Wow! Your soldiers, who are supposed to defend you from us are crying for food. Do you understand that? If you got that much money feed your crying soldiers.
Situation is being taken care of.
Put same enthusiasm to your poor first before lecturing on others same by your logic.I am not the one who first pulled off such irrelevant topic on such thread.
Stop being paranoid..

Since when do 40% of Pakistanis live in poverty?
The poverty rate of Pakistan is either 23% or 29%.
You don't have census,population count..How do you measure poverty?Lol
Okay, it turns out you are right about that 40% figure. Its even on the UNDP website.

Big deal...

I wonder how poverty is measured like what is the standard.

LOL India has more poor than all of sub-saharan Africa.

You shouldn't even be lecturing us Pakistanis on poverty! :lol:
I really can never get over the kind of money India and Pakistan spend to acquire sophisticated weapons from overseas. Money that could be used for education, healthcare and sanitation. The point is not that they have the money - the point is that they have enough poor to whom such funds should be allocated.
I really can never get over the kind of money India and Pakistan spend to acquire sophisticated weapons from overseas. Money that could be used for education, healthcare and sanitation. The point is not that they have the money - the point is that they have enough poor to whom such funds should be allocated.
Agreed, we South Asians should be spending less on weapons and on better healthcare, education, the culture and arts, etc.

However unfortunately we have this Kashmir dispute.
Doval went to discuss something which was not official nor confirmed but felt the heat even through few media reports speculating about possible interest of PAF in SU-35 as it wasn't alone agenda but surely including Afghan talks without India actually hurts and possible Russian interest in Pakistan's projects. However, we are happy with current state of dealing with Russia and contracts in different areas as per our need and requirements.
Now we are a part of the Russian conference:
Situation is being taken care of.
Put same enthusiasm to your poor first before lecturing on others same by your logic.I am not the one who first pulled off such irrelevant topic on such thread.
Stop being paranoid..

You don't have census,population count..How do you measure poverty?Lol
Situation is in deed taken care of, probably that's the reason why every now and then we see videos of Indian soldiers crying for food. When did you see videos of our 40% poor people asking for food? How about the poverty in India? What about the toilet issue? Your country, is she flawless with no challenges? You say I'm being paranoid, ridiculous.

You don't have census,population count..How do you measure poverty?Lol

The conservative figure pertaining to poverty in India is 22%. Just for your information, 22% of your population is ridiculously much more than 40% of our population. Richie Rich India, please feed your poor people. Feed soldiers first, its my humble request so that there are no more videos. We feel depressed when we see soldiers in pain :)
Actually it is good that Russian made a stance, so now all the Fogs are clear and we can now focus on other options , J-31 , J-11, TF-X .. Pakistan was interested in Su-35's and maybe they still are , now if this news is true than PAF will get the message that Su-35 is not coming and there is not " Ifs and but's " there ..

until 2020 Paf should focus on getting more F-16's, try to get block 52's if not than go for older blocks .. increase the number of JF-17 block 3 from 50 to 100 ..
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