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Mass graves in IOK: a cause of concern
The confirmation of unnamed mass graves by the Human Rights Commission in occupied Kashmir has sent shock waves across the globe. A report released after a probe by the investigation wing of the Commission revealed that it is beyond doubt that there are as many as 2156 unidentified bodies buried in unmarked graves at 38 sites in Baramulla, Bandipore, Handwara and Kupwara areas of North Kashmir. The report said that all these bodies with bullet injuries were handed over by the police to the local population for burial and were classified as unidentified militants (Mujahideen).

This is for the first time that any official body has made such disclosures. Earlier in 2008, the International Peoples' Tribunal on Kashmir in its report had disclosed the presence of such over 2700 graves across the occupied territory. Subsequently, the European Parliament had passed a resolution on July 10, 2008, demanding of India to conduct an impartial and thorough probe into the matter to ascertain the identity of those buried in these graves but New Delhi is yet to respond to the demand.

All these graves are believed to contain the bodies of those who have been killed by Indian police and troops in fake encounters and in custody over the years. The disclosures have raised concern among the family members and relatives of those over ten thousand innocent Kashmiris who have been subjected to custodial disappearance by the occupation forces during the past 22 years about their safety.

As this report of the Commission is based on the verified findings of its own team of investigators there is nothing to question its authenticity but unfortunately, and to nobody's surprise, the first reaction of the puppet administration of the occupied territory was that the report was 'yet to be seen' by the concerned authorities. This kind of attitude speaks volumes about the seriousness of the authorities towards bringing the truth to fore.

Unfortunately, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have been facing the worst kind of Indian state terrorism for the past over sixty-four years just for challenging its illegal occupation of their soil. Indian troops under the protection of draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Public Safety Act and Disturbed Area Act had been committing gross human rights violations in the occupied territory to suppress the Kashmiris' just struggle for securing their inalienable right to self-determination. During the last two decades alone more than one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been killed, thousands have been disappeared in custody and hundreds of others continue to remain behind the bars for demanding this right.

The Hurriyet leadership and the human rights activists of the occupied territory in their reaction to the revelations have maintained that the discovery of the mass graves have vindicated their stand that the occupation forces are engaged in the genocide of the Kashmiris. The world rights bodies like the Amnesty International have also expressed concern over the matter demanding its impartial probe.

The civilized world cannot afford to ignore these shocking revelations. India should come forward and bring forth the facts by identification of the dead bodies. For this purpose it should start DNA testing without any delay as this method is used and acknowledged across the world and give exemplary punishment to the erring personnel. Moreover, it is also responsibility of the international community to impress upon New Delhi to fulfill its obligations towards the issue. It should also hold India accountable for committing war crimes in the occupied territory if any foul play is proved. If it is done, it will help in stopping the occurrence of such incidents in the territory in future.


Jan. 1989 to Dec. 31, 2011
Total Killings * 93,712
Custodial Killings 6,989
Civilians Arrested 119,752
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,936
Women Widowed 22,762
Children Orphaned 107,434
Women gang-raped / Molested 10,021

Yeah, they were all terrorists/militants. Yup. Keep lying to yourself Indians.
its really great to see the american true colours, they are not decieving us now, they never supported kashmir stance or helped us brining anything concrete to the peace in the region anyway

US is weak and can do us no favours anyway
Lets look at it this way..

HOW much.. are effected.. in case Kashmir goes either way?
Some cheers.. laughs.. glee .. ego boost.
But thats it.. You dont make a billion overnight.. neither do I.
No free electricity.. no free petrol.. no free food.
Kashmir this side of the LOC or the other looks the same.. valleys.. mountains.. smelly people in the winters(really.. its cold to take a frequent bath).. there isnt going to be some unobtanium discovered in either parts of the valley..nor are we going to discover salvation.
The glaciers are changing their paths frequently now.. so water is as unpredictable as before.
Pakistan is still going to keep screwing itself over daily thanks to its leaders...
Sachin will still be unable to make his dream century..
What the HELL are we on over the internet about it everyday for anyway? :coffee:

Its called venting .. Normally good for blood pressure if taken in moderation... ;)

---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------

I don't care if Kashmir becomes a part of Pakistan, but the oppression of the people needs to be stopped. Also they should be able to decide for themselves what they want. My grandfather's family comes from the Jammu area, and that's why I have soft corner in my heart for their sufferings.

Well to that, I was born in Srinagar..

But why on Kashmiris should get the privilege of deciding for them selves..After all right of self determination has nothing to do with the India-Pakistan-UNSC dispute.. Lets do this in every single state/province of India and Pakistan :D
well i saw both maps it shows Pakistani administrated part of Kashmir (azad Kashmir & northern area ) under the Pakistani map & Indian administrated part of Kashmir under the Indian map. It does not show the Indian administered part of Kashmir under the Pakistani map because the Pakistani Constitution claims whole of Kashmir it can claim whatever it wants to doesn't change the ground realities. Neither does it shows Pakistan administrated part of Kashmir under the Indian map because the Indian constitution claims whole of Kashmir it can claim whatever it wants to doesn't change the ground realities. so what's the problem here

map of India


map of Pakistan


map of China


map of south & central Asia

South and Central Asian Affairs: Countries and Other Areas

it clearly shows the line of control dividing the two part's of Kashmir between India & Pakistan along with line of actual control
dividing parts of Kashmir between India & China
i repeat nowhere does it shows the whole of Kashmir as India's or Pakistan's or China's but rightly shows & distinguishes each part's of Kashmir which fall under the control of the three countries individually through the line of control & line of actual control
This chemistry probably only applies to the other side of the border or is it called cherry picking. Relatively speaking, when a mass grave is discovered, is it relevant how many bodies does it really contain. ?? !! Now let me ask you, have you ever heard of the quote, "a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing".

Every sentence there is irrelevant. There was no cherry picking involved, I was merely telling you that your quotation is out of place and inappropriate for the context. Nobody said anything about the number of bodies.

Yes I have heard that quote, and funnily enough, it is from the same poem that I quoted from, Alexander Pope's "Essay on criticism". It brought both the quotes "just enough learning to misquote" and "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" to the english language. He is the second most quoted author in english after shakespeare. Any further doubts?

Do you really want to continue to find out which one of us has "a little learning"? Or would you rather just stop trying to come up with intelligent quotes and making irrelevant statements in the process?

Here is another one to clear any of your doubts.

If graffiti or banners would define national policies on territories, then would the below change your stand on Balochistan


---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 PM ----------

sir why you are not giving freedom to Kashmir

Dont feel like it.. If we do that we will have one less topic on defence.pk

---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------

Just because your army said so, it's true? That logic is ridiculous. They can label anyone a terrorist and kill them? That is truly oppressive.

Your army does that too.. And the forum is full of kaseedas being read for Pakistani Fauj.. Why cant we do the same ;)

Although my heart goes out to the 4 guys holding up signs, I believe this video is more appropriate.
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Indian Army has always said that it does not have the power to forgive terrorists,only god has that power to do so.So Indian Army can only help in facilatating them to meet god.
The person who keeps on ranting about the graves should know that the story was broken by State Human Rights Commission ( a part of the government of India).

When things start improving, both sides have to start coming clean on what the other did.

If you read the report, it states clearly that most of these graves are near the border. In an anti-infiltration operation, militants get killed and they are buried unmarked. What were you expecting - "21 topon ki salami"? :P

Yes, I'm not denying the possibility of civilians who have been wrongly killed being dumped there but most of them are those who call themselves the liberators of Kashmir / the brave fighters of Islam. They get killed ( the no. are somewhere in 10s of thousands) and their effect till now has been Zilch.

Of all the human rights cases investigated against the army only 3% of the accusations were found to be true.

The person who keeps on ranting about the graves should know that the story was broken by State Human Rights Commission ( a part of the government of India).

When things start improving, both sides have to start coming clean on what the other did.

If you read the report, it states clearly that most of these graves are near the border. In an anti-infiltration operation, militants get killed and they are buried unmarked. What were you expecting - "21 topon ki salami"?

Yes, I'm not denying the possibility of civilians who have been wrongly killed being dumped there but most of them are those who call themselves the liberators of Kashmir / the brave fighters of Islam. They get killed ( the no. are somewhere in 10s of thousands) and their effect till now has been Zilch.


Jan. 1989 to Dec. 31, 2011
Total Killings * 93,712
Custodial Killings 6,989
Civilians Arrested 119,752
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,936
Women Widowed 22,762
Children Orphaned 107,434
Women gang-raped / Molested 10,021

This all happened near the border?

Although my heart goes out to the 4 guys holding up signs, I believe this video is more appropriate.

I have similar ones for Balochistan mate.. And a lot of others where a lot of Balochi people are chanting their own version of Pakistan ka matlab kya.. ;)

I mean if you intend to keep sticking to going off topic..:azn:
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Jan. 1989 to Dec. 31, 2011
Total Killings * 93,712
Custodial Killings 6,989
Civilians Arrested 119,752
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,936
Women Widowed 22,762
Children Orphaned 107,434
Women gang-raped / Molested 10,021

This all happened near the border?

As far as killings, among them there are terrorists, security forces too.

and your source for women raped is?
I have similar ones for Balochistan mate.. And a lot of others where a lot of Balochi people are chanting their own version of Pakistan ka matlab kya..

I mean if you intend to keep sticking to going off topic..

Baluchistan in not a disputed territory in the UN. I am not going off-topic. I said the Kashmiris have a right to decide for themselves what they want.
Jan. 1989 to Dec. 31, 2011
Total Killings * 93,712
Custodial Killings 6,989
Civilians Arrested 119,752
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,936
Women Widowed 22,762
Children Orphaned 107,434
Women gang-raped / Molested 10,021

This all happened near the border?

No, these happened in the imagination of the person who wrote it on an unheard website with an agenda. Can you find these numbers in any established proper mainstream news organisation? Reuters? Lemonde? AFP? Xinhua?

Especially the women gangraped or molested statistic. Find that in a proper accredited news organisation, not random websites.
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