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We, the Cows


Oct 15, 2010
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We, the Cows
All cows are created equal, but cows born in Karnal or Kanpur or Alwar are more equal than cows born in Kochi or Kohima or Imphal. Every week mobs are lynching, torturing and humiliating innocent Muslims and Dalits in the name and under the pretext of cow protection.
Written by Basant Rath | New Delhi | Updated: June 27, 2017 7:40 am
From Jhajjar to Jharkhand, from Dadri to Latehar and from Una to Alwar, a reign of terror in the name of cow protection has spread in some states in the country. (Representational photo)
Who resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, secular, democratic republic on November 26, 1949? We, the People of India, or We, the Cows of some states of India? Does the protection of cow override the fundamental rights of Dalits and Muslims as the citizens of this nation?

From Jhajjar to Jharkhand, from Dadri to Latehar and from Una to Alwar, a reign of terror in the name of cow protection has spread in some states in the country. Irrespective of the veracity of the claims – real, rumoured or WhatsApped – of the criminal mobs bent on taking law into their politically protected hands, the moment an Akhlaq in Dadri or a Naeem in Shobhapur is justified in dettol-sanitised TV studios, the cause for lynching becomes arbitrary.

Any alleged harm to the cause of cow protection has suddenly become reason enough to justify street-level mafia-style instant justice at the hands of a mob baying for human blood and bones. No proof needs to be provided and no legal procedures to be followed. If a mob suddenly decides one fine morning that the cow is being wronged, it can chase anyone, drag them out of their houses and kill them.

As organised criminal squads roam India’s highways inspecting livestock trucks for any trace of the animal and terrorise citizens of this country, the Supreme Court has issued notices to Rajasthan along with five other Indian states namely Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Karnataka and to the central government asking for a ban on such groups.

Every week mobs are lynching, torturing and humiliating innocent Muslims and Dalits in the name and under the pretext of cow protection. They have unleashed a reign of terror. And the police have turned inaction into an art form. Their ability and willingness to turn a blind eye to the organised criminal activities of the so-called cow protectors has ended up making the organised gangs and their leaders confident enough to commit crimes in full public view and film their heinous acts with their smartphones for publicity.

This criminal behaviour is not an offspring of an unanticipated emotional hour, the abrupt outburst of uncontrolled anger, or the irrational brutality of an insane mob. It represents the contrived, cool, calculating deliberation of intelligent criminals who know that they’ll get away with their inhuman deeds and that they have enough political and police protectors to take care of the legal consequences.

Talking about the law, let’s remember this.

All cows are created equal, but cows born in Karnal or Kanpur or Alwar are more equal than cows born in Kochi or Kohima or Imphal.

In Haryana, the maximum sentence for a convicted rapist is three years less than for a cow-slaughtering offence. As many as 67 cases per day of crimes against women are being recorded these days, but the truth is that molesting a woman is a smaller offence than being in possession of beef.

Haryana, second only to Uttar Pradesh, in the number of complaints against the police, can take credit for another indicator. Over the last 15 years, crimes against Scheduled Castes in Haryana have shown a seven-fold increase, second only to Rajasthan in absolute numbers.

Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are in good company. Jharkhand is fast catching up. Perhaps the police leaders in these states believe that silence is not only golden, it leads to a goldmine for their careers as well.

As a member of the Indian Police Service myself, I have, in fact, a few questions for my fellow officers in these states:

How many of you saw that photograph of the young man from East Singhbhum, Jharkhand – blood trickling down his head and drenching his white vest, hands together in supplication and eyes filled with fear — pleading for mercy and struggling to convince those hunting him that he is innocent?

Did you avert your gaze? Did you look at his eyes? Did you look and not feel sick with bile that rose in your mouth? Did you look and argue What, If, What If and But? Did you feel his indignities in your bones? Did he remind you of Qutubuddin Ansari, whose pleading image in front of a rioting mob in Gujarat in 2002 became the face of one of independent India’s worst communal episodes?

His name was Mohammed Naeem and he was the father of three children. He cried like a helpless infant about to be mauled by a group of mad dogs. They lynched him anyway, in Shobhapur, less than an hour’s drive from Jamshedpur. Another group of three men were killed less than 20 kms away in a string of raids triggered by rumours about child kidnapping gangs. The police reached the spot before the last of the fatal blows landed on him. Their inaction follows a familiar pattern.

Question is, what makes men kill other men even if they don’t like what they eat ? When did the mob start meting out morality, trashing the Constitution which refuses to distinguish between citizens on the basis of identity? And why are these lynch-mobs, masquerading as cow-protection groups, growing by the day?

As we celebrate the 70th year of independence a few weeks from now, let us recall the nature of the freedom struggle that became the bedrock of the Constitution. We swore to become a sovereign, secular, democratic republic and have tried to keep the faith for decades. Until now. Today the sanctity accorded to the most precious right of all, the fundamental right to life, under Article 21, is under grave threat.

But We, the People, are and must remain sovereign. The cows, on the other hand, must go back to where they belong, in a ‘gaushala.
Crap wasn't Jharkhand lynching because the people were suspected to be child kidnappers and even 3 Hindus were killed by the mob?? Talk about screaming victim all the time! :D:D

We, the Cows
All cows are created equal, but cows born in Karnal or Kanpur or Alwar are more equal than cows born in Kochi or Kohima or Imphal. Every week mobs are lynching, torturing and humiliating innocent Muslims and Dalits in the name and under the pretext of cow protection.
Written by Basant Rath | New Delhi | Updated: June 27, 2017 7:40 am
From Jhajjar to Jharkhand, from Dadri to Latehar and from Una to Alwar, a reign of terror in the name of cow protection has spread in some states in the country. (Representational photo)
Who resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, secular, democratic republic on November 26, 1949? We, the People of India, or We, the Cows of some states of India? Does the protection of cow override the fundamental rights of Dalits and Muslims as the citizens of this nation?

From Jhajjar to Jharkhand, from Dadri to Latehar and from Una to Alwar, a reign of terror in the name of cow protection has spread in some states in the country. Irrespective of the veracity of the claims – real, rumoured or WhatsApped – of the criminal mobs bent on taking law into their politically protected hands, the moment an Akhlaq in Dadri or a Naeem in Shobhapur is justified in dettol-sanitised TV studios, the cause for lynching becomes arbitrary.

Any alleged harm to the cause of cow protection has suddenly become reason enough to justify street-level mafia-style instant justice at the hands of a mob baying for human blood and bones. No proof needs to be provided and no legal procedures to be followed. If a mob suddenly decides one fine morning that the cow is being wronged, it can chase anyone, drag them out of their houses and kill them.

As organised criminal squads roam India’s highways inspecting livestock trucks for any trace of the animal and terrorise citizens of this country, the Supreme Court has issued notices to Rajasthan along with five other Indian states namely Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Karnataka and to the central government asking for a ban on such groups.

Every week mobs are lynching, torturing and humiliating innocent Muslims and Dalits in the name and under the pretext of cow protection. They have unleashed a reign of terror. And the police have turned inaction into an art form. Their ability and willingness to turn a blind eye to the organised criminal activities of the so-called cow protectors has ended up making the organised gangs and their leaders confident enough to commit crimes in full public view and film their heinous acts with their smartphones for publicity.

This criminal behaviour is not an offspring of an unanticipated emotional hour, the abrupt outburst of uncontrolled anger, or the irrational brutality of an insane mob. It represents the contrived, cool, calculating deliberation of intelligent criminals who know that they’ll get away with their inhuman deeds and that they have enough political and police protectors to take care of the legal consequences.

Talking about the law, let’s remember this.

All cows are created equal, but cows born in Karnal or Kanpur or Alwar are more equal than cows born in Kochi or Kohima or Imphal.

In Haryana, the maximum sentence for a convicted rapist is three years less than for a cow-slaughtering offence. As many as 67 cases per day of crimes against women are being recorded these days, but the truth is that molesting a woman is a smaller offence than being in possession of beef.

Haryana, second only to Uttar Pradesh, in the number of complaints against the police, can take credit for another indicator. Over the last 15 years, crimes against Scheduled Castes in Haryana have shown a seven-fold increase, second only to Rajasthan in absolute numbers.

Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are in good company. Jharkhand is fast catching up. Perhaps the police leaders in these states believe that silence is not only golden, it leads to a goldmine for their careers as well.

As a member of the Indian Police Service myself, I have, in fact, a few questions for my fellow officers in these states:

How many of you saw that photograph of the young man from East Singhbhum, Jharkhand – blood trickling down his head and drenching his white vest, hands together in supplication and eyes filled with fear — pleading for mercy and struggling to convince those hunting him that he is innocent?

Did you avert your gaze? Did you look at his eyes? Did you look and not feel sick with bile that rose in your mouth? Did you look and argue What, If, What If and But? Did you feel his indignities in your bones? Did he remind you of Qutubuddin Ansari, whose pleading image in front of a rioting mob in Gujarat in 2002 became the face of one of independent India’s worst communal episodes?

His name was Mohammed Naeem and he was the father of three children. He cried like a helpless infant about to be mauled by a group of mad dogs. They lynched him anyway, in Shobhapur, less than an hour’s drive from Jamshedpur. Another group of three men were killed less than 20 kms away in a string of raids triggered by rumours about child kidnapping gangs. The police reached the spot before the last of the fatal blows landed on him. Their inaction follows a familiar pattern.

Question is, what makes men kill other men even if they don’t like what they eat ? When did the mob start meting out morality, trashing the Constitution which refuses to distinguish between citizens on the basis of identity? And why are these lynch-mobs, masquerading as cow-protection groups, growing by the day?

As we celebrate the 70th year of independence a few weeks from now, let us recall the nature of the freedom struggle that became the bedrock of the Constitution. We swore to become a sovereign, secular, democratic republic and have tried to keep the faith for decades. Until now. Today the sanctity accorded to the most precious right of all, the fundamental right to life, under Article 21, is under grave threat.

But We, the People, are and must remain sovereign. The cows, on the other hand, must go back to where they belong, in a ‘gaushala.
In Pakistan if anyone do not read quran it's a crime there.Here the we treat cow as goddess and these radicals and liberals eat them.We hindus tolerate it because we think that ,we should change eating habits in the name of god.
But when these liberals and muslims start boasting about beef eating ,it is then when problem arises. these pseudo-secular bastards just think they will boast they will be safe ,they do not even think that it can hurt anybody of their community.
Also Beef was never banned only illegal slaughter houses are banned.It helps in controlling pollution and also if people will go to legal slaughter house ,the meat or beef they will get is clean and hygenic.
Eat anything you want ,but do not boast about it as it will lead to lynching and murders etc etc of other people living far away by hands of extremists( I think its fair also as minority should live like minority and do not cross line as it will only harm them ).
Also we respect women more than cows and because of some bastards (mostly) dalits and muslims in india does crimes related to women ,Our government is working to change rules have been made regarding women safety.Many policies regarding this also made by government.That's why male:female ratio has been increased in Haryana.
I know religion is like disease spreading all over the world ,but each religion should respect other religions beliefs and there gods.
In Pakistan if anyone do not read quran it's a crime there.Here the we treat cow as goddess and these radicals and liberals eat them.We hindus tolerate it because we think that ,we should change eating habits in the name of god.
But when these liberals and muslims start boasting about beef eating ,it is then when problem arises. these pseudo-secular bastards just think they will boast they will be safe ,they do not even think that it can hurt anybody of their community.
Also Beef was never banned only illegal slaughter houses are banned.It helps in controlling pollution and also if people will go to legal slaughter house ,the meat or beef they will get is clean and hygenic.
Eat anything you want ,but do not boast about it as it will lead to lynching and murders etc etc of other people living far away by hands of extremists( I think its fair also as minority should live like minority and do not cross line as it will only harm them ).
Also we respect women more than cows and because of some bastards (mostly) dalits and muslims in india does crimes related to women ,Our government is working to change rules have been made regarding women safety.Many policies regarding this also made by government.That's why male:female ratio has been increased in Haryana.
I know religion is like disease spreading all over the world ,but each religion should respect other religions beliefs and there gods.
Wrong.In Pakistan if someone does not read Quran is not punished.It is a matter b/w him and Allah(SWT).

Be aware
What an Ironic post by a policeman from J&K.

In his state, a cop was lynched because the people in the mosque thought he was a hindu :lol: Irony just died a thousand deaths.
What an Ironic post by a policeman from J&K.

In his state, a cop was lynched because the people in the mosque thought he was a hindu :lol: Irony just died a thousand deaths.
He was lynched (a sad incident) because of his stupidity,

He knows he was on spy mission just to keep watch on crowd and after crowd suspect him he opens fire at them injured couple of people which angered the crowd and he was beaten to death.
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He was lynched (a sad incident) because of his stupidity,

He knows he was on spy mission just to keep watch on crowd and after crowd suspect him he opens fire at then injured couple of people which angered the crowd and he was beaten to death.

He was foolish enough to believe his own hubris about "peace loving muslim" nonsense and sent his colleagues home.

Beyond that he was just doing his job as a cop and did what every cop does.
He was foolish enough to believe his own hubris about "peace loving muslim" nonsense and sent his colleagues home.

Beyond that he was just doing his job as a cop and did what every cop does.
His foolishness cost him his life.
Only because the muslims thought he was a hindu :lol: ................ maybe he should have worn a green cap or a mulla beard.
No they know him that is why the recognize him and ask him to leave the place which he refuses and pointed gun at crowd and even fire few rounds at people which resulted injuries to people and as a result agitated crowd takes the revenge from oppressor on the spot, there is no difference Hindu or Muslim he was serving to barbaric regime and for promotion they staged fake encounters and Kashmiris has zero sympathy for them.
No they know him that is why the recognize him and ask him to leave the place which he refuses and pointed gun at crowd and even fire few rounds at people which resulted injuries to people and as a result agitated crowd takes the revenge from oppressor on the spot, there is no difference Hindu or Muslim he was serving to barbaric regime and for promotion they staged fake encounters and Kashmiris has zero sympathy for them.

LOL........spare me your propaganda. Tell them to some pakistani.

All is know is all spices should be equal before roasting the tasty cow :enjoy:

There are people who are actually dying in India because of this nonsense. Maybe you could show some sensitivity towards them by either condemning their fate in terms of liberal/secular values (since you claim to be a secular person), or keep your mouth shut. You add no value to the discussion by mocking something like an uneducated hoodlum.

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