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we must go for disintegration of Pakistan,break-up into pieces-Swamy on ceasefire violation

Any muslim or non muslim who does not take India as supreme can very well go to hell or jump in arabian sea. we will give free transport. India was made for everyone not as some fanatic state like Pakistan and its India first.

Well 99% of ppl in your country don't care what you think.
V P singh had said that if a war take place between India and pakistan, We shall not stop until our strategic objectives are achieved. India might have a contingency plan in in cold storage which may be activated some time in conflict type of situation can not be denied.
Pakistanis should consider becoming Sikhs. especially Punjabis... my honest suggestion. better religion will change your mentality.
Pakistanis should consider becoming Sikhs. especially Punjabis... my honest suggestion. better religion will change your mentality.
Ok, suckdeep I'll be off to my local Gurdwara right this second. I always liked the look of those turbans.
Ok, suckdeep I'll be off to my local Gurdwara right this second. I always liked the look of those turbans.
yep Abdulla Bhai go right now ..turbans are always better than skull cap... ist it...my name is robinder singh ..go to local gurudwara n get baptized. it might sound harsh but your current religion is more like a cult..no offence. it was good for kingsof 15th century who would call jehad and some verses and people would die for his lust of more power..

Sikhs are much more respected in this world than your kin. that because our religion teach us universal brotherhood and better values.

no trolling but think rationally.. the Arabic religion promotes Arabic customs.. to learn kuran one has to master Arabic or it can be interpreted in whatever ways... Sikhism is a Punjabi religion. it promotes Punjabi culture.

although Pakistanis would look like bhapa Sikhs once converted and many wont like such fugly people among us I would say we shouldn't care about looks. diversity is always welcome
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yep bundbadulla go right now ..turbans are always better than skull cap... ist it...

Sikhs are much more respected in this world than your kin. that because our religion teach us universal brotherhood and better values.

no trolling but think rationally.. the Arabic religion promotes Arabic customs.. to learn kuran one has to master Arabic or it can be interpreted in whatever ways... Sikhism is a Punjabi religion. it promotes Punjabi culture.

although Pakistanis would look like bhapa Sikhs once converted and many wont like such fugly people among us I would say we shouldn't care about looks. diversity is always welcome
Bloody Muslims ayy anyways I’m back from the Gurdwara, the turbans feels a bit heavy but I’ll get used to it.

Yes, it is true the Sikhs are world renowned for their beauty especially the Sikh women. She can grow a better beard than me FML

she is suffering from cystic ovarian syndrome yet she is not afraid to show herself as guru kee sikhni.... I rather salute such women than those in burka who are nothing more than cattles.....imagine if she was muslim women she would been killed
she is suffering from cystic ovarian syndrome yet she is not afraid to show herself as guru kee sikhni.... I rather salute such women than those in burka who are nothing more than cattles.....imagine if she was muslim women she would been killed
Yes I agree those Muslims are barbaric I’m just so glad I’ve become a Sikh. By the way when am I going to get that awesome sword .
Yes I agree those Muslims are barbaric I’m just so glad I’ve become a Sikh. By the way when am I going to get that awesome sword .
good for you.. now stop saying that stupic illa ballila Abdulla stuff every moring.
those of you muslim only because your parents were muslims should think rationally and be Sikhs. there is no 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven.. be sure about it. believe only what you see with your eyes.. rest is falsehood.. i will leave it to your conscience now.
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