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We were originally Hindus, says Bangladeshi author Sharbari Zohra Ahmed

Bangladesh came about in 1971 as RSS Nazis formed Mukti Bahani and attacked East Pakistan amidst political unrest in the country following hung elections.

Pakistani politician turned rebel Sheikh Mujib became Founder of Bangladesh literally meaning a country for Bengalis. Soon afterwards military junta killed Mujib along with most of his family with one of his daughters studying in Germany escaped with her life. She would later rule Bangladesh with an Iron fist as Mother Of Humanity.

The country's existing constitution was drawn in India as India refused to annex Bangladesh opting out at the prospect of adding sizeable muslim population.

Bangladesh is a semi sovereign country with internal problems arising from a turbulent past and a very uncertain future.

Always changing the subject, technically it was west Pakistan that lost the election and refused to hand over power. So Bangladesh should be the master of Pakistan, technically speaking Troll.

Troll i answered you and you keep diverting..

Bangladesh came about in 1971 as RSS Nazis formed Mukti Bahani and attacked East Pakistan amidst political unrest in the country following hung elections.

Pakistani politician turned rebel Sheikh Mujib became Founder of Bangladesh literally meaning a country for Bengalis. Soon afterwards military junta killed Mujib along with most of his family with one of his daughters studying in Germany escaped with her life. She would later rule Bangladesh with an Iron fist as Mother Of Humanity.

The country's existing constitution was drawn in India as India refused to annex Bangladesh opting out at the prospect of adding sizeable muslim population.

Bangladesh is a semi sovereign country with internal problems arising from a turbulent past and a very uncertain future.
Why changing the subject, is your constitution written on toilet paper your sisters maxi pads? As Pakistan sold jf-17 to mymanmar? Your Pakistani minister has met and has the Israeli ambassador as a contact in an official capacity.

I am done talking to member that has username consisting of Troll. Again
Always changing the subject, technically it was west Pakistan that lost the election and refused to hand over power. So Bangladesh should be the master of Pakistan, technically speaking Troll.

Troll i answered you and you keep diverting..

Why changing the subject, is your constitution written on toilet paper your sisters maxi pads? As Pakistan sold jf-17 to mymanmar? Your Pakistani minister has met and has the Israeli ambassador as a contact in an official capacity.

I am done talking to member that has username consisting of Troll. Again

Rakhine Republic will rise from the ashes of fascism in Dhaka.
So what is the basis for the country of Bangladesh to exist?

How does Bangladeshi constitution defines the country and her populace? What is the claim to your fame when you sit at the table of Nation states
Umm,,,what exactly is the basis of ur country?
Is it even valid after creation of bangladesh?
If it is,,,,then why r u living in dar al harb.(its a rhetorical question,,i probably know the anser,,which is,,,-bhayya 2 rupaye jyada ke liye kuch bhi karega),,,,btw i understand, u might have other reasons like most religious ppl.(basically excuses u tell urself),,,so no need to tell me.
As far as Bd is concerned,,,well its somewhat simple,,,,they separated frm india n formed east wing of pakistan,all of thm foolishly believing in muslim ummah,,,,but since its a totally fake concept,,,,eventually they rejected it n decided to go solo.
No one was originally Hindu. Everyone was originally a single-celled organism.
Hinduism is not a religion, these are just formation of different cultures. Many are weird and absurd. The idolatry part, specially. Some of the culture people may have respect, like vastu sastra. Many BDs may have recent roots from Hinduism. But Hindus arent native to this region. Before the invasion of Hindu Sena dynasty, people of this region were Buddhists. And later many Hindus migrated during Mughal and British period. Archeological data on Hindu worshipping places prove this. What perplexing to me is the BD remote villagers. By seeing their sheer idiocy, I cant connect them to any known civilization. These guys maybe were never Hindu/Buddhists, but just animists. Their known local gods like Bon bibi, Ola bibi, Monsa proves this. Hindu migrants may have sent them to lower caste Hindu catergories along with earlier Buddhists. For this reason BD people get angry when they are associated with Hinduism. Apart from this, as many as Muslims are migrants from different part of the world and also from different part of India/Afghan as well. Many of them may also have Hindu roots. For example the most revered Baro Bhuyan of Bengal, Isa Khan was a Rajputana Muslim. This kinds of roots nobody regret.
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Umm,,,what exactly is the basis of ur country?
Is it even valid after creation of bangladesh?
If it is,,,,then why r u living in dar al harb.(its a rhetorical question,,i probably know the anser,,which is,,,-bhayya 2 rupaye jyada ke liye kuch bhi karega),,,,btw i understand, u might have other reasons like most religious ppl.(basically excuses u tell urself),,,so no need to tell me.
As far as Bd is concerned,,,well its somewhat simple,,,,they separated frm india n formed east wing of pakistan,all of thm foolishly believing in muslim ummah,,,,but since its a totally fake concept,,,,eventually they rejected it n decided to go solo.

I would say India is a mob masquerading as a nation but it would be called propaganda. So i like to present my case as what can only be described as civil war in india over failure to define itself legally as a nation state.

It is quite clear from your own post here that different ethnic and lingual group cannot coexist peacefully together as extinction of the other is the next possible thought.
I would say India is a mob masquerading as a nation but it would be called propaganda. So i like to present my case as what can only be described as civil war in india over failure to define itself legally as a nation state.

It is quite clear from your own post here that different ethnic and lingual group cannot coexist peacefully together as extinction of the other is the next possible thought.
yes we maybe a mob masquerading as a nation,,,,but we have a defined identity.
U dont hear India ka matlab kya,,,do u
U n ur chelas can appropriate us as many symbols,signs,slogans,slurs,,,,,,,,,,,doesnt chnge anythng,,,,,,still we dont hear india ka matlab kya,,coz tht discussion is reserved for the confused thali ka baingans :D

You have not answered one question posed to you while i have been quite definite about the issue
All roots originated from single man Hazrat Adam A.S who believed in oneness of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and was not idol worshipper like these hindus, idol worship was invented later by some people who had no rational thinking and had low iq level
Being a follower of Prophet (SAW) is bigger and greater than any tribal or national root

Your "root" means nothing in front of Allah. All those roots are just for distinction and that's all
I just came here after a long long time to welcome all the 30-40 crore lost souls of Bangladesh and Pakistan back to their illustrious roots, to their forefather's ancient culture, traditions, and religion; Hinduism, and create a dharmik Akhand Bharat.

Thank you. :)
I just came here after a long long time to welcome all the 30-40 crore lost souls of Bangladesh and Pakistan back to their illustrious roots, to their forefather's ancient culture, traditions, and religion; Hinduism, and create a dharmik Akhand Bharat.

Thank you. :)

Did you happen to leave around Feb 27, 2019?
I just came here after a long long time to welcome all the 30-40 crore lost souls of Bangladesh and Pakistan back to their illustrious roots, to their forefather's ancient culture, traditions, and religion; Hinduism, and create a dharmik Akhand Bharat.

Thank you. :)

Show evidence Bangladeshis were Hindus ever in history before 1000 AD invasion of caste Hindu Sena dynasty. Show archaeological data of Hindu worshiping places which suggests that Hindu worshiping places existed before 1000 AD. Your masters in Pakistan maybe were Hindus not Bangladeshis. Hindus are alien to BD and very recent migrants, mostly during British time the caste Hindus settled in Bengal. Similar to Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The settled Hindu converts may have roots in Hinduism but not Bangladeshis in general. Even pure convert Muslim from Hindu is hard to find. As Bangladeshis are mixed people and close to East Asia. Im working on a project which suggest Human migration occurred from Bangladesh region who defeated Neanderthal and spread-ed Human all over the world, similar to today.


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