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"We signed Wind Tunnel Protocol cooperation with Pakistan's DESTO "- Turkish Aerospace

Someone just got a fat pay check!
they slowly will get some N technologies
Sure, but what does Pakistan have that would require it? A small drone, sure, but that seems excessive since it would be flying subsonic and aerodynamics wouldn't be as important as say a fighter jet or advanced drone.
Aerodynamics are important for anything that flies, no matter how slow.

This is most probably for GIDS to test their UAV's...
Aerodynamics are important for anything that flies, no matter how slow.

This is most probably for GIDS to test their UAV's...
It is important, I agree, but for a small drone is it enough to use a wind tunnel?

I don't know. Maybe I'm completely wrong and over thinking things.
Well, anything that flies can be tested in a wind tunnel. Be it a small UAV, stand off weapon or otherwise. Nothing suspicious here.
And cars
its a 5th gen fighter programme. Shabaz has seen how india wants to get those F35's and is moving one step ahead - just make our own with help of China and Turkey
I think Shahpar 3 is a full fledged UAV with 40,000feet altitude and 40Hours endurance so we have reached at a point where we can start a new yet more sophisticated UAV
Anka 3 type UAV may be
Has Shahpar 3 actually finished development?
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