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We want a United States of Europe says top EU official


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
A campaign for the European Union to become a "United States ofEurope" will be the "best weapon against the Eurosceptics", one of Brussels' most senior officials has said.

Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission and the longest serving Brussels commissioner, has called for "a true political union" to be put on the agenda for EU elections this spring.

"We need to build a United States of Europe with the Commission as government and two chambers – the European Parliament and a "Senate" of Member States," she said.

Mrs Reding's vision, which is shared by many in the European institutions, would transform the EU into superstate relegating national governments and parliaments to a minor political role equivalent to that played by local councils in Britain.

We want a United States of Europe says top EU official - Telegraph

The on-going crisis has triggered a very necessary public debate about where Europe is heading. To make Economic and Monetary Union truly irreversible and to regain trust and confidence, it is important to give citizens and companies a perspective on what Europe will look like in 2020. For Vice-President Reding, strengthening Europe and strengthening Europe's legitimacy can be best done by turning our Union into a United States of Europe.

As in the U.S., we will need a two-chamber system for the United States of Europe. A durable political Union with a strong government (the Commission) and two Chambers: the European Parliament and a 'Senate' of Member States. This European government must be accountable to the directly elected European Parliament.

Towards a United States of Europe
though european countries are quite developed,their population and country size is less and thus they have limited influence.and it is decreasing day by day with the rise of asia.
this union will help in many ways,but of course will also bring about many problems.

@flamer84 what's your personal opinion on this?
though european countries are quite developed,their population and country size is less and thus they have limited influence.and it is decreasing day by day with the rise of asia.
this union will help in many ways,but of course will also bring about many problems.

@flamer84 what's your personal opinion on this?

Well,it's debatable on how this Union will work.For example,today,i don't like how unelected EU commissionars get to impose laws on all of us.The process must become more democratic.

Second,altough it's clear that this is the natural way for Europe if we want to retain a significant geo-political role in the future i don't want our cultural-ethnicity to disapear in a melting pot where only the strong shall prevail over the weak-let's say in 2 generations everyone will speak german/french/english as de facto language of this superstate.I want (personal example) romanian language,traditions to endure even if only with a regional,marginal existence.

All in all,i am for it but with several conditions:

-Total democracy and transparence on how the state is ruled.
-Continental Referendums as a rule for major decisions
-Cultural and Educational autonomy for all the future "regions" to ensure the survival of different ethnicities,especially the smaller ones which risk to be engulfed.
though european countries are quite developed,their population and country size is less and thus they have limited influence.and it is decreasing day by day with the rise of asia.
this union will help in many ways,but of course will also bring about many problems.

@flamer84 what's your personal opinion on this?

Well big European powers like Germany, Britain and France have large economies, technologically advanced militaries, high standards of living and are very influential in the world. So it would be wrong to say they have limited influence.

India is a LONG way behind achieving the power and influence of those three countries and most Asian countries will never be more powerful than Germany, Britain and France.

In Asia, only China has surpassed the power and influence of Germany, Britain and France. I would put Japan in the same category as Germany, Britain and France.

A "United States of Europe" would be a very powerful Superpower, as collectively all the European nations are very powerful.
with the rise of asia.

Do you remember a trade dispute from last year between China and EU in regards to solar panels?

Today, 75% of Chinese manufacturers are out of business, the rest have a fixed price at which they can sell a predetermined number of panels and the Chinese government just unveiled a massive programme of buying solar panels to help keep the remaining 25% of companies afloat.

And this is not me saying Asia isn't important, it's just putting your view into perspective.
Unlikely. European countries are very proud of their rich history and past, culture as well. Won't let go of all of that for a superstate. Eastern European countries as it is feel closer to Russia than to any of the Western European countries. Still lots of divisions and disagreements.

At best there can a confederation of sorts. But a single country or union ? Very unlikely.
Unlikely. European countries are very proud of their rich history and past, culture as well. Won't let go of all of that for a superstate. Eastern European countries as it is feel closer to Russia than to any of the Western European countries. Still lots of divisions and disagreements.

At best there can a confederation of sorts. But a single country or union ? Very unlikely.

:what: o_O Aside from Serbia (currently not in the EU) ,Greece,Bulgaria (more of a neutral simpathy at best) nobody feels close to Russia ,nor do they want to or simpatise it much in Eastern Europe.

On the contrary,there are strong anti feelings,for good reasons.
Well big European powers like Germany, Britain and France have large economies, technologically advanced militaries, high standards of living and are very influential in the world. So it would be wrong to say they have limited influence.

India is a LONG way behind achieving the power and influence of those three countries and most Asian countries will never be more powerful than Germany, Britain and France.

In Asia, only China has surpassed the power and influence of Germany, Britain and France. I would put Japan in the same category as Germany, Britain and France.

A "United States of Europe" would be a very powerful Superpower, as collectively all the European nations are very powerful.

Not going to happen for a long time if ever.

Here in the UK most people will be glad to leave the EU if given the chance.

Germans would never agree to permanently subsidise the Southern European states such as Spain, Portugal and Greece.

Europeans feel more loyalty to their nations than any Pan-European identity.
:what: o_O Aside from Serbia (currently not in the EU) ,Greece,Bulgaria (more of a neutral simpathy at best) nobody feels close to Russia ,nor do they want to or simpatise it much in Eastern Europe.

On the contrary,there are strong anti feelings,for good reasons.

Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria , Poland , Latvia, Lithuania etc ? Being a European you would probably know more but I would like to hear about this from some other Russians or Eastern Europeans as well.
:what: o_O Aside from Serbia (currently not in the EU) ,Greece,Bulgaria (more of a neutral simpathy at best) nobody feels close to Russia ,nor do they want to or simpatise it much in Eastern Europe.

On the contrary,there are strong anti feelings,for good reasons.

There more divisions within Europe than this. A political union might create havoc and even start a power struggle.

Western Europe has never truly accepted the balkans and eastern europe as their equal partners and this could be a stumbling block in the political union.
Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria , Poland , Latvia, Lithuania etc ? Being a European you would probably know more but I would like to hear about this from some other Russians or Eastern Europeans as well.

Belarus-yes,correct,they're practically russians.

Poland-They're slavs but a big NO-much hate towards the russians.

Bulgarians-not really,they didn't take well to communism

Latvia,Lithuania,-Another big NO,they were opressed and feel (rightfully so) that the russians tried to exterminate them.Much hate towards Russia from there to.

Ukraine-50/50....in 2015 elections it will be decided i guess as the parties are clear-pro and anti Russia

There more divisions within Europe than this. A political union might create havoc and even start a power struggle.

Western Europe has never truly accepted the balkans and eastern europe as their equal partners and this could be a stumbling block in the political union.

Ofcourse there are divisions,we're talking about 28 countries but Europe is way ahead the rest of the world when it comes to bridging different ethnicities.Believe me Western Europe is wayyyy more fond of EE than outside Europe immigrants.With the exception of the UK maybe.I think they will leave anyway.
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This is being used as a weapon by the anti EU folks here in the UK. No one and I include the pro EU crowd wants the above. This will only hasten the exit of the UK.

I wonder what other European folks say about this, particularly the more dominant states i.e. Germany and France.
[quote="flamer84, post: 5126313, member: 145300"
Of course there are divisions,we're talking about 28 countries but Europe is way ahead the rest of the world when it comes to bridging different ethnicities.Believe me Western Europe is wayyyy more fond of EE than outside Europe immigrants.With the exception of the UK maybe.I think they will leave anyway.[/quote]

Not sure about other EU countries but here in the UK, even EE immigrants immigrants are not that well liked. It may have something to do with the numbers here.

Anyway, any EU superstate will have to leave out the UK.
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